A door inside your mind : the complete Reprise recordings 1966-1968The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
American songwriterd. 10. maj 2023afafLee Zimmermand. 10. maj 2023"While it's not necessarily the kind of record that's going to grab immediate attention, it does retain an amiable accessibility all its own. In that regard, listeners might just find that The Tallest Man On Earth makes music that's all within an easy reach".Læs anmeldelse
Gaffa [online]d. 14. apr. 2023afafNicklas Christensend. 14. apr. 2023"For første gang i karrieren skitserer The Tallest Man On Earth et febrilsk og ufokuseret lydunivers ... Mens det sikkert var meningen, at Henry St. skulle være den veritable rute, hvorved en masse impulser fandt vej, fremstår det i stedet som et klatmaleri af vildrede-idéer, hvor de mindre vellykkede sange fuldstændig ukarakteristisk er lige så fuldtallige som de gode".Læs anmeldelse
AllMusic2023afafMark Deming2023"Henry St. seems no less sincere or heartfelt than anything Matsson has recorded in the past, yet here he embraces an unforced joy that connects in a way his more dour work did not, and it makes this one of the Tallest Man on Earth's most purely pleasurable releases to date".Læs anmeldelse
Pitchforkd. 19. apr. 2023afafGrayson Haver Currind. 19. apr. 2023"On his first album with a proper band, the Swedish singer-songwriter sounds great, even as he says so very little".Læs anmeldelse