Musik / operafilm

Orfeo ed Euridice

Anmeldelser (6)

MusicWeb international

2024 January



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2024 January

"Recommended: Leppard here makes choices between the various texts which may upset purists but which are eminently satisfactory from both the dramatic and musical point of view. The settings, including some marvellously atmospheric designs by John Bury, do much to enhance the atmosphere of the performance without over-elaborating the basically simple construction of the music ... The singing cast is headed by Dame Janet Baker as Orfeo, a landmark performance which it would be hard to imagine ever being bettered by any mezzo-soprano in history ... Her heartfelt acting skills simply serve to reinforce one of the great interpretations of all time ... This is one of those DVDs that should never be allowed to go out of circulation".

BBC music magazine

2014 September



Max Loppert

2014 September

"At its best, indeed, in the unadorned unfolding of hell and then heaven, the experience strikes fire in a manner crucially lacking in other filmed Orfeos. Unfortunately, not even this one comes free of curious directorial glosses ... But since [Mehta] is a superbly commanding, passionate interpreter of Gluck's vocal lines, and since his cast colleagues give accounts of their music no less sensitive, the powerful impact of the whole survives the passing flaws".

BBC music magazine

2012 November



Max Loppert

2012 November

"Gluck's most popular opera already figures substantially in the dvd catalogue. For me, none of the past entries has proved wholly worthy - and alas, this latest ... featuring yet another visually jazzy but empty-headed staging ... does nothing to improve the situation ... Anita Rachvelishvili is a natural performer with a beautifully full mezzo-soprano, but as yet a lightweight Gluckian ... Overall this is a depressingly vacuous Orfeo".

The gramophone

2014 September



Richard Lawrence

2014 September

"The candlelit scenery is delightful ... the small chorus sings with impressive power and tenderness ... The period orchestra under Vaclav Luks is fine. There is much to enjoy here".

International record review

2014 July/August



Simon Heighes

2014 July/August

"This is the finest period production of a Gluck opere I've seen, and it's the most sensitively sung Orfeo I've heard. There is a sense of fresh-minted excitement about this operatic experiment; now we can really grasp what all the fuss was about. undoubtedly the Orfeo to buy in this anniversary year".

The gramophone

2012 November



David Patrick Stearns

2012 November

"Carlus Padrissa keeps the stage in a constant state of motion ... At times one becomes visually lost - in a good way ... Though the playing is generally good, one feels the lack of a strong central musical vision".