BBC music magazine2012 JuneafafBerta Joncus2012 June"Credit is due to Jana Semeradova for a world-premiere recording, and for the cool professionalism with which he and his choir illuminate the score's structure. What fails to come through is the verve with which the composer appealed to his Jesuit constituents ... The artistry of Zelenka, rather than the performers, is what makes this disc a worthwhile acquisition".
Fono Forum2012 DezemberafafRichard Lorber2012 Dezember"In diese Karfreitagsmusiken gibt es erstaunliche Stücke ... Einen das Werk abschliessenden, ruhig im Fugensatz dahinfliessenden Chor, der hier aus acht solistischen Stimmen gebildet wird, was der Musik eine sehr angemessene Durchhörbarkeit gibt und eine Detailschönheit der Gesangsphrasen, die sich barock durch den Tonsatz winden".
The gramophone2012 AprilafafLindsay Kemp2012 April"Though the more consistent balance of later works is yet to be achieved, his [Zelenka] many admirers will surely be delighted at the opportunity to acquaint themselves with this younger but clearly recognisable and lovable version of their hero. Collegium Marianum introduce us to him in performances that are skilful, stylish and attractive to the ear ... A beautiful, warming Baroque discovery".