Musik / rock

Serpent & spirit

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 24. juni 2021



Paul Travers

d. 24. juni 2021

"Serpent & Spirit is a very chaotic album. Not in the frenetic sense of a grindcore or mathcore explosion - there's a precise, measured approach to everything they do - but certainly in the sense that you have little idea what the band will do next ... It's not an instant album but it rewards repeated listening and heralds the arrival of a vital new force in British metal".

Distorted Sound

d. 26. juni 2021



Jessica Hawkins

d. 26. juni 2021

"They have packed so much into each track, yet nothing is overcrowded or a bit `too much'. The quality of balance on the album is of a remarkable level and cannot be disputed. In no means is it a perfect release, but it's very rare you get to hear a debut offering that puts its heart and soul onto the table in such a way as URNE have done, ultimately leading to something truly magical".


d. 28. juni 2021



Mads Aspesgård Kofod

d. 28. juni 2021

"Purister vil hellere lade skibet synke, end unødigt at blande genrer. Det er også for det bedste, så det eneste overraskende ved Urne er, hvor frygtløst og veludført de gør netop det ... Det er svært at vurdere Urnes ambitioner, men man får ikke fornemmelsen af, at de sigter mod masseappellen, de spiller og dyrker bare alt det metal, de synes er fedt. Derfor kan man med fornøjelse også slappe af i det".