Musik / folk

Good and green again

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 17. feb. 2022



Mads Lind

d. 17. feb. 2022

"På sit seneste album, Good and Green Again, støver han fortidens glemte folkesange så smukt af, at det faktisk bliver tvivlsomt, om støvet overhovedet nogensinde havde lagt sig ... Good and Green Again tæller ni numre, hvoraf der også er et par originale kompositioner. Materialet varierer fra kortere instrumentale motiver, over sjælere, til et langdigt-agtigt heltekvad. Det har alt sammen rod i den nordamerikansk folkemusiktradition, men trækker også på nyere stilarter med både fyldig countryæstetik og sjælfulde beats. Overordnet er den harmoniske pallette meget traditionel og elegant, om end lidt uoverraskende".


2022 February



John Mulvey

2022 February

"North Carolina's songfinder general weaves new folk art out of old material".

Record collector

527 (2022 January)



Steve Burniston

527 (2022 January)

"Fussell's fourth album sees him drawing again on traditional sources while also contributing his own songs to create a cohesive, brilliant collection. The opening track, "Love Farewell", draws you in immediately with its poignant evocation of loss, soundtracked by the band's beautiful performance. Indeed, the band are excellent throughout. Other dazzling moments include the intense waves of sound and emotion that surge across "Carriebelle", "Rolling Mills Are Burning Down" and "The Golden Willow Tree"'s maritime drama ... The mysterious spectral closer, "Washington", shows the band resplendent as they deliver a breathtaking, empathic power".


2022 February



Stephen Deusner

2022 February

"Album of the month" - "Timeless tales of loss and redemption fuel folk informed Southern songwriter's stirring return".