Musik / operaarier

Puccini - love affairs

Anmeldelser (40)

The observer

d. 28. sep. 2024



Fiona Maddocks

d. 28. sep. 2024

"Puccini: Love Affairs ... features duets and scenes from six operas, sung with six star sopranos. Kaufmann's first Puccini album, Nessun Dorma (2015), was a big hit. This is sure to follow suit. Kaufmann's recent uneven stage performances and cancellations have drawn criticism. A studio recording allows him to find his best form. Some upper notes strain a little, but his lyricism and musical intelligence are intact ... He remains a serious advocate. This will delight fans. As a showcase for Puccini's range and emotional intensity, it's a good place to start".

Classics today




Robert Levine (musikanmelder)


"While I cannot imagine anyone actually needing this CD, it has some pleasures to offer. Roberto Alagna ... is joined by his youngish wife, Aleksandra Kurzak, in a series of 10 duets from seven Puccini operas ... Kurzak is a lovely singer who has been singing bel canto operas very successfully for more than a decade. This Puccini stuff is far heavier; one might worry. In fact, vocally she has little trouble ... Mimi and Magda (in La Rondine) are a balm for her; she is close to ideal in all three excerpts, as is Alagna ... She's also a gorgeous Butterfly - the Love Duet is one of the CD's high points for both ... If you love Puccini and need a CD of only his Love Duets this is a joy ... Recommended".

The observer

d. 6. sep. 2015



Fiona Maddocks

d. 6. sep. 2015

"All the operas (except the all-female Suor Angelica) are represented, ending with a pinging, thrilling Nessun Dorma. It's as far from Pavarotti as you can get, yet still captures the essence of Puccini".

Klassik heute

d. 11. sep. 2015



Ekkehard Pluta

d. 11. sep. 2015

"Jonas Kaufmann ist ... in seinem Darstellungsstil auf dem Weg, die Nachfolge von Plácido Domingo anzutreten, und ich meine da den Domingo der 70er und 80er Jahre. Da ist alles auf stimmliche Strahlkraft und eine dramatische Intensität abgestellt, die unterschiedslos auf alle Rollen projiziert wird, obwohl Puccinis Opern sehr verschiedenartige Tenortypen verlangen, vom lirico leggero (Rinuccio) bis zum spinto (Calaf)".

The observer

d. 6. sep. 2015



Fiona Maddocks

d. 6. sep. 2015

"All the operas (except the all-female Suor Angelica) are represented, ending with a pinging, thrilling Nessun Dorma. It's as far from Pavarotti as you can get, yet still captures the essence of Puccini".

Klassik heute

d. 11. sep. 2015



Ekkehard Pluta

d. 11. sep. 2015

"Jonas Kaufmann ist ... in seinem Darstellungsstil auf dem Weg, die Nachfolge von Plácido Domingo anzutreten, und ich meine da den Domingo der 70er und 80er Jahre. Da ist alles auf stimmliche Strahlkraft und eine dramatische Intensität abgestellt, die unterschiedslos auf alle Rollen projiziert wird, obwohl Puccinis Opern sehr verschiedenartige Tenortypen verlangen, vom lirico leggero (Rinuccio) bis zum spinto (Calaf)".

MusicWeb international

2025 January



Paul Steinson

2025 January

"This recital is one of the many motivated by this year's centenary of the death of Puccini. If I were being cynical, I might say that the 'gimmick' here is the use of six of the foremost present-day sopranos as partners in the duets, but in fact it is interesting to hear these different singers in close proximity ... There is, however, very little here that Kaufmann has not already recorded either in complete performance or on recital disc ... This will not go down as one of the great recital discs of the century, but there is enough of quality and interest, not least in the variety of sopranos, to make it well worth considering".

