Musik / rock

Hope on the rocks


Summary: Toby Keith's latest album features the chart-topping single 'I Like Girls That Drink Beer' and is the followup to his widely successful 2011 album Clancy's Tavern.

Anmeldelser (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 1. nov. 2012



Espen Strunk

d. 1. nov. 2012

"På seneste udspil er de lyriske pinligheder legio - men der er faktisk også gode takter i nogle af pladens mere socialrealistiske skæringer, selvom helheden er lovligt strømlinet ... Som bonustracks får vi to fornuftige liveoptagelser foruden et par decideret rædselsfulde remixes".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Keith has whittled the album down to his basics, finding space for only three love songs ... Threading an anthemic chorus into his title track, working a thick blues grind on "Scat Cat," adding horns to "Get Got," and indulging in some old-fashioned swinging shuffle on "Cold Beer Country ... There is no unifying sound or theme here: it's just a satisfying set of strong songs".

The New York times

d. 29. okt. 2012



Jon Caramanica

d. 29. okt. 2012

"Whatever left turn Mr. Keith took has been ruthlessly course-corrected on this album, which is dutiful and workmanlike and totally bereft of passion, so rote it could possibly have been written and recorded over a long weekend ... Four songs out of 10 refer to alcohol in the title, and in each case drinking is a means of forgetting but not regret".