Musik / renæssance -> 1600

Madrigali, libri terzo & quarto

Anmeldelser (6)

BBC music magazine

2017 January



Anthony Pryer

2017 January

"This complete recording of the third book is superior to the two other available versions ... La Compagnia's customary alertness to the meaning of particular words as well as the narrative is much in evidence ... The five voices are joined by a sixth in Donna, se m'ancidete and the larger group continues to maintain the same clarity of texture and articulation, as well as excellent tuning".

BBC music magazine

2021 May



Kate Bolton-Porciatti

2021 May

"The singers pay studious attention to the poetry and its nuances, painting the words with a rich palette and contrasting light and shade to reflect Gesualdo's chiaroscuro ... Harmonia Mundi's recording is clean and immediate: individual parts are easily discernible within the finely balanced ensemble and the words cut through with feverish intensity".

Fono Forum

2021 August



Susanne Benda

2021 August

"Der Tenor und Dirigent Paul Agnew ... treibt als mitsingender Akteur eines Solistensextetts Gesualdos Exzentrik bei den vertonten Gedichten über Liebe, Leidenschaft und Tod nicht auf die Spitze, gelangt aber durch eine extrem textnahe, sehr gestische Darstellung und durch eine wechselnde Besetzung des Sopranparts zu sehr abwechslungsreichen, vitalen, farbigen, ja oft richtig spannenden Interpretationen ... Blitz-blank intoniert, werden zu schillernden Juwelen exzentrisch-schöner Vokalkunst".


2017 janvier



Denis Morrier

2017 janvier

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2016 December



Fabrice Fitch

2016 December

"With its striking initial gesture this is a riveting opener, and these singers are especially good at such key moments, where the composer takes the lead, as it were ... La Compagnia bring out a greater degree of lyricism than their rivals, and many will prefer these readings for that reason alone".

The gramophone

2021 April



Edward Breen

2021 April

"Editor's choice: After winning last year's Gramophone Early Music Award, this second instalment in Les Arts Florissants' Gesualdo series continues to offer performances that balance the chromatic adventurousness of these works with ... solid craftmanship and dramatic sensibility, that characterise Gesualdo's early books of madrigals ... Fully integrated with the musical line, the singers avoid melodrama through intimate, small gestures as if acting for screen, not stage".