MusicWeb international

2019 February



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2019 February

"A full-length recital with duets from seven Puccini operas. The long scene from the first act of Tosca is a splendid calling-card for both singers. She has a brilliant soprano with warmth as well as some steel - valuable metal for this character ... Alagna has also been careful over nuances and he has all the power needed for this rather strenuous part ... Everybody has heard O soave fanciulla umpteen times before but hearing it so stylishly sung as here is a treat even so ... Puccini must have cheered up in his heaven ... Aleksandra Kurzak has an ideal Butterfly voice, youthful like a teenager but still mature enough to encompass all the challenges ... With Riccardo Frizza in the pit in front of Sinfonia Varsovia the dramatic temperature is throughout near boiling point".

MusicWeb international

2023 November



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 November

"Recommended: This compendium of arias and ensembles does not present too many surprises; it includes many of what are arguably the most famous arias from Puccini's operas, but there are comparative rarities from his first opera, Le Villi, La rondine and Il tabarro ... First impressions are startling, his voice is so similar in timbre to Pavarotti's, even if after a few moments a keen ear will detect its individuality. He has a perfect vibrato - slightly on the fast side but well within the legitimate parameters - an ardent manner and ringing top notes with plenty of squillo. The accompaniment of Carlo Rizzi and the Prague Philharmonia is especially sensitive, powerful and effective ... He could be the best thing to have arrived on the operatic scene for many a year - and is perhaps the true successor to Pavarotti".


d. 16. sep. 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. sep. 2015

"Hos Sony er alt nyindspillet, og alt er af Puccini. Men råstyrken er den samme ... Det er vildt imponerende, men ikke vildt underholdende. Hans svage toner kan lyde hule, og stemmen virker i det hele taget sløret eller matteret, når Kaufmann dæmper den ... Men måden, han skifter mellem styrkegrader og mellem stemmens registre på, er overlegen, og selv den mest effektjagende operanørd kan få styret sin trang til for eksempel høje h'er".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. okt. 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 28. okt. 2015

"Albummet bekræfter i det store og hele Kaufmanns position som en af det 21. århundredes absolut førende tenorer, men i enkelte numre kan man godt komme til at savne en Jussi Björlings mere lyriske klang. Kaufmann er mindst lige så stålsat, som han er smægtende".


d. 16. sep. 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 16. sep. 2015

"Hos Sony er alt nyindspillet, og alt er af Puccini. Men råstyrken er den samme ... Det er vildt imponerende, men ikke vildt underholdende. Hans svage toner kan lyde hule, og stemmen virker i det hele taget sløret eller matteret, når Kaufmann dæmper den ... Men måden, han skifter mellem styrkegrader og mellem stemmens registre på, er overlegen, og selv den mest effektjagende operanørd kan få styret sin trang til for eksempel høje h'er".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. okt. 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 28. okt. 2015

"Albummet bekræfter i det store og hele Kaufmanns position som en af det 21. århundredes absolut førende tenorer, men i enkelte numre kan man godt komme til at savne en Jussi Björlings mere lyriske klang. Kaufmann er mindst lige så stålsat, som han er smægtende".


d. 27. aug. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 27. aug. 2009

BBC music magazine

2024 December



Alexandra Wilson (musikanmelder)

2024 December

"This album of duets offers an interesting opportunity to hear him in a variety of roles and in pairings wity some of today's most celebrated sopranos, all of whom bar one he has performed opposite in the theatre. Not all of the 'love affairs' on the album catch light with equal intensity ... The most succesful partnership is with Sonya Yoncheva as the lovers in Tosca. Here the voices are ideally matched and both singers' interpretations are vivid and heartfelt. It is a treat to hear Kaufmann with Asmik Grigorian (both are exceptional singer-actors) ... and all the passion you would want from a Pinkerton (with Maria Agrest)".

BBC music magazine

2019 January



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2019 January

"There is a lot of pleasure to be had from this disc, which finds Alagna, now approaching his late fifties, in mainly excellent voice, though he tends to sing loudly throughout. He is, however, an intelligent artist making the most of his words. The same can be said of Kurzak, though she tends to be the nymph/seducer, both in her vocalising and in the accompanying pictures ... This is a charming recital".


