Musik / rock

Reason to live

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 25. maj 2021



Will Fitzpatrick

d. 25. maj 2021

"As ever, this latest window into his psyche prompts as many questions as it provides answers - despite offering his usual warmth and intimacy, he still deftly keeps the listener at bay by retaining a degree of mystery. But of course, that's just one of many factors here that'll keep you coming back for more; a tangled web that's never less than utterly compelling".

Backseat Mafia

d. 24. maj 2021



Chris Sawle

d. 24. maj 2021

"An album of acoustic melodicism and humanism, lo-fi and sketchy in places, it's undeniably an album for the long haul. You might not love it right this week; but like all the best records, come back to me in a month, two months, tell me about that evening over a bottle with two close friends when it clicked and you heard it for the first time, really. You know where to find me".

The observer

d. 30. maj 2021



Phil Mongredien

d. 30. maj 2021

"While many of the songs here differ little stylistically from his lo-fi self-recorded contributions to 1991's brilliantly sprawling Sebadoh III - it's largely just his voice and his acoustic guitar - the variation in tone and mood is a definite upgrade ... Even songs that might once have sounded angstily passive-aggressive (most notably All You People Suck) are now imbued with warmth. It all adds up to a highly pleasing change of direction".

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