Musik / solosang

Love's madness

Anmeldelser (4)

DR musik

2012 uge 32



Malene Wichmann

2012 uge 32

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Det er en spændende og alsidig cd Dorothee Mields og de berlinske eksperter i tidlig musik har sammensat. Samtidig med at sangene på Ugens Cd har en tematisk sammenhæng, får vi også et veloplagt og velspillet indblik i England på Purcells tid ... Gennem hele cd'en veksler Purcells sange med folkesange og instrumentalmusik fra samtiden".

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Kate Bolton

2012 September

"Madness and passion run through this selection of songs and instrumental numbers by Purcell and his English contemporaries ... German soprano Dorothée Mields and the Berlin Lautten Compagney treat this repertoire as part of a popular, stage-musical tradition ... The performers swing, swagger and romp their way through this kaleidoscopic sequence, Mields transforming from airy sprite to suicidal queen with convincing ease ... All done with terrific style and bravura ... A very fine album".

The gramophone

2012 September



Lindsay Kemp

2012 September

"Mields has a fine, conventional voice for this kind of music - pure, pretty and with clear, largely correct English - and she enters into the spirit to the point of the odd deranged cackle, sob or moan ... Ultimately they seem more like the kind of adaptations you might hear in a modern staging of a Restoration play than a reflection of the 17th-century sound world".

International record review

2012 September



John T. Hughes

2012 September

"This is a disc which I expected to like far more than has been the case. The producer and engineer have almost obliterated my enjoyment factor ... For Dorothee Mields I shall turn elsewhere".