Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (4)


d. 3. apr. 2018



Stephen M. Deusner

d. 3. apr. 2018

"On her seventh LP, the Canadian country singer spins a wild, Spaghetti Western-style yarn about heartbreak, revenge, and redemption ... But Liberty is about more than retelling personal war stories. In its twangy guitar, galloping drums, sun-baked palette, and high-plains drama, it's a nuanced and often irreverent spin on Spaghetti Western films and their soundtracks. She's celebrating her artistic freedom by showing us how an old pop-culture tradition can be made new and vibrant".





Thom Jurek


"It's a concept record about a journey through darkness to light. Its songs are thematically linked as stages in transition ... While Liberty is more often than not gentler in tone than Ortega's preceding albums, it is by far her most innovative and powerful, and stands as her masterwork thus far".

American songwriter

d. 28. mar. 2018



Hal Horowitz

d. 28. mar. 2018

"It's a compelling, often hypnotic listen and a huge leap forward for Ortega whose previous Americana work, as impressive as it was, just didn't have the scope or imagination found in Liberty. Whether you absorb it in bite-size pieces or jump into the 51-minute deep end of the pool while reading the lyrics, this superb and challenging album can be appreciated and enjoyed on a variety of levels. Now where's the movie?".


d. 17. aug. 2018



Simon Lund

d. 17. aug. 2018

"Når man lytter til Lindi Ortegas femte album, instruerer Sergio Leone en film på det indre lærred. En spaghetti-(country &)-western tilsat Ortegas røde støvler og fornemmelse for gotik. Canadiske Lindi Ortega har en mor fra Irland, en far fra Mexico og adresse i Nashville. Ortega trækker på det hele - fra fortælletradition og spanske gloser til sorgbehandling - på sit konceptalbum om at flygte fra mørket til lyset".