Musik / klaverkoncerter

Nordic music

Anmeldelser (37)

The guardian

d. 13. okt. 2016



Erica Jeal

d. 13. okt. 2016

"For a disc exploring a "magical and imaginary world", in the miniatures there's a very present quality to both Ott's playing and the recorded sound; yet she does create a mistier atmosphere in the Nocturne, and Solveig's Song sounds haunting, even if the Elves' Dance that follows is a bit stompy".

Classics today

d. 9. okt. 2007



Jed Distler

d. 9. okt. 2007

"To be sure, collectors who want the Ballade but already own the aforementioned concerto and Lyric Pieces discs may not wish to shell out full price for just 19-plus minutes of new material. That, dear readers, is why I take digital downloads seriously".

DR musik

2011 uge 52



Jens Cornelius

2011 uge 52

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Så er Liszts 200-år ved at være forbi og man kan se tilbage på en sværm af nye Liszt-cd'er. Heldigvis slutter vi af med en af de allerbedste: Liszts to klaverkoncerter i en bragende flot indspilning ... På Ugens Cd er solisten en senet englænder ved navn Stephen Hough ... Hans Liszt-spil er af skarpeste og mest insisterende art".

MusicWeb international

2019 September



Robert Beattie

2019 September

"There are many great performances of the Grieg concerto by artists such as Andsnes, Perahia, Lupu and Arrau. Markovina gives a reasonably accomplished performance of this great staple of the repertoire but she is not in the same league as these artists ... Her playing is competent and assured ... I was not familiar with Berwald's piano concerto before listening to this recording. I enjoyed listening to it although, like much of Berwald's music, it is engaging and pleasant without being particularly memorable ... Markovina really gets into her stride here playing with energy and brilliance and is ably supported by her orchestral partners ... Certainly worth listening to in this recording".


d. 4. nov. 2011



Jens Povlsen

d. 4. nov. 2011

"Det friske pust er Houghs varemærke, og Liszts to første og Griegs ene klaverkoncert skærer han til med et klart og rent snit efter et mønster, der ikke er til diskussion.Det er afmålte og alligevel fuldkommen overdådige fortolkninger, som Hough lægger på bordet - så gode, at de kommer til at ligge fremme i mange år".


d. 24. juli 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. juli 2015

" Moszkowskis supervirtuose klaverkoncert i E-dur er måske nok gået i glemmebogen, men Moog har selvtilliden i orden og gør det helt rigtige, når han dyrker Moszkowskis ekstatiske virtuositet så helhjertet som her. Vemodet i Moogs klaverfingre træder for alvor frem i Griegs letantændelige klaverkoncert og bidrager smukt til kuldegysningerne".


d. 14. nov. 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 14. nov. 2015

"[På] Javier Perianes' nyeste album med musik af Grieg ... er det barske toner, den unge spanier stikker ud på flyglet i en på en gang bredt og luftigt fraseret udgave af Griegs berømte klaverkoncert ... [Og] selv om han nok kan få flygelklangen til at brage løs i Griegs klaverløvekoncert, så er det også på hans nye plade en Chopin-fin lyrik, der er hans i bogstaveligste forstand musikalske force".


d. 27. maj 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 27. maj 2015

"Hvis man ikke ser sig for, er Griegs populære klaverkoncert lige til at snuble over. Men ikke for spanske Javier Perianes, der er vidunderligt letbenet i sin virtuose dans på Griegs vanskelige noder ... Han overøser sin fortolkning med al den lyriske indfølingsevne, der skal til for at forløse et af klaverets mest elskede værker ... En pianist, der virkelig mestrer Grieg".


d. 11. sep. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 11. sep. 2007

"Mere autentisk Grieg hører man ikke i dag".

Fono Forum

2016 November



Ingo Harden

2016 November

"Ihre Interpretation, klangvoll und aufmerksam vom Orchester unter Esa-Pekka Salonen getragen, wirkt von A bis Z überzeugend durchdacht ... Auch das kostbaren Miniaturen Griegs sind ... in guten Händen".

BBC music magazine

2017 February



Jessica Duchen

2017 February

"Alice Sara Ott gives a strong-centred account with plenty of power and flair; and she is much blessed to have as her companions the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, sounding fabulous under Esa-Pekka Salonen with radiant tone and the textures shimmering with detail ... [But] despite many fine qualities, a little more wit and sparkle wouldn't hurt".


2016 octobre



Alain Lompech

2016 octobre

Fono Forum

2012 März



Arnd Richter

2012 März

"Vurdering: Empfehlung des Monats" - "Sein Spiel setzt weniger auf Kraft und Wuchtigkeit als vielmehr auf Eleganz ... Dieser Interpretationsansatz kommt ideal auch dem Zusammenwerken mit den Musikern des Bergener Orchesters entgegen ... Vor dieser Leistung kann man nur den Hut ziehen!".