2018 décembre



Didier van Moere

2018 décembre


2015 octobre



Didier van Moere

2015 octobre


2016, nr. 66



Mathias Clason

2016, nr. 66

"Jonas Kaufmann - operavärldens charmknutte nummer ett - gör alltid det han gör helhjärtat ... Nu är det Puccini - ur elva olika verk. Slå det den som kan! ... Här finns bra lite att klaga på ... Jag imponeras mest av de mindre kända numren ur Le Villi och Edgar".

Fono Forum

2015 Oktober



Manuel Brug

2015 Oktober

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Das bekannte neu gesehen, skrupulös erarbeitet wie serviert, vom Tenorstar wie vom traumwandlerisch die richtigen Akzente setzenden Antonio Pappano samt seinen de-Luxe-Kräften von der römischen Accademia Nationale di Santa Cecilia".


2015, nr. 39



Mikael Garnæs

2015, nr. 39

"Jonas Kaufmann er en rigtig god tenor ... Resultaterne er somme tider fremragende, somme tider bare dækkende. Hans Puccini-album hører til den blandede gruppe. Han synger uddrag fra alle Puccinis operaer ... Pudsigt nok mangler de to allermest kendte ... Noget af det virker lidt ufærdigt, men retfærdigvis må det siges, at de positive takter er i overtal. Kaufmann-fans behøver ingen tilskyndelser".

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2015 Christmas

"If you want a Puccini tenor bulging with Italian vocal muscle, or a voice with top notes that ping off his dress studs, then Jonas Kaufmann is not your man. But for an artist working with a conductor who makes you rethink Puccini's heroes as deeply flawed individuals, then this is the album ... The voice is now as much dark chocolate as light caramel; but for intelligence and commitment, is there another tenor nowadays who can hold a candle to Kaufmann?".


2024, nr. 72



Henrik Engelbrecht

2024, nr. 72

"Den chilensk-amerikanske Tetelman er 35 år gammel ... Hans stemme er velskolet, og den passer perfekt til netop de Puccini-roller, han synger på det nye album ... Grundklangen er åben, men alligevel mørkt farvet med et solidt fundament og med den helt rigtige italienske klarhed ... Alligevel er jeg ikke helt så betaget af hverken dette (eller Tetelmans forrige) album, som jeg havde forventet ... Jeg lytter til Tetelman og savner næsten hele vejen igennem lidt mere tid, lidt mindre slavisk nodetro fortolkning og langt mere refleksion i fraseringerne".

Fono Forum

2023 Dezember



Kai Luehrs-Kaiser

2023 Dezember

BBC music magazine

2023 December


2023 December

"Opera choice: He adopts a nuanced approach to characterisation, bringing a vocally distinctive tone to each role. His Cavaradossi is as languid and heroic as you could wish for; his Luigi edgy and sombre; his Ruggero youthful. But it is in the role of Des Grieux that he particularly captivates".


2016, nr. 66



Mathias Clason

2016, nr. 66

"Jonas Kaufmann - operavärldens charmknutte nummer ett - gör alltid det han gör helhjärtat ... Nu är det Puccini - ur elva olika verk. Slå det den som kan! ... Här finns bra lite att klaga på ... Jag imponeras mest av de mindre kända numren ur Le Villi och Edgar".

Fono Forum

2015 Oktober



Manuel Brug

2015 Oktober

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Das bekannte neu gesehen, skrupulös erarbeitet wie serviert, vom Tenorstar wie vom traumwandlerisch die richtigen Akzente setzenden Antonio Pappano samt seinen de-Luxe-Kräften von der römischen Accademia Nationale di Santa Cecilia".

