Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (3)


d. 6. sep. 2017



Ron Hart

d. 6. sep. 2017

"It took them the better part of three decades to finally break down their sound to the raw materials that made them such a bracing antidote to the lily white patina of rock music in the late '80s. That may seem like a long time, but considering the fractured state of our country right now, Shade feels right on schedule".


d. 10. sep. 2017



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 10. sep. 2017

"Living Colour blander alt muligt sammen på 'Shade'. Bandet er måske blevet lidt mere bluesinspireret end i begyndelsen af karrieren, men der er stadig nok af metal, funk, soul og hip hop til at glæde gamle og forhåbentlig også nye fans med hang til fusion af disse genrer ... Living Colour er svære at sætte i bås. Deres musik er en fusion af stort set alle stilarter. Men for en fan af hard rock og metal med ørerne slået ud og alle sanser parate til opsamling af indtryk er der meget at hente på 'Shade'. Det er i sandhed et godt album".


d. 8. sep. 2017



Morgan Evans

d. 8. sep. 2017

"Frankly, Shade sounds like the band is still ruling the world, such is their confidence and skill level here ... Anyway, Living Colour are still where it's at in 2017, and it is pretty obvious I love this new album and so should you. Huge thanks to this band for still making music that matters and being good people".