Musik / rock

Live at Montreux Jazz Festival

Anmeldelser (4)

Distorted Sound

d. 13. jan. 2022



Jack Moar

d. 13. jan. 2022

"Good artists copy; great artists steal. So goes the saying, but by anyone's reckoning, Anna von Hausswolff's ability to build on her considerable musical background to create performances as timeless as this is truly remarkable. To have been able to record this at the world's most prestigious jazz festival speaks volumes about the composer's incredible versatility, and while the album focuses on her rock-aligned material, there are tantalising glimpses of Anna von Hausswolff's many other colours woven in throughout. This album documents some amazing material, delivered in an unrestrained live setting, and closes the chapter on an exciting start to Anna von Hausswolff's career".


d. 15. jan. 2022



Andy Cush

d. 15. jan. 2022

"This ensemble performance from 2018 offers an ideal introduction to the Swedish songwriter's work, showcasing her vocal virtuosity and gothic drama".


d. 7. feb. 2022



Louise Rosengreen

d. 7. feb. 2022

"Hausswolff spiller en særpræget gotisk blanding af indierock, metal og neoklassiske orgelkompositioner. De seks numre, livepladen består af, er hendes mest populære fra de to albummer The Miraculous og Dead Magic ... Hausswolffs vokal er (...) af operadimensioner. Og det vidunderlige ved liveoptagelserne er, at man får hendes vilde og uforudsigelige rædselsskrig, growlen og fraseringer med i nye og til lejligheden improviserede varianter, der kun bekræfter hendes vokals djævelsk imponerende spændvidde".

Record collector

527 (2022 January)



Kevin Harley

527 (2022 January)

"Haunted by grief yet thrilled to open for Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, Swedden's organ-playing noise-prog wonder brought a set of immense emotional extremes to this Montreux show in 2018. Drawing on 'The Miraculous' and its follow-up, 'Dead Magic', Anna Von Hausswolff summons hair-raising reserves of cosmic-prog power and beauty out of the gate with the pulverising "The Truth The Glow The Fall", before "Pomperipossa"'s fright-night clamour foregrounds the frayed force in her voice ... "The Mysterious Vanishing Of Electra" supplies sublimely viscereal catharsis (...); while (...) closer "Come Wander With Me/Deliverance" alchemises Swans/Sabbath to ecstatic effect".