Musik / rock

Periphery IV : Hail Stan

Anmeldelser (3)

Metal injection

d. 4. apr. 2019



Leon T.K.

d. 4. apr. 2019

"As you're probably already aware, Periphery are one of a small number of bands who've defined the cutting edge of heavy music for over a decade. Along with the likes of Animals As Leaders and Tesseract, these guys constantly seek to defy and expand the limits of progressive metal-and they have succeeded in doing so ... Periphery III-which has now been streamed over 35 million times-was an absolute beast, while Periphery II contains all-time fan favorites like Scarlet and Make Total Destroy, but Periphery IV operates on another level altogether".


d. 5. apr. 2019



Jordan Blum

d. 5. apr. 2019

"Periphery IV: Hail Stan doesn't quite reach the heights of its two immediate predecessors, but it upholds enough of what made them great to satisfy while adding enough new characteristics to possess its own identity and merit".


d. 12. apr. 2019



Sebastian Taylor Bach

d. 12. apr. 2019

"De rebelske undertoner, sprudlende, aggressive kompositioner og semi-frustrerende genre-sammenblandinger på Peripherys femte fuldlængdeudgivelse peger mod et alt andet end et roligt og fredfyldt spilt med Sumerian Records ... Periphery vil simpelthen for meget. Den manglende musikalske røde tråd er en ærgerlig hæmsko på en ellers vellykket udgivelse".