Musik / kor

La damoiselle élue

Anmeldelser (8)

The guardian

d. 14. apr. 2022



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 14. apr. 2022

"Franck proves to be a warmly expressive Debussy interpreter, emphasising the romantic background to Damoiselle Élue, and giving a warm glow to the Nocturnes; but he also finds just the right sense of hieratic detachment for the Saint Sébastien pieces, providing a reminder that there is nothing else quite like them in Debussy's output".


d. 24. jan. 2022



Thomas Michelsen

d. 24. jan. 2022

"Tyske Christiane Karg ... har hovedrollen i Debussys tidlige kantate 'La damoiselle élue'. Den udvalgte pige. Det er sjældent hørt musik af en kendt komponist, hvor mystiske, mildt impressionistiske klange fra to flygler indhylder en poetisk, længselsfuld tekst ... Hahn har skrevet sange, der slet og ret er la belle époque, og Karg lader os sammenligne Debussys og Hahns behandling af det samme digt af Paul Verlaine, når hun synger synger 'Paysage triste' fra Hahns 'Sept chansons grises' - syv grå sange - som Debussy også har gjort en smuk, diset-vemodig sang ud af ... og med Hahns ti 'Études latines' tager Karg og koret os med tilbage til en problemfri, romantisk-idealiseret udgave af antikken".

BBC music magazine

2022 March



Christopher Dingle

2022 March

"An unusual song recital ... The twin pillars of the disc are Hahn's remarkable Etudes Latines in a rare complete performance and Debussy's cantata La Damoiselle élue. Heard in an effective two-piano arrangement by the choir's conductor, Howard Arman, the Debussy finds Karg soaring radiantly one moment, intimate and fragile the next".

Fono Forum

2022 September



Elisabeth Richter

2022 September

"Von Debussys Oratorium "La Damoiselle élue" werden die wenigsten gehört haben, eher von den sinfonischen Fragmenten zu "Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien", sicher von den "Nocturnes". Vom Oratorium (1893) über den "Nocturnes" (1900) bis zum "Martyre" (1910) lässt sich Debussys Entwicklung nachvollziehen. Das Orchester unter Mikko Franck kristallisiert den schillernden Orchesterklang heraus".


2022 juin



François Laurent

2022 juin

BBC music magazine

2022 July



Michael Beek

2022 July

"Fragments of Debussy's incidental music for Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien, arranged by Caplet, are the moody centrepiece of this orchestral survey under Mikko Franck. It's the thrillingly atmospheric Nocturnes which steal the show, however".

The gramophone

2022 February



Mark Pullinger

2022 February

"This appealing album of 'fin de siècle' works - mostly for solo voice and chorus - by Claude Debussy and Reynaldo Hahn is centred around soprano Christiane Karg, her regular piano accompanist Gerold Huber and the Bavarian Radio Chorus ... Karg is especially fine in 'Je voudrai qu'il fut déjà près de moi' [Debussy], lamenting he absence of her lover, her light, crystalline soprano sounding pure and unforced".

The gramophone

2022 July



Edward Seckerson

2022 July

"The music is a good fit for Mikko Franck and his French Radio forces. The key to their success, I think, is clarity - plus, of course, an inbred feeling for the music's distinctive inflection and colour ... The final selection here is the most interesting and/or contentious - Debussy's incidental music to Le martyre de Saint-Sébastien".