Musik / rock

Hard Working Americans

Anmeldelser (2)





Mark Deming


"For their self-titled debut album, Hard Working Americans picked 11 cover tunes which deal with the hard truths of life among the working class, some recent compositions, and other, older songs that have remained relevant with the passage of time. Songs include "Welfare Music," "Blackland Farmer," "Mr. President, Have Pity on the Working Man," "Down to the Well," "Wrecking Ball," and six others".

Gaffa [online]

d. 21. jan. 2014



Henrik Friis

d. 21. jan. 2014

"I staternes alternative rockkredse regnes Hard Working Americans som lidt af en ny supergruppe - med den alternative country-sanger/singersongwriter Todd Snider i front foran bl.a. bassisten Dave Schools (Widespread Panic) og guitaristen Neal Casal (Ryan Adams, Chris Robinson Brotherhood) ... I et liv uden de store udsigter, med en bøn til presidenten om at kigge ned til deres vej (Randy Newmans Mr. President, Have Pity On The Working Man), hårde skæbnesange og glæde over ikke at have en pistol (for så ville det gå galt)".