Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (2)

Record collector

461 (2016 Christmas)



William Pinfold

461 (2016 Christmas)

"As before, a disc featuring an alternate/ unreleased version of the album curated by mega-fan Robert Corich, plus a generously-illustrated booklet with Joel McIver's sleevenotes are the window-dressing, but the real selling point is that Salisbury is one of the overlooked heavy rock albums from the genre's golden age ... The variety is stunning, from proto-Queen rock with multi-layered vocal harmonies, gently anthemic folk ballads and Salisbury itself; part-rock, part-eminently sample-able funk/ jazz; but it's the cohesion that's so impressive. The alternate disc makes a listenable whole, highlights including a punchy High Priestess and a fantastic live Salisbury. One can only hope it brings a new audience to a neglected classic that's up there with the best of its era. As it turned out, they were just warming up".


2003 april


2003 april