Musik / rock

Sing it high, sing it low - Tumbleweed Records 1971-1973

Anmeldelser (2)

Record collector

466 (2017 May)



Jake Kennedy

466 (2017 May)

"As you'll deduce from the short lifespan in the title, Tumbleweed soon blew through town. Label wrangles and distribution concerns meant No 66 was the highest any release reached in the Billboard chart, and only Szymczyk went onto greater notoriety with his work commandeering The Eagles a few years later. But Sing It High - deserves investigation, and LITA do Tumbleweed more than justice, documenting a time when risks were actually backed, regardless of whether they paid off".





Mark Deming


"Featuring a well-written and compelling history of the label from Sarah Sweeney, Sing It High, Sing It Low is an enjoyable overview of a forgotten chapter in early-'70s country-rock, though this story is compelling enough that the album really should have been longer".

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