Musik / rock

Other worlds

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 5. okt. 2012



Andy Beta

d. 5. okt. 2012

"On Taken by Trees' calming and ocean-breeze-gentle Other Worlds, Bergsman sounds comfy as both world citizen and globetrotter. This go-round, she trekked down to the Hawaiian Islands, no doubt a more restful destination than Pakistan. And the resultant album sounds like someone who is taking a vacation from their vacation".

Gaffa [online]

d. 24. okt. 2012



Espen Strunk

d. 24. okt. 2012

"En af katalysatorerne for projektet var angiveligt The Beach Boys-instrumentalen Diamond Head, hvor gruppen indkorporerer diverse Stillehavskyst-lyde i musikken. Dette greb gentager Bergsman, og trods sine dub-excesser kan det behagelige lille album da også godt betragtes som en slags postmoderne lillesøster til Dennis Wilsons atmosfæriske Pacific Ocean Blue".





Tim Sendra


"Too often, a project like this can smack of cultural tourism of the worst kind, rendering the recordings either pale imitations of the jacked style or condescendingly educational works of "art." Bergsman's adventures never come off that way at all, thanks to how deeply she submerges herself in the inner workings of the foreign sounds, and also how she makes sure to never lose her own style and vision while doing this. Just like East of Eden, Other Worlds works both as a sonic experiment and as an expression of Bergsman's adventurous soul".