Musik / violinkoncerter

The Norwegian seasons


Summary: In 1989 Nigel Kennedy made his breakthrough recording of Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons.' In his sleeve notes to that famous release, Kennedy stressed that he had rejected the idea of playing Vivaldi's suite of violin concertos in either the "authentic" fashion, using period instruments, or in the more florid "romantic" style. He explained that his objective was to use "every kind of technique I know" to communicate his feeling for the music to his listeners. He didn't believe that The Four Seasons was confined to any particular point in time, because it "has far more to offer than mere historical interest." Now, in 2015, Kennedy returns with a completely fresh take on 'The Four Seasons,' but while the music sounds hugely different, his creative attitude is the same. Once again he has set out to prove that 'The Four Seasons' can be music for all time, and in his opinion there's no reason why Vivaldi's masterpiece shouldn't be opened up to embrace developments in musical instrument technology, or even new musical styles undreamt of in Vivaldi's 18th century world. Any forward-looking composer, Kennedy reasons, would have been delighted to exploit the potential of more expressive or sophisticated instrumentation if it had been available to him.

Anmeldelser (98)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"All discussions of aesthetics aside, you simply won't find more intelligent or musical recorder playing anywhere, and if you're a fan of the instrument this release will be essential listening. BIS complements the excellence of the performances with state-of-the-art engineering".

RBB Radiodrei

d. 11. juli 2024



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 11. juli 2024

"Vivaldis Meisterwerke gibt Lina Tur Bonet in ihrer Neuinterpretation einen frischen Aspekt, indem sie mit ihrem Ensemble Musica Alchemica wunderbar neuartige Klangfarben sucht und findet. Mit der Minimalbesetzung von nur sieben Musikern plus Solistin wird eine maximale Transparenz erreicht, die sonst nie gekannte Mittelstimmen und die Basslinie deutlich aufwertet, gleichzeitig an Virtuosität und Kraft aber nichts vermissen lässt. Für Piazzollas Jahreszeiten-Version wechselt Lina Tur Bonet das Instrument und die Begleitband. Aber auch hier besticht sie mit gefühlvoller Interpretation und grossartigem Ensemblespiel".





James Manheim


"It's a recording worthy of Bell's star quality, a fine Four Seasons for those not ready to take the plunge into historical performance, and an impressive feat of (mostly) studio engineering".

Classics today




David Vernier


"If you're a Joshua Bell and/or Vivaldi fan, or if you've just arrived on planet Earth and therefore haven't yet acquired your first Four Seasons recording, you only have to consider whether these performances are distinctive and authoritative and exciting enough to move them from the store shelves to yours. The answer is unequivocally "yes"".





Blair Sanderson


"The Four Seasons in chamber guise might be appreciated for its transparency and lighter feeling, but Accent's reproduction is boosted and quite loud, so La Petite Bande sounds almost orchestral in its loudest passages anyway, and the advantages of pairing down the ensemble seem minimal".

The independent

d. 18. sep. 2009



Andy Gill

d. 18. sep. 2009

"Kennedy's Four Seasons is an album which transformed not just the interpretive breadth accorded Vivaldi, but the commercial potential of classical music as a whole. Repackaged along with a Golden Rose-winning film of Kennedy's performance, it remains strikingly fresh, with the sly, dive-bombing glissandi and fluttering-leaf trills which open the Adagio Molto second movement of the Autumn concerto still having the power to shock two decades on".

The telegraph

d. 7. mar. 2015



Geoffrey Norris

d. 7. mar. 2015

"It is sufficiently respectful of Baroque sensibilities as to appeal to those who might shy away from too much animal scene-setting and yet has enough meteorological definition to convey the fact that Vivaldi was not just writing four concertos but was trying to capture images of spring, summer, autumn and winter within them".

Presto classical




"A completely fresh take on The Four Seasons ... Integral to the Kennedy approach is the drum programming of Massive Attack's Damon Reece, which adds a mesmerizing rhythmic pulse underneath the crisply-articulated playing of Kennedy's Orchestra of Life. So it's Vivaldi's Four Seasons, but not as we've known them ... The introduction of voices and electricity clearly move the piece into a different dimension. But creativity means change, and the last thing Nigel Kennedy will ever do is stand still".

