Musik / rock

Savage gold

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 9. juni 2014



Grayson Haver Currin

d. 9. juni 2014

"Tombs' sense of timing, economy and impact throughout Savage Gold suggests the successes of Aesthethica, the second album by another similarly searching Brooklyn metal band, Liturgy. But Hill has no manifestos, no flashpoint politics, elements that would only distract from his band's newfound decisiveness and direction. Still, Savage Gold's energy suggests the same sort of "ecstasy" as Aesthethica, a feeling that also gives it concomitant crossover appeal. Maybe that's a surprising suggestion, that the album where Tombs digs its heels into heavy metal and works with one of the genre's bulwark producers might be the one that pushes its reputation farthest afield of metal itself".


d. 9. juni 2014



Kim Kelly

d. 9. juni 2014

"Savage Gold is of course far more than the sum of its parts, but those parts- Killing Joke, Deathspell Omega, later Death-make for an excellent starting point for the band's considerable combined talents to spring from. There's more than a little Neurosis lurking within the regal final track "Spirals," as well as swaths of blazing tremolo, paranoid guitar licks, and crashing cymbals that serve as a final statement and fitting summation of what Tombs stand for in 2014".

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