Piano sonatas I
Franz Schubert
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Musik / klaver solo
Musik (cd), ℗2019
Musik (cd), ℗2015
Musik (cd), ℗2013
Piano sonatas I
Franz Schubert
The folly of desire
Brad Mehldau
Ein deutsches Requiem
Johannes Brahms
The concertos
Carl Nielsen (f. 1865)
Trout quintet
Franz Schubert
Triple concerto
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphonie Nr. 6
Gustav Mahler
Art songs of the Jewish diaspora
Ian Pomerantz
Sonate en si mineur
Franz Liszt
Ludwig van Beethoven
d. 25. sep. 2019
Julia Spinola
d. 25. sep. 2019
"Piemontesi hat die Fähigkeit, die verschiedenen musikalischen Charaktere unglaublich plastisch, mit einer geradezu schauspielerischen Verwandlungsfähigkeit, zu formen. Aber so spontan und lebendig seine Interpretationen im Einzelnen klingen, erscheinen sie zugleich doch genau durchdacht und klug ausbalanciert in den Proportionen ... Die vielen Licht- und Stimmungswechsel in Schuberts Sonaten erhalten alle ihren ganz spezifischen Klang. Da ist ein sattes, volles Forte, das wirklich klingt, statt zu scheppern oder dröhnen, aber auch glitzernde Höhen oder mild verhangene Pianostellen".
d. 6. nov. 2015
Ulrike Klobes
d. 6. nov. 2015
"Es ist kein extravaganter Schubert, den uns Lugansky hier präsentiert, dafür aber ein sehr erlesener, gewürzt mit nicht gerade alltäglichen Zutaten, und das mit viel Bedacht. So entsteht tatsächlich eine ganz eigene Annährung an diesen späten Schubert".
d. 19. juli 2016
John Christiansen
d. 19. juli 2016
"Det er ikke altid helt min Schubert. Jeg er nok for "indspist" i den finere indadvendte Weltschmerz wienertone fra forrige århundrede og med en Clara Haskils eminente ro i sit dybdegående spil ... Emil Gryesten spiller mere "åbent" med dramatisk vitalitet, og det er flot i c-mol sonaten, D.958 ... Gryestens Schubert kan også give stof til eftertanke".
d. 10. feb. 2020
Peter Dürrfeld
d. 10. feb. 2020
"Hvad skal man kalde Schuberts tre klaversonater, nr. 19, 20 og 21 i rækken? Klaverets højsang? ... Stor og eviggyldig kunst er de under alle omstændigheder ... Piemontesi, der gennemgående vælger tempi til den rolige side, spiller dem med så stor dybde og sans for deres skiftende stemninger, at denne dobbelt-cd er absolut anbefalelsesværdig for alle, der ønsker at stifte bekendtskab med dette hjørne af musikhistorien ... Schubert rammer os også i disse klaversonater lige i hjertekulen".
d. 18. jan. 2016
Henrik Friis (f. 1978)
d. 18. jan. 2016
"Lugansky er ikke en grænsesøgende pianist. Men han kan fortælle en historie, man vil lytte til. Han fortolker Schubert nænsomt og berettende med fokus på at lade musikken udvikle sig organisk og ubesværet. Der er selvsagt ikke en finger at sætte på det tekniske".
d. 26. okt. 2015
Thomas Michelsen
d. 26. okt. 2015
"Desværre gør hans plade ham ingen tjeneste. Havde det ikke været for den teknisk set elementært dårlige optagelse, ville denne omgang Schubert være fornem reklame for en pianist, der allerede har vundet adskillige konkurrencer, og som timer sine fortolkninger virkelig godt".
d. 17. juli 2003
d. 17. juli 2003
d. 12. dec. 2002
d. 12. dec. 2002
2019 Christmas
Michael Church
2019 Christmas
"Instrumental choice: Piemontesi's instinctive good taste means he never indulges in histrionics, and operates on the principle that understatement can carry more emotional power than its converse. This performance of D958 is the best I have ever heard. His D959 exhibits the same virtues ... and D960, recorded live and technically immaculate, is glorious".
2020 Januar
Matthias Kornemann
2020 Januar
"Francesco Piemontesi begegnet den späten Sonaten Schuberts, als belaste ihn weder die Deutungsgeschichte noch der biografische Kontext. All die ausgeschliffenen Spätwerk-Topoi dringen kaum in sein diskret texttreues und klangschönes Musizieren".
2013 Christmas
Jeremy Siepmann
2013 Christmas
"This is superior playing, in which penetrating musicianship, compelling interpretative insight and elegant pianism achieve a near-perfect equilibrium ... If I have one hovering reservation about the recital as a whole, it's that the playing is perhaps too consistently beautiful. I can think of worse faults".
2010 February
David Nice
2010 February
"Vurdering: BBC instrumental choice" - "Three cheers for Avie, which is one again on hand to remind us why Imogen Cooper is second to non in Schubert".
2007 May
Michael Church
2007 May
"This is a very curious confection: a complete sonata, balanced by ten mostly uncompleted songs and piano fragments ... Yet the CD works, and not just as a collectors piece for anoraks ... Leif Ove Andsnes here deals beautifully with the Sonata itself ... Fascinating to watch a great mind at work".
2016 März
Frank Siebert
2016 März
"Lugansky nimmt Schuberts Musik konsequent ernst, und so gelingt ihm ein beeindruckend strenges Porträt".
2016 February
Michael Church
2016 February
"This account of Schubert's late, great sonata may be austere, but it has majestic integrity".
d. 24. nov. 2003
d. 24. nov. 2003
2019 December
Harriet Smith
2019 December
"Piemontesi is an artist who very much puts the music first and the abiding sense of these readings is their naturalness. There's no lack of imagination either ... but while Piemontesi's playing is always classically classy, I sometimes hungered for more drama".
2013 October
Patrick Rucker
2013 October
"Barnatan may plausibly be considered the finest Schubert pianist of his generation. I urge you not to miss it".
2013 November
Harriet Smith
2013 November
"He relates utterly naturally to the anguished world of Schubert's final piano pieces ... There's no shortage of rhetoric in the C minor (D958) ... The A major Sonata (D959) is finer still. Barnatan conveys right from the outset the sense of disquiet ... And the finale, lustrously shaded and endlessly subtly phrased, is one of the best things here".
2010 January
Jeremy Nicholas
2010 January
"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Here is a great artist of taste and integrity".
2007 July
Jeremy Nicholas
2007 July
"Superlative Schubert from Andsnes but the singers can overdo the intensity ... Bravo".
d. 7. juni 2003
d. 7. juni 2003
d. 8. sep. 2003
d. 8. sep. 2003
d. 24. sep. 2003
d. 24. sep. 2003
2016 fevrier
Alain Lompech
2016 fevrier
"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".
2015 December
Patrick Rucker
2015 December
"Nicolai Lugansky is an impressive pianist, with a ravishingly beautiful sound and a technique that renders dense textures with perfect clarity ... How disappointing then to encounter his new release ... Lugansky mistakenly equates the softening decrescendo with a slowing ritenuto, in many instances effectively dissipating any sense of urgent momentum ... Makes the lovely Rosamunde variations her sound as though they were delivered in monotone".