DR musik

2008 uge 42



Jens Cornelius

2008 uge 42

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Indspilningen med Amandine Beyer og hendes ukendte orkester er ikke kun den nyeste, det er også en af de bedste. Her er fantasi, legelyst og spænding. Optagelsen er lavet med mikrofonerne helt nede i instrumenterne. Det plejer man ikke at gøre på klassiske plader, men det passer godt til de ukendte franske musikeres medrivende og heftige barokinstrumenter".

DR musik

2014 uge 25



Jens Cornelius

2014 uge 25

"Vurdering: Ugens cd" - "Ugens Cd er Vivaldi til nutiden. Men det er samtidig en indspilning så god, at den kan holde i mange år fremover ... Kati Debretzeni, rumænsk-israelsk violinist, er en forrygende virtuos".

Presto classical

d. 13. apr. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 13. apr. 2018

"Recording of the week: Podger's approach is considerably more fine-boned than most, which is as much down to the choices about phrasing, tempi and articulation as it is to the forces deployed: Spring is ushered in with gentleness and grace ... This is The Seasons as chamber-music rather than virtuoso war-horse, and the synergy between Podger and her tiny band is matchless".

MusicWeb international

2018 May



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2018 May

"Recording of the month: This could have been the shortest review I ever wrote ... Quite simply put, this is now one of the top recommendations in a very competitive field, among the top two or three on period instruments and at least equal with my top choice on modern instruments ... Right from the opening movement of Spring the birdsong shines through as if it were a composition by Messiaen ... Take the opening movement of Autumn, which would be well illustrated by Brueghel's painting of harvesters quaffing wine from a stone bottle ... Overall, then, ... strongly recommended".

MusicWeb international

2021 June



Brian Wilson (musikanmelder)

2021 June

"Baroque before: Of recording many Seasons there is no end, but ... Pentatone have given us something rather different: a recording with the recorder replacing the violin (mainly) or oboe, and, for good measure, with each of the seasons wrapped in a variety of other Vivaldi concertos. The programme is arranged so that each of the first four Op. 8 concertos is in a section with other concertos appropriate to that season. The arrangement may be subjective, but you do get a lot of Vivaldi for your money ... These arrangements work very well indeed ... The performances are first-rate, from both Bolette Roed and Arte dei Suonatori; the whole is very enjoyable, and not just as a novelty one-off".

d. 17. juli 2020



Friederike Westerhaus

d. 17. juli 2020

"CD der Woche: Mit grosser Verve wirft sich Arabella Steinbacher mit dem Münchner Kammerorchester ins rasante Presto aus Vivaldis Sommer hinein. Es ist eine wahre Freude. Das ist so souverän rausgeschleudert ... Im Frühling wird ihre Geige zum zwitschernden Vogel. Im Winter jagt sie uns den eisigen Wind in die Knochen. Steinbacher findet genau den richtigen Grat zwischen geräuschhaft lautmalerischer Naturdarstellung, brillanter Violinkunst und Klangschönheit ... Die direkte Verzahnung von Piazzollas und Vivaldis Jahreszeiten wirkt so durchaus organisch ... Bei Piazzolla aber, da schmachtet sie auch, geniesst die Glissandi und geht tief in die Saite, um einen kernigen, glutvollen Ton zu erzeugen ... Am liebsten will man danach die CD gleich nochmal von vorne hören".

The observer

d. 20. juni 2020



Fiona Maddocks

d. 20. juni 2020

"The German violinist Arabella Steinbacher was hesitant before going into the studio, "but then I thought, well, still this my first recording of it!". We should be glad she went ahead ... Both soloist and ensemble approach the contrasting styles - baroque energy and bluesy Latin passion - with supple mastery, bows biting into strings, rhythms accentuated, mood at times aggressive. Vivaldi's Summer, with its rushing storms and prickly, insect-ridden heat, sounds more than usually wild, with Steinbacher fearless in the rapid, high-flying outbursts. What a player".

