Musik / rock

Peanut butter

Anmeldelser (3)

The guardian

d. 10. maj 2015



Phil Mongredien

d. 10. maj 2015

"It certainly has its moments - Honestly Do Yr Worst in particular highlighting Alanna McArdle's vocal versatility. But the winning hooks that made Weird Sister so special are few and far between this time around, making for a disappointingly unremarkable set. Indeed, despite only lasting 22 minutes, towards its end Peanut Butter feels more gruelling than gruesome".

Rolling stone

d. 19. maj 2015



Rob Sheffield

d. 19. maj 2015

"These Welsh kids don't waste any time: 10 noise-pop songs in 22 minutes, all bubblegum hooks and guitar explosions, even kickier than 2013's ace debut, Weird Sister. The sublimely saucy Alanna McArdle blows barbed-wire kisses to the world. If you're into "Psykick Espionage," all she has to tell you is "Honestly Do Yr Worst." And make no mistake, bub - her worst beats yours".

Drowned in sound

d. 12. maj 2015



Paul Brown

d. 12. maj 2015

"The fact that the aforementioned 'Last Year' is the second longest song here at two minutes and 52 seconds says a lot about Peanut Butter as an album, with half of its ten songs over inside two minutes. There's not a millisecond wasted, not the slightest sliver of fat in evidence ... Crucially, though, while it may be delivered at breakneck speed, Peanut Butter never feels like it's been dashed off in a hurry, nor does it feel like its 22 minute running time short-changes us".