Musik / solosang

Orchestral songs

Anmeldelser (31)

The guardian

d. 11. nov. 2010



Tim Ashley

d. 11. nov. 2010

"The challenges are more than met here, with Polenzani doing things in songs such as Der Fischerknabe or Pace Non Trovo that you never thought were possible for a human voice, while Drake's intensity is total and unswerving".

RBB Kultur

d. 25. maj 2022



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

d. 25. maj 2022

"Auf seinem zweiten Solo-Album singt der aus Ulm stammende Bariton Konstantin Krimmel (1993) berühmte Lieder von Franz Liszt, darunter die "Loreley", "Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh" und "Es war ein König in Thule". Die Textverständlichkeit ist lupenrein, darüber hinaus dominiert Direktheit - ja Unverblümtheit - ohne ein falsches "Gewese" um die uns etwas ferner gerückten Texte zu machen. Am Klavier sitzt mit Daniel Heide einer der absolut profiliertesten Lied-Begleiter der Gegenwart".

Klassik heute

d. 24. juni 2022



Ekkehard Pluta

d. 24. juni 2022

"Neben Schubert, Schumann, Brahms und Wolf hat Franz Liszt als Liedkomponist in den Konzert-Programmen und entsprechend auch in der Diskographie eine Aussenseiter-Position inne ... Der eher kontemplative als effektbewusste Zugang, den Konstantin Krimmel und Daniel Heide zu den Liedern finden, erlaubt auch dem Hörer ein tieferes Eintauchen in Liszts Welt. Wir haben es mit einer sorgfältigen, künstlerisch ernsthaften Erkundung zu tun, bei der sich die beiden Ausführenden ganz in den Dienst des Komponisten stellen statt sich selbst in den Vordergrund zu rücken ... Konstantin Krimmels heller schlanker Bariton, der über eine strahlende Höhe verfügt, nur in der Tiefe noch etwas matt klingt, ist das angemessene Medium für diese Bemühungen. Gemeinsam mit Heide baut er auch die emotionalen Höhepunkte organisch auf. Man darf sehr gespannt sein auf weitere Folgen der Edition mit diesem Duo".

MusicWeb international

2019 February



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2019 February

"It is a fascinating disc with some of the best of his songs in, very often, extremely beautiful readings and with a willingness to penetrate the dramatic possibilities that is praiseworthy. There is a freshness of approach that is stimulating, Julius Drake accompanies in a manner that Liszt himself would have admired - and there isn't a dull phrase in the whole recital ... This series certainly goes from strength to strength".

Presto classical

d. 21. dec. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 21. dec. 2018

"Recording of the week: Clayton brings the same compelling mixture of ardour and vulnerability that made his Glyndebourne Hamlet such a sensation to a selection of German and French songs: the latter, in particular, suggest that the voice is on the cusp of a transition into more dramatic territory ... Spotlit by a pleasingly dry acoustic which allows every thoughtful detail to register, Drake is characteristically eloquent and imaginative throughout - listen, for instance, to the two completely different moods which he invokes with a simple repeated phrase in the space of just two bars in the opening of 'Morgens steh' ich auf und frage'".

MusicWeb international

2023 December



Michael Cookson

2023 December

"Liszt was one of the first Lieder composers to write for voice and orchestra, employing the form widely known as the orchestral song ... Martin Haselböck conducts four soloists of different voice types here ... With six orchestral songs, celebrated American baritone Thomas Hampson is the featured singer on this album ... The solo voices and the period instruments, especially the resonant brass with striking orchestral climaxes, are all splendidly captured ... Haselböck directs highly engaging performances of considerable drama in a genre that deserves to be back in favour".


d. 21. okt. 2011



Thomas Michelsen

d. 21. okt. 2011

"Tenoren Matthew Polenzani, der har sunget med blandt andre Anna Netrebko, går til sagen med en lyrisk, men også ret spændt klang".


2016 juin



Hélène Cao

2016 juin

BBC music magazine

2016 June



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2016 June

"Sasha Cooke's ... even, expressive voice is equal to all technical demands and rises to tremendous intensity for Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen ass, while offering a deeply considered account of Sei still".

BBC music magazine

2018 January



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2018 January

"The quieter moments of these songs show Allan Clayton's voice at its best: smooth, tender and altogether alluring ... By and large his diction is good ... Overall the performances are alive to the drama in many of these songs, suggesting what the quality might have been of the mature opera Liszt never wrote".