Fono Forum

2019 September



Frank Siebert

2019 September

"Orchester und Dirigent begleiten souverän und runden mit einem feierlichen Prélude aus Nielsens Oper "Saul und David" diese Reise durch die Musiklandschaften Skandinaviens wirkungsvoll ab".

BBC music magazine

2019 August



Freya Parr

2019 August

"A well-balanced combination of piano concertos. Sweeping Nordic landscapes and folk inflections are played with sensitivity. Only slight heavy-handedness in the Grieg mars it a little".

BBC music magazine

2007 December



Robert Layton

2007 December

"Ove Andsnes has the full measure of its depth and his beautifully recorded account is a mandatory acquisition".

Fono Forum

2009 September



Mario-Felix Vogt

2009 September

"Bereits in den ersten Takten vom Griegs Konzert fasziniert Tokarevs Spiel mit einer enormen Bandbreite ans Farben ... Im Chopin-Konzert gerät ihm der Einsatz im Kopfsatz zwar etwas hektisch, und manches in den folgenden Passagen wirkt klanglich ein wenig unkontrolliert, Tokarev macht diese Mängel im weiteren Verlauf jedoch wieder wett".

Fono Forum

2015 August



Frank Siebert

2015 August

"Er gehört zu den stillen Stars der heutigen Musikszene, sein Spiel zeichnet sich mehr durch geistige Durchdringung, durch respektvolle Achtsamkeit und liebevolle Detailgenauigkeit aus als durch selbstgefällige Prankenschläge ... All diese Tugenden finden sich auch in Perianes neuer Einspielung des Grieg-Konzertes ... Mit dem BBC Symphony Orchestra und dem finnischen Dirigenten Sakari Oramo hat der Spanier gleichgesinnte Partner an der Seite".

BBC music magazine

2015 July



Michael Church

2015 July

"Perianes uses the pedal to create a honeyed luxuriousness for the slower pieces ... His performance of the Concerto is workmanlike, but its effects are often blurred by his over-pedalling, and by Oramo's tendency to schmalz".


2015 juillet-août



Bertrand Boissard

2015 juillet-août


d. 26. jan. 1999


d. 26. jan. 1999


d. 15. aug. 2000


d. 15. aug. 2000

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 15. maj 2000


d. 15. maj 2000


d. 26. jan. 1999


d. 26. jan. 1999

The gramophone

2016 November



Patrick Rucker

2016 November

"Esa-Pekka Salonen and the superb Bavarians carry the Concerto, providing one of the most sumptuous, vibrant and finely honed accompaniements imaginable ... When Ott's curious reticence, manifest mostly as contrived rubato, threatens to bring things to a halt, the orchestra steps in to save the day ... On her own Ott seems more comfortable. Several of the Lyric Pieces exude a genuine charm".

The gramophone

2012 January



Bryce Morrison

2012 January

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice".

International record review

2011 November



Patrick Rucker

2011 November

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "I'm not sure that there exists a performance of either Liszt concerto more scrupulously adherent to the composer's every indication of expression, articulation and dynamics".

BBC music magazine

2011 Christmas



Malcolm Hayes

2011 Christmas

"The Bergen Philharmonic's players must know the orchestral part of Grieg's Concerto quite well by now. It's a credit to them and to the music itself that it sounds so fresh here, while Hough finds new loveliness in it without ever descending into point-making. A pleasing and, in its way, thoughtprovoking release".

International record review

2014 January



David Gutman

2014 January

"Pairing the Prokofiev with the ubiquitous Grieg ... comes as a surpirse ... Nor can I pretrend that this spacious yet contained Grieg interpretation works especially well for all its undoubted, almost patrician poise".

The gramophone

2014 January



Bryce Morrison

2014 January

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "In the Grieg Concerto he is as rhapsodic and affectionate as he is masterly ... In the Prokofiev ... his performance blazes with conviction, a propulsion and energy finely complemented wth an innate sense of poetry ... In a market place where great recordings jostle for attention ... Lugansky takes his own special place".

BBC music magazine

2014 February



Erik Levi

2014 February

"Another formidabel recording of the work [Prokofiev's Third] ... Romantically intense ... Dreamy and eerily reflective ... This takes its place alongside the finest performances ... The Grieg is also impressive. Lugansky gives a consummate account".

Berlingske tidende

d. 20. sep. 2003


d. 20. sep. 2003

The gramophone

2015 September



Bryce Morrison

2015 September

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Whatever scintillates and delights is here in super-abundance ... From Moog everything sparkles and thunders. A virtuoso to the manner born, notes stream from his fingers like cascading diamonds, his playing alive with what David Fanning so wittily called 'the boggle factor'".

The gramophone

2015 July



Bryce Morrison

2015 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Perianes's performance is of such a fearless and arresting brilliance that it virtually erases memories of the past. For here is Grieg restored to all its first icy, northern and unsentimental glory ... The BBC Symphony Orchestra under Sakari Oramo are with their soloist all the way so that you may well find yourself falling in love and in awe all over again with this evergreen Romantic masterpiece".

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