Musik / folkemusik

New roots music from Denmark

Anmeldelser (2)

Roots zone

d. 14. sep. 2012



Nils Thorlund

d. 14. sep. 2012

"De genre- og traditionsfrigjorte egenkompositioner rummer en masse gode og interessante elementer, melodisk og rytmisk, og musikerne er absolut velfunderede. Slige ingredienser giver en tæt, præcist spillet og udtryksfuld musik, som måske visse steder savner den sidste kropsglød".


2013 April



Chris Nickson

2013 April

"Billed as new roots music, this really lives up to the names. The music's rooted in Danish folk, and while little is traditional, some of the pieces, such as "Danish 7/8", feel as if they should be. Above all, this feels like a band, working together, all the pieces locking into place and complementing each other. Considering this is a debut, albeit of experienced musicians, it bodes well for the future".