Musik / blues

Here in Babylon

Anmeldelser (3)

Blues blast magazine

d. 25. juni 2018



Dave Orban

d. 25. juni 2018

"It's a great-sounding collection of rootsy, bluesy tunes for listeners who are looking for a little more than the typical, run-of-the-mill blues music. Great songs, great grooves, great arrangements, great playing, great singing ... This is a likeable album! Do check it out!".

Making a scene

d. 19. mar. 2018



Jim Hynes

d. 19. mar. 2018

"Teresa will probably remind you of Bonnie Raitt but listen again. James has a rawer, gutsier sound. And, for the record, count Raitt as one of Teresa's admirers ... Teresa's got a deep, soulful feel for this music. Her vocals are naturally strong and free of pretension. Maybe Levon Helm said it best, "Teresa James is a true original. When she sings, you can feel it in your bones."".


2018 July



Frank-john Hadley

2018 July

"Her latest finds her in top form, an evenness of temperament in play on most of the songs ... When James occasionally heats up her delivery, there's even more evidence of her abundance of spirit. Wilson and the other Tramps craft a winning sound derived from Memphis, Texas and West Coast influences".