Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (4)


d. 19. nov. 2022



Anders Molin

d. 19. nov. 2022

"Devin Townsend bliver bare ved og ved uden, at man kan spore nogen træthed eller fornemme, at inspirationskilderne tørrer ud, men Lightwork mangler måske noget for at skille sig ud blandt de mange andre i diskografien ... Det er bare fandens solidt og mange niveauer over, hvad de fleste andre kunstnere kan skabe".

Metal injection

d. 2. nov. 2022



Jordan Blum

d. 2. nov. 2022

"Rather than copy the blockbuster variety and scale of Empath, Lightwork aims for humbler and more approachable resonances. Even so, it's another monumentally meaningful and ambitious journey as only Townsend could produce. Like much of his work, its musical and thematic virtues expand with each listen, fully enveloping listeners in a technically and creatively brilliant web of emotions and philosophies. In that way, it harnesses everything that's made his work since 2007's Ziltoid the Omniscient so spiritually and sonically rich. It's utterly remarkable".


d. 3. nov. 2022



Nick Ruskell

d. 3. nov. 2022

"By this point, you're never going to get `bad' from Devin Townsend. And there's something refreshing here in that his innate, unique attraction shines through even when he's staying in the same spot for a moment, not skipping and jumping to the next undiscovered thing. And after so long, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that".

Gaffa [online]

d. 4. nov. 2022



Simon Yüksel Nielsen

d. 4. nov. 2022

"Devin Townsend [hører] til blandt dem, der har fået mest ud af covid. Fra virtuelle shows til omfattende skrivesessions har endt ud i Lightwork. Ifølge Devin er det et produkt af den tid, han og alle andre gik gennem under lockdown ... En samling af ti sange og yderligere ti b-sider navngivet Nightwork. Det er et album, der cementerer Devin Townsend enorme musikalske kunnen".