Musik / solosang

Brahms songbook, vol. 2


Klaverakkompagnement uden sang.

Anmeldelser (48)

MusicWeb international

2019 November



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2019 November

"What then has a young soprano, who here makes her CD debut, to offer against such competition? Quite a lot, actually ... She contributes with a fresh, unscathed voice of considerable beauty and a willingness to find adequate nuances. Her piano and pianissimo singing is lovely throughout ... The freshness is so natural and I just had to reprise all seven at once ... I look forward to hearing more from Harriet Burns and I already have in my pile of un-listened discs a twofer with Robin Tritschler".

MusicWeb international

2019 October



Roy Westbrook

2019 October

"It almost goes without saying that this is a well-planned recital for a recording debutant's disc, giving her room to show different sides of her musical personality, and yet play to her strengths. Those strengths include an intrinsically appealing basic sound, control of line and tone, and identification with what she is singing about ... Graham Johnson is as reliable, and often as inspired, as we have long come to expect ... Tenor Robin Tritschler's contributions to four of the Deutsche Volkslieder are a considerable asset ... and this is a strong addition to an invaluable series".

MusicWeb international

2019 July



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 July

"Renée Fleming here offers an appetising programme of Lieder ... In relation to the Brahms songs ... I admired the delicacy of Hartmut Höll's pianism and Fleming's creamy voice ... Fleming conveys successfully the eagerness of Ständchen and she's in sumptuous voice for Mondnacht. The song I enjoyed most of all was Die Mainacht, which is gorgeously sung. Here Renée Fleming conveys a sense of longing and her long phrases give great pleasure ... The Mahler songs were recorded live and, once again, there is much to enjoy in Fleming's singing ... There is, then, a good deal to enjoy in this recital by Renée Fleming ... This album will give pleasure to the admirers of a distinguished singer".

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Colin Clarke (musikanmelder)

2020 November

"Recommended: It is surprising Austrian mezzo Sophie Rennert has not cropped up more on disc; she won the 2014 International Mozart Competition in Salzburg, was a member of Konzert Theater Bern 2014-16, and has since established an international reputation. Graham Johnson, of course, need no introduction, and everything one associates with him - the intelligence, the high musicality, the technical perfection - is here in spades".

MusicWeb international

2020 December



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2020 December

"This well-filled disc is the tenth and last in Hyperion's series of all Brahms's piano-accompanied songs ... Young Austrian mezzo-soprano Sophie Rennert ... has a well-schooled high mezzo-soprano, beautiful and capable of both rhythmical lilt and dramatic exuberance ... As a whole her interpretations are well up to the general standard of this series and collectors should with confidence invest in this final issue ... Did I write that his [Graham Johnson] accompaniments are just as masterly as they have ever been? They certainly are! Congratulations to Graham and Hyperion".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2022 November

"Recommended: Anna Lucia Richter ... has changed to mezzo-soprano pitch. Her voice has preserved its beauty, and at the somewhat darker-hued pitch it is now an ideal instrument for Brahms's songs ... But Anna Lucia Richter wouldn't be Anna Lucia Richter if she didn't also deliver well-considered interpretations based on a thorough understanding of the texts in the bargain ... The whole album is a gem and a valuable addition to the Brahms discography - which certainly isn't meagre - and I wouldn't mind a sequel. Ammiel Bushakevitz is an excellent accompanist".

MusicWeb international

2020 June



Roy Westbrook

2020 June

"Recommended: Here indeed is the ensuing volume, this time with Tritschler having top billing and Harriet Burns the walk-on part in five songs. The programme, as with others in the series, is broadly chronological and covers much of the composer's song-writing career ... We seem to have a selection that focuses on the lyrical and folk-like, thus playing to several of Robin Tritschler's particular strengths, not least a certain fresh directness of interpretation ... Much is achieved though Tritschler's care for line and tone and word-meaning, without seeming on first hearing to do much more than deliver what is written ... Of course he is blessed with the most appealing vocal charm, instantly recognisable, and an instinctive feeling for style. But here the honey-toned Irish troubadour comes of age as a great lieder singer ... Almost every song on this disc is ideally realised ... Very highly recommended".

MusicWeb international

2020 May



Göran Forsling (f. 1942)

2020 May

"Recommended: With singing of such distinction as we encounter here, even the more obscure songs come to life, and Graham Johnson's accompaniments further heightens the listening experience ... If I add that reading Graham's all-embracing notes on each of the songs further enhances the value of this issue, there is no need for me to apologize for the Recommended tag".

Presto classical

d. 17. juni 2016



Katherine Cooper

d. 17. juni 2016

"Vurdering: Presto disc of the week" - "The four starry singers are perfectly cast, sparking off one another like a top-notch string quartet and achieving that rare feat of blending seamlessly when required but also contrasting quite beautifully throughout. And most appealingly of all, everyone just sounds like they're having enormous fun".





