Musik / musikdvd-video

La finta giardiniera

Anmeldelser (14)

Presto classical




"Mozart wrote La finta giardiniera in 1775 when he was 18 years old ... Originally staged at Glyndebourne in 2014 by Frederic Wake-Walker, this 2018 revival from La Scala is performed on period instruments with a strong cast and expertly conducted with exuberance and charm by Diego Fasolis".

David's review corner

2021 July



David Denton

2021 July

"Wake-Walker had the visual desire to have a presentation as Mozart would have pictured it, and it is here complemented with a period instrument orchestra formed at La Scala and conducted by Diego Fasolis. The assembled cast - there are seven solo roles - is of international origin with the Italian soprano, Giulia Semenzato, as Serpetta, the role that had given her success at Glyndebourne, while the 'gardener', Sandrina, has the outstanding Swiss soprano, Julie Martin du Theil. Large of size in voice and stature, the Croatian tenor, Kresimir Spicer makes an ideal Anchise with the physique needed for the first act 'strip-tease', while the Swiss tenor, Bernard Richter, has a suitably elegant appearance and voice for Belfiore. Being a 'live' filming the audience applause is retained, and is richly deserved in the fabulous septet finale to the first act. The set is perfectly suited to the action, while the costumes will have required a sizeable budget".

MusicWeb international

2006 April



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2006 April

"Not one of Mozarts most important scores and the plot is so silly that Morettis approach is the only viable way to perform it today. The main reason for acquiring this set is the hilarious comedy the first act especially and the excellent singing of arias from at least the second uppermost drawer. When feeling low I will keep this set at hand to cheer me up".


d. 7. nov. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 7. nov. 2006

"Med inspireret skuespil, en jævn strøm af finurlige overraskelser og en sikkert ramt tone, der går til grænsen af farce uden at kamme over, er det lykkedes Moretti at få en både charmerende, morsom og alvorligt bittersød forestilling ud af det ... Bortset fra den dejlige Eva Mei, der kaster ekstra glans over titelpartiet, er det solide snarere end forførende stemmer ... Ingen falder igennem, og hver figur er så levende og præcist tegnet med en vittigt ironisk snert, at man sidder og godter sig".


d. 30. jan. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 30. jan. 2007

"Musikere og sangere sprudler om kap i denne nyopsætning fra operaen i Stuttgart, hvor Mozarts sjældent opførte ungdomsværk om Den uægte gartnerinde lever med overskud og overbevisning ... Hvad der er tungt, er den stift stiliserede, abstrakt-minimalistiske scenografi, der i dén grad ikke leverer stof at kigge på i to timer ... Men det vokale lever meget smukt. Måske især i Alexandra Reinprachts vidunderlige cavatina ... Det gnistrer og knitrer kongenialt fra Zagroseks orkester. Han er virkelig en fin Mozartdirigent".


d. 15. dec. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 15. dec. 2006

"Efter et par års operapause skrev Mozart i 1774 komedien "La finta giardiniera", som med sangere som Véronique Gens og John Mark Ainsley viser sig langt bedre end sit rygte".

Berlingske tidende

d. 5. dec. 2006



Søren Kassebeer

d. 5. dec. 2006

"Fræk, men på en søde måde, er instruktøren Dorris Dörries finurlige "La finta giadiniera", hvor den pastorale fortælling er henlagt til haveafdelingen på et moderne byggemarked, men hvor der midt i pjanket alligevel er så megen ægte følelse, at man overgiver sig".


2015 juillet-août



Benoit Fauchet

2015 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2015 November



Anthony Pryer

2015 November

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "There are at least two other DVDs of this opera available, but this latest version from Lille Opéra is the best and should do much to bring this early flash of Mozart's genius to a wider audience".

BBC music magazine

2006 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2006 October

"Of all the operas written before his maturity, this opera buffa is by some distance the most interesting ... This Zurich production resets it in the present day ... It's more than capably sung and acted ... Visually the show provides good fun".

The gramophone

2007 March



David Vickers

2007 March

"With subtle characterisations that evolve deeply throughout the witty and emotional unfurling plot, Doris Dörrie sets her amusing yet profoundly moving production of La finta gardiniera in the gardening section of a hardware hypermarket ... Ivor Bolton's lean, stylish direction of the Salzburg Mozarteum is exemplary and the singing is universally excellent".

The gramophone

2015 September



Richard Wigmore

2015 September

"There is plenty to savour in this spare, elegant and emotionally truthful staging of an opera which already hints at the future composer of Figaro".

Fono Forum

2015 Juli



Manuel Brug

2015 Juli

"Bei der Französin und ihrem Concert d'Astree bleibt freilich alles charmant und chic im flotten Mozart-Fluss ... Diese Mozart-Opernblume, sie hat einfach einen zu schwachen Duft".

The gramophone

2021 Awards



Richard Lawrence

2021 Awards

"The plot is both complicated and absurd ... Provided you don't look for the subtlety and roundedness of the da Ponte comedies, the opera is well worth getting to know ... Anett Fritsch, so hoity-toity when she first arrives, is excellently cast. So, indeed, are her colleagues ... The Orchestra of La Scala ... play splendidly for Diego Fasolis ... Even with all the cuts the opera lasts three hours: some of the numbers are overlong, but stick with it and you will be well rewarded, musically if not dramatically".