BBC music magazine

2023 July



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2023 July

"Thomas Hampson shoulders the lion's share of the songs, and if vocally the result is a little uneven, there's no gainsaying his clarion command, exemplary diction and perceptive narration".


2023 juin



Sylvain Fort

2023 juin

Fono Forum

2012 Oktober



Christoph Zimmermann

2012 Oktober

"Angelika Kirchschlager ... gibt aber auch und besonders lyrischen, träumerischen Stimmungen Raum (wunderbare Höhen-Piani). Besonders exzellent: ... Julius Drakes feinsinniges, klar konturiertes Klavierspiel".

BBC music magazine

2012 August



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2012 August

"The more one hears of Liszt's songs, the more one wonders why they have been so rarely performed ... Kirchschlager's rich, resonant mezzo finds beauties everywhere on this disc, from heights of drama to intimacies of reflection, and at every turn Drake is with her".


2023 juin



Sylvain Fort

2023 juin

The gramophone

2016 May



Tim Ashley

2016 May

"The later songs, echoing the stripped back idiom of Liszt's late piano works, hover in territory between melody and recitative ... Cooke is very much alive to their introversion and sadness. The way she encompasses small gradations in volume over a relatively narrow dynamic range impresses, while Drake makes every chord and phrase shiver with meaning".

High fidelity

2002 1


2002 1

The gramophone

2018 November



Tim Ashley

2018 November

"A willingness to take risks ... has always been integral to [Clayton's] singing, and the dividends are often enormous ... There are also wonderful moments of lyrical reflection, though, and the way he sings 'Du bist wie eine Blume' with a poised mezza voce is breathtaking. Drake, meanwhile, invests every phrase with weight and meaning, and is, as ever, outstanding. Another fine disc in an exceptional series".

The gramophone

2023 September



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2023 September

"Editor's choice: The orchestral versions of these songs - four of which are getting their first recordings - provide depth of a particular sort ... The same respectful intensification marks his orchestrations of Schubert-songs, five of which are also included. Liszt can sometimes be a vulgar orchestrator. Not here ... Thomas Hampson's voice has held up well, and his rhetorical acumen keeps us transfixed. The other singers are similarly well matched to the music ... Conductor Martin Haselböck and the period-instrument Vienna Academy Orchestra, who have done so much to recapture the original sound of Liszt's orchestral music, deliver perceptive and often striking support".

International record review

2012 February



Patrick Rucker

2012 February

"This lovely Liszt recital focuses on settings of German poets ... The particular qualities of Damrau's lustrous coloratura lend an aura of ethereal beauty to several of her interpretations ... In terms of pure singing, these interpretations are undeniably beautiful".

The gramophone

2012 January



Richard Wigmore

2012 January

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Liszt's songs demand operativ glamour. With her diamantine tone, dramatic flair and free-soaring top notes, Diana Damrau provides it in spades ... Damrau's project should win Liszt's still underrated songs many new friends".

The gramophone

2011 January



John Steane

2011 January

"And the songs themselves give amazingly consistent satisfaction. Of those in this first volume, probably only the Petrarch sonnets will be familiar, and they, certainly, are still outstanding".

High fidelity

2002 5


2002 5

Berlingske tidende

d. 4. jan. 2003


d. 4. jan. 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 15. apr. 2002


d. 15. apr. 2002

International record review

2012 July/August



Patrick Rucker

2012 July/August

"The high expectations roused by Volume 1 of Hyperion's complete Liszt songs ... are more than met with this second instalment ... The velvet-voiced Austrian mezzo Angelika Kirchschlager collaborates with Julius Drake ... and deliver performances that set the beauty and inventiveness of each song in high relief ... This is collaborative music-making of a very high order ... Not to be missed".

The gramophone

2012 September



Richard Wigmore

2012 September

"With Drake ever-sensitive to atmosphere and harmonic colour, Kirchschlager ... is in her element ... She brings an ideal simplicity and sincerity to two touching, fragile flower songs ... This recital should open many ears to the richness and variety of his songs. Recording and presentation are first-class".

The gramophone

2022 August



Richard Wigmore

2022 August

"Sensitively partnered by Heide, the fastrising young German-Romanian baritone Konstantin Krimmel is a sympathetic Liszt advocate ... always alert to mood, and uses his warm, companionable baritone with fine dynamic control and immaculate diction ... always a pleasure to listen to, and with Heide makes a fine, often probing partnership ... Liszt's songs have long been relegated to the margins. Here is another recording to make you value them afresh".