Musik / rock

Let's go down and blow our minds : the British psychedelic sounds of 1967

Anmeldelser (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 24. okt. 2016



Espen Strunk

d. 24. okt. 2016

"Dybe spadestik i Londons psykedeliske undergrund - Mellem dusinvis af for længst glemte bands finder man sjældne optagelser med kendte eller semikendte navne som The Moody Blues, Spencer Davis Group, Procol Harum og The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - og vanen tro ledsages hele herligheden af en uhyre informativ booklet".

Record collector

459 (2016 November)



Oregano Rathbone

459 (2016 November)

"Let's Go Down And Blow Our Minds has been compiled and curated by professor of psych David Wells, so it's a given that it's going to be thoughtfully sequenced and elegantly packaged, bristling with revelatory notes on each scrupulously remastered track. Also, limiting the selection to a single country and a single year makes for a lucid framing device, and lends the project a pleasing homogeneity".

The quietus

d. 25. okt. 2016



Ned Raggett

d. 25. okt. 2016

"Yet with these caveats in mind, the specific focus of this set - British psych or psychedelic-tinged efforts from 1967, from the start of the year to the end -- provides a structure, artificial but useful, for the affair. At the same time, as David Wells readily talks about in his once-again extensive and enjoyable liner notes for such a comp, the big smash acts of the time are either left out or represented by less well-known numbers".