Musik / folk


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 7. okt. 2022



Aimee Cliff

d. 7. okt. 2022

"The Australian folk artist's second album is glossier and broader than its predecessor, but the most stunning moments are still ones of hushed reverence".


d. 7. okt. 2022



Rosa Sofia Kaminski

d. 7. okt. 2022

"Whereas her first album had a more bare-bones acoustic feel, this one takes on a more produced sound - and in this movement in a pop direction, it feels like Sparke could have worked to make her sound a bit more dynamic, pushing further outside of her comfort zone than she did. While [Aaron] Dessner's production fills out her sound nicely, it also blurs the boundaries between her songs, allowing them to bleed into each other if you're not paying active attention. The warmth of his work on Taylor Swift's folklore is retained here, but he also draws you closer, with that added seed of grit that distinguishes Sparke".


d. 28. okt. 2022



Kim Skotte

d. 28. okt. 2022

"Kontrasten mellem Indigo Sparkes klassisk krystalklare stemme og følelsernes kaos er stærkt spændt op. Musikken er tættere på de velkendte spilleregler inden for folk og roots ... Det gør alt andet lige også musikken mere tilgængelig. Følelserne er smertefulde og svære, men melodierne og fraseringerne har al den friskhed og velklang, der skal til for at få tingene til at glide ubesværet ned".