Musik / rock

Say what you like

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 20. mar. 2023



Grayson Haver Currin

d. 20. mar. 2023

"On his first new album since 2018, the Canadian songwriter with the gentle country lilt laments almost everything ... The hazards hidden inside Paisley's calm have never been as dense and potentially devastating as they are during 'Say What You Like' ... The contrast between his sound and substance has never been more striking, either. Backed on these 11 tracks by versatile Toronto band Bahamas, Paisley is cool above the country funk of "Say What You Like" and "Make It a Double," collected over the spartan "Holy Roller" and "Rewrite History." These songs, though, are a liturgy of grievance and disappointment, Paisley taking aim at old flames and distant friends, his own vaulting ambition or lack thereof ... In another era of country music (admittedly, the one that serves as a primary muse), Paisley's voice might have made him a superstar".





Soda Canter


"While the album overall never finds steady footing, Paisley isn't capable of delivering less-than-quality lyrics even if the end results, pointedly the title track, feel unfinished. Above all, it's evident that he's a songwriter's songwriter; an artist who is deeply committed to his craft. That's always easy to like".

Americana highways

d. 15. mar. 2023



John Apice

d. 15. mar. 2023

"Toronto-born singer-songwriter Doug Paisley has come up with some new self-reflective tunes that were bottled up long ago, set aside & only now are ripe enough for durable ears. His first collection since 2018's "Starter Home." This set brings together some of the better choices from 250 unrecorded songs that spanned more than a decade. Many are personal & explore the struggles of the individual & sometimes with a voice & groove that sounds as if it came from the same soil as the late J.J. Cale ... Like [John] Prine, Doug is neither a country singer, folk troubadour, or balladeer. But he could be all of them. He's a diversified singer-songwriter who through his tales can be cheerful, dark, introspective, or just confessional".