Presto classical

d. 1. juli 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. juli 2020

"Editor's choices - June 2020: Having enjoyed her immaculately elegant Strauss album a couple of years ago, the smoky, dirt-under-the-fingernails verve of Steinbacher's Piazzolla Seasons (given here in a new arrangement for violin and orchestra by Peter von Wienhardt) took me slightly by surprise; its impact is heightened by the fact that she treats their Vivaldi counterparts relatively straight, with no Kennedy-esque excesses but plenty of subtle imaginative touches".

DR musik

2015 uge 22



Jens Cornelius

2015 uge 22

"Vurdering: Ugens album" - "En ny og veloplagt australsk indspilning af Vivaldis "De fire årstider" er Ugens Album på P2. Der er lavet mere end 300 indspilninger ... Og der er altid plads til en til, når musikerne kommer med et originalt og stilfuldt bud. Det gør Det australske kammerorkester ... Det er Vivaldi ramt på kornet - man kan slet ikke høre, at årstiderne i Australien er omvendt af dem i Venedig".

Presto classical




"For the four seasons, Vivaldi included four sonnets, apparently written by himself, each of which is divided into three ideas, reflecting the three movements (fast-slow-fast) of each concerto. The 1725 publication indicated which musical passages are representative of which verses of the sonnets. These rarely recorded sonnets are heard on this cd in the original Italian. The youthful musicians of EUBO are joined by a different soloist for each of the seasons".


d. 5. dec. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 5. dec. 2006

"Her kommer, i stedet for endnu en soloviolin, en opsigtsvækkende anderledes version med blokfløjtevirtuosen Dan Laurin i solistrollen ... Uden at være hidsig som en Fabio Biondi, til eksempel, får han med masser af frie forsiringer, nogle af dem ganske eksotiske, samt forskellige slags vibrato og andre effekter skabt friske, farverige fortolkninger".


d. 15. nov. 2017



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 15. nov. 2017

"Der er spillemandstradition smurt ud over noderne med pudsigt glidende ansatser, høj fart og masser af pågående eftertryk på første slag i takten. Vi får lyden af vejrliget, der hamrer af sted så voldsomt, som var det begsort norsk blackmetal. Der bliver satset højt - og det lykkes smukt".


d. 20. nov. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 20. nov. 2007

"Kan man lide sin Vivaldi cremet, sleben og lækker, er her nyindspilningen, der løfter sig over de andre mainstream-’ Årstider’. Sarah Chang er en violinist i superligaen, og hun spiller med total præcision. Hendes Vivaldi er varm og sammenspillet med Orpheusmusikerne aldrig mindre end intenst ... Spilletiden på en lille time. Ikke meget for en klassisk cd. Til gengæld er hvert minut rendyrket perfektion".


d. 21. maj 2014



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 21. maj 2014

"En utrolig sjælden og medrivende musik, de får leget sig frem til mellem fuglelyde, lydbilleder af fordrukne bønder, brølende tordenvejr og isnende kuldegysninger ... Samtidig med at man danser rundt foran højttalerne, for der er rigtig meget kropslig energi bundet op på den upolerede skønhed, kan man mærke billedkraften i musikken. Det er ekstraordinært godt".


d. 3. apr. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 3. apr. 2009


d. 8. juli 2020



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 8. juli 2020

"De fire årstider ... bliver ved med at inspirere gode violinister og komponister til nye versioner og omskrivninger, der kan stikke ud blandt de mere end 300 eksisterende indspilninger. Den situation kræver noget helt ekstraordinært, og selv om den energiske tyske violinist Arabella Steinbacher giver et fornuftigt bud sammen med Münchens kammerorkester, er det ikke nok ... Det bliver bare for pænt".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. jan. 2023



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 16. jan. 2023

"Det er det udmærkede italienske strygerensemble Archi dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia, der spiller, og som solist - og vel også dirigent? - hører man den 35-årige slovensk-kroatiske cellist Luka Sulic. Eksperimentet er ikke helt vellykket, dels fordi man uvægerligt kommer til at savne soloviolinens lysere virkning, dels fordi orkesterklangen i det hele taget forekommer lige lovlig robust".


