Musik / country

My bluegrass heart

Anmeldelser (2)





Timothy Monger


"The past two decades have seen Fleck exploring jazz fusion, classical, African music, and everything in between, but on My Bluegrass Heart, he makes a grand return to the kind of progressive power picking that characterized his mid-'80s work as part of the pioneering New Grass Revival. Of course, a Béla Fleck bluegrass album isn't a traditional bluegrass album, and this one, his first since 1999's The Bluegrass Sessions, is full of the distinctive twists and turns that are his hallmark ... As a rule, the bluegrass playground is not a modest place, and with this much capital-T talent on board, songs have a tendency to spiral into bludgeoning shred-fests like the almost-maniacal "Slippery Eel," which, impressive as it is, has more notes than should be safely consumed by the human ear. Despite its strutting, My Bluegrass Heart has plenty of tasteful moments, especially on the harmonic-laden closer "Psalm 136," a still dazzling though more subtle show of craft that leaves listeners on a high note".

Roots zone

d. 5. feb. 2022



Claus Hellgren Larsen

d. 5. feb. 2022

"Hvis man tror, at dette album er en tilbagevenden til den traditionelle bluegrass, så kender man ikke Fleck. Dette er moderne bluegrass på højeste plan, men med solide rødder. Det er instrumentalnumre, og ligesom hele hans bagkatalog fortrinsvis komponeret af ham selv. At det samtidig er lykkedes ham at samle andre af de allerbedste musikere på deres instrumenter, har nok været en af de få ting, som man har kunnet takke nedlukningerne for. Disse musikere er normalt travle med at turnere i hele verden i andre konstellationer ... Disse topmusikere anført af den virtuose banjomester har sat nye standarder inden for akustisk instrumentalmusik, og mon ikke My Bluegrass Heart vil udløse flere udmærkelser til Béla Fleck".