Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (2)


d. 20. aug. 2020



Tobias Holst

d. 20. aug. 2020

"For folk, der interesserer sig for doom, er et af de mest gennemdiskuterede spørgsmål: "Hvad er det tungeste band"? Og svaret er Primitive Man. Det kan vi allerede løfte sløret for. Sunn O))), Electric Wizard, Eyehategod og de andre doomere må pænt stille sig bag i køen og smile høfligt, mens de slås om andenpladsen. For det fås ikke tungere, grimmere eller mere gruopvækkende end Primitive Mans sludgede og beskidte funeral doom. Det ændrer sig ikke på 'Immersion'".

Metal storm

d. 13. jan. 2020


d. 13. jan. 2020

"So if the shorter runtime worried you, you can rest assured that you will be just as crushed, just in less time. And most importantly, it makes Immersion a more focused affair ... The fat-trimming means that every note here gets elevated with an extra load of crushing weight on top of it. Though there aren't any major changes to the formula, it is clear that here they took everything that they had the space to try with Caustic and stuck with the best of the best. And the best of the best is drowning the listened in bass-amplified feedback noise for most of the runtime, and only picking up the pace when absolutely necessary".