d. 7. jan. 2020



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 7. jan. 2020

"Luka Sulic er fra Slovenien og ... på det nye album har han slået sig sammen med strygergruppen i det romerske symfoniorkester Accademia di Santa Cecilia, og det er ikke så tosset, det, de sammen får ud af de fire temperamentsfulde violinkoncerter. Sulic prøver at finde yderpunkterne i Vivaldis musik, så den faktisk både får kant og gode melodier, og strygerne spiller varmt og tight. Man kan sagtens mærke både romantisk længsel og dramatisk vrede, når Sulic lægger sin brede celloklang helt frem i lydbilledet og lader den skære igennem. Problemet er, at de ikke kan så meget mere med Vivaldis musik. Energiniveauet falder tit, og klangen - hvor alt af gode grunde ligger i mellemlejet - bliver hurtigt kedelig og endimensionel. Og så falder Vivaldis musik sammen som tung soufflé".

Berlingske tidende

d. 29. nov. 2005



Søren H. Schauser

d. 29. nov. 2005


d. 5. dec. 2005



John Christiansen

d. 5. dec. 2005


d. 6. sep. 2003



Peter Ryom

d. 6. sep. 2003

"Trods sin alder hører indspilningen stadig til de bedste, der nogen sinde er udkommet af de fire værker. Musikken, der selvfølgelig udføres på historiske instrumenter, fremstår klart, uden de unoder og mere eller mindre mærkværdige spillemåder og overdrevne forsiringer, man hører på senere optagelser ... En velkommen anledning til at høre den ægte vare".


d. 8. mar. 2008



John Christiansen

d. 8. mar. 2008

"Hun søger ikke de moderne barok-idealer, men giver en moderne tolkning med et flot violinspil og mange spændende musikalske tanker, men det er næppe alles smag. Orpheus Chamber Orcestra bakker godt op om hende, også i en ekstra g-mol koncert, RV 317".


d. 13. apr. 2021



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 13. apr. 2021

"Bolette Roed er en af de fremmeste blokfløjtenister herhjemme, og som den ældre kollega Michala Petri gjorde adskillige gange, har hun nu udgivet Vivaldis violinkoncerter De Fire Årstider med det polske barokorkester Arte dei Suonatori. Dobbeltalbummet indeholder tillige 12 andre violinkoncerter af Vivaldi, og det hele er altså omsat til blokfløjtekoncerter ... Men blokfløjten befinder sig godt i »Forårets« fuglesang, førstesatsen fraseres uhyre legato, som sunget i lange åndedrag, og Bolette Roeds fuglestrofer er absolut indtagende ... Hendes altblokfløjte er imidlertid noget spag i volumen ... men der sker ting og sager, når Bolette Roed griber den lyse sopranblokfløjte. Hun så at sige løfter sig over orkestret og musicerer med et skønt drive".

Fono Forum

2015 Dezember



Ole Plüger

2015 Dezember

"Wer Kennedy schon immer kritisierte für unsauberes Spiel und stereotype Artikulation, dem wird es diese CD vielleicht leichter machen, darüber hinwegzusehen".

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2015 Christmas

"In place of the English Chamber Orchestra he deploys his own band plus a phalanx of guest artists spanning the jazz and rock worlds; and in a mash-up that takes no hostages, he thrashes the Baroque notions of instrumental embellishment and continuo improvisations to within an inch of their lives".


2015 decembre



Roger-Claude Travers

2015 decembre


2016, nr. 40



Andrew Mellor

2016, nr. 40

"Den gode nyhed er, at attituden og den rasende energi i Kennedys spil er intakt. Den dårlige nyhed er - ja, dem er der en hulens masse af. Det vi hører er ikke Vivaldis fire violinkoncerter, men et sammenklip af dem med nye lyde: talte, sungne, improviserede, elektroniske. Fint nok ... Problemet er, at hans album er så svært at lytte til. Vivaldis musik kommer sjældent op at køre grundet den besynderlige frasering, som Kennedy og hans orkester vælger ... og fordi det så ofte mangler momentum. Al energien ... tabes, mens konflikten fyldes af ikke-musikalske afbrydelser".

