Musik / rock

Setting the dogs on the post punk postman

Anmeldelser (3)


d. 6. apr. 2021



Ian Rushbury

d. 6. apr. 2021

"The title track (...) almost defies description. Imagine 10cc, forced at knifepoint to write a film-noir-inspired song, incorporating UK alternative rock icons Throbbing Gristle and Epic Soundtracks, a handful of phrases used in the worst kind of backstreet pubs, and some whistling. If that sounds appealing to you, you really need this record. And maybe some therapy ... To put Haines in that "loveable lunatic" box is a major mistake. He's not particularly loveable for a start as his work has none of the whimsy that has people beating a path to the doors of artists like Robyn Hitchcock and Andy Partridge. There's a darkness to Haines' work which is probably keeping him off the radio and leaves him prowling the dimly lit alleyways of the bad side of pop. I think he likes it there ... His low-key snarl adds another layer of disquiet to everything. If you're looking for a place to start in Haines' expansive and intimidating catalog, Setting the Dogs on the Post-Punk Postman would be a great place to begin. You get all the good stuff here; the oblique references, the great tunes, and lyrics which are often laugh-out-loud funny".


d. 20. juni 2021



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 20. juni 2021

"Luke Haines er [vred, men] har stadig noget på hjerte. På det aktuelle album med den humoristiske titel 'Setting the Dogs on the Post Punk Postman' får Luke Haines hjælp fra R.E.M.-guitaristen Peter Buck, og serverer sin vrede over sit lands politiske tilstand som fængende rocksange".

Record collector

518 (2021 May)



Kevin. Harley

518 (2021 May)

"The former Auteurs leader's mordant wit, bunker mentality and dramatic flair have stoked some singularly skewhiff curios for the 2010s. His bite stays sharp on the Stella Street-gone-wrong vignettes of "Setting The Dogs..." ... With Peter Buck and Julian Barratt guesting, Haines sniffs out scuffed gold wherever he roams, never failing to deliver the unexpected and unrestrained".