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2015 Christmas

"If you want a Puccini tenor bulging with Italian vocal muscle, or a voice with top notes that ping off his dress studs, then Jonas Kaufmann is not your man. But for an artist working with a conductor who makes you rethink Puccini's heroes as deeply flawed individuals, then this is the album ... The voice is now as much dark chocolate as light caramel; but for intelligence and commitment, is there another tenor nowadays who can hold a candle to Kaufmann?".


2015 octobre



Didier van Moere

2015 octobre


2015, nr. 39



Mikael Garnæs

2015, nr. 39

"Jonas Kaufmann er en rigtig god tenor ... Resultaterne er somme tider fremragende, somme tider bare dækkende. Hans Puccini-album hører til den blandede gruppe. Han synger uddrag fra alle Puccinis operaer ... Pudsigt nok mangler de to allermest kendte ... Noget af det virker lidt ufærdigt, men retfærdigvis må det siges, at de positive takter er i overtal. Kaufmann-fans behøver ingen tilskyndelser".





"A collection of Puccini's most romantic arias, sung by one of the world's best-known tenors, Plácido Domingo, and released to tie in with the 150th anniversary of the composer's birth in December 2008".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 42, nr. 1 (2009)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 42, nr. 1 (2009)

"Genbrug, men indrømmet: Det kan næppe gøres bedre. Den smukkest tænkelige stemme, brugt med største overlegenhed og udsøgt smag ... Lækkert!".

The gramophone

2024 November



Neil Fisher (musikanmelder)

2024 November

"Call it operatic speed dating as the tenor Jonas Kaufmann embarks on a whirlwind romance with six different sopranos ... Never mind. Tenors were never meant to be trusted and Kaufmann at least sounds like he means it ... The 55-year-old Kaufmann still sounds convincingly energised, even if there are moments when he seems to let the soprano take the strain ... Finally, Kaufmann wrests back some lustre in solos; a stylish, warmly characterised 'Che gelida manina', and 'E lucevan le stelle', where his penchant for plaintive head voice sounds less mannered than it has recently done in the theatre".

The gramophone

2019 January



Mark Pullinger

2019 January

"[Alagna's] Italianate timbre and open-hearted, open-throated sound is ideal ... Characterisation is limited, although their singing is never less than lovely. Bohème's 'O soave fanciulla' is ideal, though with a beautifully floated final note from Kurzak, and they save the very best until last: a glorious Butterfly love duet that is both tender and ardent".

The gramophone

2015 Awards



Hugo Shirley

2015 Awards

"Kaufmann's reassuringly expensive-sounding voice finding luxurious and ardent support from Antonio Pappano and his Santa Cecilia Orchestra ... Dick Johnson suits his poetico-heroic manner well ... and there are few quibbles with Kaufmann in the title track, delivered (as the disc's finale) with his trademark purring, mahogany-tinged tone and rising to a ringing top B".

The gramophone

2023 Awards



Mark Pullinger

2023 Awards

"Editor's choice: Jonathan Tetelman has bowled me over again ... with an album dedicated to [Puccini]. It's prime territory for Tetelman - his Cavaradossi impressed me when I saw him in Vienna last year - and he sounds the perfect fit for each of the roles here. And what a sound! Tetelman's tenor possesses gleaming brightness, and his open vowels and excellent Italian diction make him the sunniest-sounding tenor since Luciano Pavarotti. He has a golden tone, with liquid phrasing, tenderness and ardour in equal measure ... A highly recommendable disc and I hope DG affords Tetelman a full Puccini opera recording soon, please".

The gramophone

2015 Awards



Hugo Shirley

2015 Awards

"Kaufmann's reassuringly expensive-sounding voice finding luxurious and ardent support from Antonio Pappano and his Santa Cecilia Orchestra ... Dick Johnson suits his poetico-heroic manner well ... and there are few quibbles with Kaufmann in the title track, delivered (as the disc's finale) with his trademark purring, mahogany-tinged tone and rising to a ringing top B".