Fono Forum

2020 August



Matthias Hengelbrock

2020 August

"Ganz unabhängig von der mehr als fragwürdigen Interpretation hat diese CD aber einen gewissen Repertoirewert. weil sie vor die "Vier Jahreszeiten" sechs streicherstücke von Marini, Merula, Uccelini und Pasino stellt, in denen naturalistische Themen aufgegriffen und verarbeitet werden".

Fono Forum

2013 September



Arnd Richter

2013 September

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Da die Musiker der Balkan Baroque Band crossovererfahren sind, fliessen auch typische Spielweisen der Volksmusik in ihre Vivaldi-Interpretationen ein ... Dieses auch aufnahmetechnisch makellose Album ist für mich eine der spektakulärsten Neuerscheinungen des CD-Jahres 2013".


2015 mai



Roger-Claude Travers

2015 mai

BBC music magazine

2015 May



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2015 May

"Dmitry Sinkovsky blows safe out of the water. With minimal strings and a continuo mustering two harpsichords, archlute and Baroque harp, he already sets himself apart from the crowd ... As a violinist he's got exuberance to spare".

BBC music magazine

2024 August



Charlotte Smith (musikanmelder)

2024 August

"Lina Tur Bonet is no shrinking violet, and here she creates highly original interpretations of Vivaldi's Seasons - with satisfying results. On a Baroque Amati of 1740, she and Musica Alchemica are bold in their choice of tempos, use of rubato and range of bow strokes - and in the Piazzolla their distinctiveness is dialled up to 11".

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2015 Christmas

"Vurdering: BBC music concerto choice" - "This fresh approach grows out of the work itself, and as a period instrument ensemble La Serenissima fully understands what an imaginative continuo section can bring to the table ... If the sheer sweep and vivacity captivates, details are just as telling".


2016 janvier



Roger-Claude Travers

2016 janvier

Fono Forum

2019 August



Georg Rudiger

2019 August

"Nicht nur die Fuge hat Astor Piazzolla gemocht. Auch die rhythmische Energie der Barockmusik findet man in seinen Tangos. Der argentinische Barockgeiger Andrés Gabetta ist in beiden Welten zu Hause. Und legt mit seiner auf historischen Instrumenten spielenden Cappella Gabetta eine schön kratzbürstieg, plastische Aufnahme vor. In Vivaldis 'Vier Jahreszeiten' besticht Gabetta mit impulsiven, improvisatorisch klingenden Soli ... Auch die vier Piazzolla-Sätze spielen die Orchestermusiker auf Barockinstrumenten, was gut funktioniert ... Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi am Bandoneon ist ein grosser Erzähler und lässt das Instrument atmen ... Auch hier bewegt sich die Cappella Gabetta so traumwandlerisch wie ein Tangotänzer. Insgesamt zeigt sich: Vivaldi und Piazzolla sind sich erstaunlich nah".

The Penguin guide to compact discs, cassettes and LPs




"The players create a relatively intimate sound, though their approach is certainly not without drama, while the solo contribution has impressive flair and bravura. The overall effect is essentially refined, treating the pictorial imagery with sbtlety ... Authenticists should be well satisfied".

BBC music magazine

2017 Christmas



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2017 Christmas

"Kraggerud's visceral, brighttoned approach to Four Seasons tries a little too hard in places; four of his own somewhat inconsequential compositions are interleaved".

BBC music magazine

2008 October



Martin Cotton

2008 October

"This is an intriguing and unique set. The other concertos, two of which are first recordings, make an attractive bonus".

Fono Forum

2007 Oktober



Matthias Hengelbrock

2007 Oktober

"Einmal mehr stellt Kuijken überkommene Hörgewohnheiten in Frage, aber nicht des Effektes, sondern der Sache wegen. Manches wird man noch klären oder differenzieren müssen, aber Kuijkens Ansatz eröffnet völlig neue Einsichten".

BBC music magazine

2025 January



Charlotte Smith (musikanmelder)

2025 January

"This exciting experiment reimagines Vivaldi's Seasons on the Hardanger fiddle, and highlights a delightful symmetry between Italian Baroque and Norwegian folk. The burnished timbre and beautiful ornamentation - often sounding free and improvised - utterly transform these much-loved works, and the mercurial changes of mood, from barely-there barrenness to rushes of unbridled energy, are fascinating. A triumph".

BBC music magazine

2014 August



George Pratt

2014 August

"She [Debretzeni] directs 14 strings, harpsichord and theorbo of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, and cerates a sense of intimate chamber-playing which we're privileged to share".

BBC music magazine

2018 June



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2018 June

"Concerto choice: Part of the freshness stems from the interaction between Podger and her one-to-a-part ensemble. She's first among equals and the dynamic couldn't be further removed from the usual notion of the concerto as a vehicle for the all-conquering soloist ... It's striking just how many soloistic opportunities Vivaldi offers the ensemble ... Musical details are incisively etched".

BBC music magazine

2021 May



Nicholas Anderson

2021 May

"Roed is an accomplished recorder player and what she achieves here is technically impressive and, more often than not, musically convincing ... While adjustments to the melodic line of the solo violin are required to accommodate the recorder, Roed's skill in producing a satisfying result is striking. Perhaps the most convincing of the concertos are three in which Vivaldi, though offering a choice between violin and oboe, clearly had the latter foremost in mind. There are other delights, too, and many pleasing details ... Roed is supported throughout by the stylish and sympathetic playing of Arte dei Suonatori".

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Julian Haylock

2020 September

"Given the hundreds of versions of Vivaldi's Four Seasons already avaiable, another might seem superfluous. Yet few are as radiantly beguiling, nor so immaculately tuned as to rival ... For those who despair at the number of recent 'HIP' versions ... in which Vivaldi's onomatopoeic effects have been allowed to run riot, Steinbacher's alluring tone, espressivo phrasing, subtle vibrato inflections and bewitching cantabile should provide a vital tonic ... Yet what makes this fine-honed account stand out from the pack is [the Piazzolla] ... Steinbacher treads the fine line between Argentinian heat and Parisian cool with flair and sensitivity".

Fono Forum

2020 Oktober



Norbert Hornig

2020 Oktober

"Vivaldis "Vier Jahrzeiten" ... Auch Arabella Steinbacher hat den barocken Evergreen jetzt aufgenommen ... Auf gutem Niveau sicherlich, aber bei Vivaldi haben dann doch andere die Marken gesetzt ... Von grösserem Reiz ist Piazzollas neuzeitlicher Blick auf die Jahreszeiten. Es erklingt hier ein Arrangement des ursprünglichen Tango-Quintetts von Peter von Wienhardt. Engagiert, emotional und mitreissend interpretiert".

BBC music magazine

2015 May



Paul Riley (musikanmelder)

2015 May

"Everything's done with great care, buoyancy and tastefulness, but that very tastefulness can be over-respectful ... Better is the joyously incisive account of the four-violin concerto Bach reworked as a dazzling showcase for four harpsichords, while best of all is the first movement of the Sinfonia to La verita in cimento which crackles with the elemental force of a forest fire".


d. 9. apr. 2000


d. 9. apr. 2000


d. 21. aug. 2000


d. 21. aug. 2000

Berlingske tidende

d. 5. apr. 2000


d. 5. apr. 2000

The gramophone

2015 December



William Yeoman

2015 December

"Kennedy in his New Four Seasons surprises by succeeding with excess. Not that there 's wholesale recomposing here; as always, Kennedy is respectful of the score. But by (presumably improvising) anachronistically modern links between the movements and ... luminaries from rock, jazz, blues and various other popular and worldmusic genres, he actually gets closer to the spirit of Vivaldi's rambunctious bucolic sound canvases ... in this utterly exhilarating recording".


2020 mars



Olivier Fourés

2020 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

Fono Forum

2015 Juni



Wolfram Goertz

2015 Juni

"Auch der hochmusikalische russische Geiger und Dirigent Dmitry Sinkovsky bringt keinen Zugewinn für Vivaldis banal tönende Zeitenwanderung namens Quattro stagioni. Dass er in zwei Arien und Kantaten auch sein (beachtliches) Gesangvermögen als Countertenor unter Beweis stellt, wertet die Entbehrliche Platte nicht auf".

The gramophone

2015 June



William Yeomen

2015 June

"One would, however, have to travel very far indeed to find another musician as outrageously gifted as the Russian violinist and countetenor Dmitry Sinkovsky".

Klassisk musik

2005, nr. 5


2005, nr. 5

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 6 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 6 (2005)


d. 19. dec. 2003


d. 19. dec. 2003

The gramophone

2015 October



William Yeoman

2015 October

"All - and this also goes for two superb bassoon concertos featuring the outstanding Peter Whelan and the two concertos for the three-stringed viola "in tromba marina" - are realised in vivid colours through the agency of gimmicky extremes of tempo and overly percussive effects but through an intelligent, imaginative approach to bowing".

Berlingske tidende

d. 8. mar. 2003


d. 8. mar. 2003


d. 22. maj 2003


d. 22. maj 2003

Berlingske tidende

d. 13. okt. 1999


d. 13. okt. 1999


d. 2. nov. 1999


d. 2. nov. 1999

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 25. okt. 1999


d. 25. okt. 1999


d. 3. dec. 1999


d. 3. dec. 1999


d. 24. okt. 1999


d. 24. okt. 1999


d. 28. dec. 1999


d. 28. dec. 1999

The gramophone

2019 July



Andrew Farach-Colton

2019 July

"Piazzolla on Baroque period instruments? I was somewhat sceptical before slipping the CD into the player, but my doubts were quickly swept away by these swaggering, gritty accounts of the tanguero's Four Seasons in Buenos Aires. Indeed, the strings' bite and slightly edgy tone sounds stylistically apposite ... What's most remarkable, perhaps, is how fresh and spontaneous everything sounds: these may be studio recordings but they convey the frisson of a live performance".


d. 24. sep. 2003



John Christiansen

d. 24. sep. 2003

"Det er en ret intim gengivelse, dog med dramatiske pointer. Er man for det såkaldt autentiske, er det et godt bud".


d. 9. apr. 2000


d. 9. apr. 2000

The gramophone

2008 November



Lindsay Kemp

2008 November

"These are nice performances, the sort that would charm you to pieces if you came across them one afternoon in some fine Baroque church, but for repeated listening they need a bit of tightening up".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. sep. 2002


d. 16. sep. 2002

The gramophone

2014 July



Julie Anne Sadie

2014 July

"This is a recording of the evergreen Four Seasons to remember and return to. The playing is sublime. Kati Debretzeni is a breath of fresh air at any time of the year ... Bravo!".

The gramophone

2018 May



Charlotte Gardner

2018 May

Editor's choice: It's not just that the actual playing is superb: serene virtuoso fluency from Podger, gorgeously supported by her colleagues ... It's also that this is something genuinely, effortlessly and naturally different ... I've never heard their every twist and turn served up as quite the succession of changing sound worlds as appears here".

The gramophone

2021 June



Charlotte Gardner

2021 June

"When [Vivaldi's] catchy tunes and perky rhythms sound so right on the instrument, who can blame Danish recorder player Bolette Roed for wishing to expand her instrument's repertoire by taking on a clutch of the violin concertos? And all power to her for deciding to take on the most famous ones of the lot: The Four Seasons ... Indeed the whole album feels a bit like a story of swings and roundabouts ... Creative? Yes. Pleasant? Yes. Absorbing? Sometimes. Essentially, a mixed bag in more ways than one".


d. 24. sep. 2003


d. 24. sep. 2003

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 23. okt. 2000


d. 23. okt. 2000


2020, nr. 58


2020, nr. 58

"Det er ikke første gang Vivaldis skiftende årstider ... og Piazzollas 'Four Seasons of Buenos Aires' ... flettes sammen ... Atmosfære og associationer er fælles for værkerne ... På denne cd spiller hun [Arabella Steinbacher] og München Kammerorkester en ny version af Piazzollas komposition arrangeret for violin og strygeorkester af Peter von Wienhardt".

The gramophone

2015 May



William Yeoman

2015 May

"Although this isn't a live recording, what you do get is all the excitement and spontaneity of a live performance - along with the ACO's trademark visceral approach to early music ... there is some exceptional playing here".

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