James Mannheim


"Bass-baritone Thomas Quasthoff was rarely in better voice than on the Five Songs, Op. 94, but perhaps the real standout is mezzo Magdalena Kozená, better known as an aria singer, but awesomely compelling and controlled in Feldeinsamkeit ... The show was well recorded, and Kozená and Quasthoff fans especially will want this in their collections".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



William Hedley

2018 August

"Appl's strengths as an interpreter are particularly evident in Vor dem Fenster. On the face of it, this is a fairly simple strophic song in triple time. But each verse is not quite identical and, in telling the story, he must play the role of the narrator, the young lover, and the girl who leaps from her bed when she hears him singing beneath her window. Appl achieves this with that synthesis of simplicity and sophistication that Brahms's folk-inspired music requires".


d. 1. nov. 2012



Jens Povlsen

d. 1. nov. 2012

"Basbarytonens fuldfede stemme er en oplevelse. Holl rækker begærligt ud efter Brahms, men på store dele af albummet er sangene skåret så skarpt og Holls store røst doseret så meget, at man ikke mærker suget af hjemve, død og forelskelse under sangene. Brahms hænger nydeligt i luften, men ender også med at blive hængende dér. Ned på jorden kommer han ikke med Holl og Johnson".


d. 16. mar. 2007



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 16. mar. 2007

"Bernarda Fink, den argentinske sopran ... har sammen med den engelske pianist Roger Vignoles samlet 31 Brahms-Lieder, som hun både stilfuldt og frisk foredrager ... Hør, hvordan Roger Vignoles dugperlende gelejder Bernarda Fink gennem ... Lieder er ikke tænkt til sund køreglæde, men hvor de dog spinder skønt hen ad vejen".

BBC music magazine

2024 October



Sarah Urwin Jones

2024 October

"This second volume in a complete series of Brahms's songs ... continues the fascinating endeavour begun by the first. There are jewels among this sombre, deeply felt selection ... gorgeously done by Sarah Connolly. Martineau is at his excellent best throughout, but not least - for those who enjoy the odd dash of humour with their despair - in the tottering drunken paean of 'Unüberwindlich' (Fünf Gesänge, Op. 72) ... gustily sung by Müller-Brachmann".


2019 octobre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2019 octobre

BBC music magazine

2012 January



Hilary Finch

2012 January

"At the heart of the recital lie som fascinating rarities ... And Bode's performance of another Wolf favourite, Mörike's poem An eine Äolsharfe, is sung with masterly legato, if revealing his occasional tendency to stretch rather too audibly towards the higher notes".


2012 janvier



Hélène Cao

2012 janvier

"En définitive, un chanteur à suivre, mais une intégrale qui peine encore à décoller".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



Natasha Loges

2019 September

"Fleming's technical artistry is truly impressive ... effortlessly bearing her rich, luxuriant sound ... Fleming's delightful selection of Brahms songs and Schumann's Frauenliebe und -leben aren't presented with the folk-like simplicity one might expect. This approach is suffused with late Romanticism, with full singing and rich characterisation. It's generous and heartfelt singing, playful, flirtatious and dramatic by turn, but for me, a touch over-egged ... Fleming's Rolls-Royce voice is perfectly matched by Mahler's opulence in his sublime Rückert-Lieder".


2019 été



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2019 été


2019, nr. 55



Steen Chr. Steensen

2019, nr. 55

"Stemningen ... er stillet ind på det mere intime og følsomme, men allerede i Brahms' Wiegenlied, der indleder cd'en, går det galt. Renée Flemings vidunderlige stemme virker ganske enkelt overdimensioneret i forhold til den sarthed, der gennemstrømmer lieden ... Det gælder stort set alle liederne af Brahms og Schumann ... Renée Fleming er mere på hjemmebane i Mahlers Rückert-Lieder alene af den grund, at hun her får medspil af Münchner Filharmonikerne ... så hendes store stemme får et større rum at folde sig ud i".


2007, nr. 5



Thomas Michelsen

2007, nr. 5

"Bernarda Fink med den åbne, naturlige stemme kaster sig sammen med den lydhøre, altid afbalancerede britiske akkompagnatør Roger Vignoles - han er da så ubetinget en af vore dages mest kompetente liedledsagere - ud i en times recital med skatte fra Brahmsrepertoiret ... Og hør, hvor hun kan synge ord som "süsse Pein". Dét er vokalkunst ... Det er ikke svært at elske og anbefale kombinationen af Fink, Vignoles og Brahms".

BBC music magazine

2022 November



Natasha Loges

2022 November

"Choral & song choice: It takes a brave soul to release an all-Brahms song recording ... but Anna Lucia Richter and Ammiel Bushakevitz so such a fine job ... The lower female voice was Brahms's favourite vocal type, and Richter's has a warmly sensual sound which is multidimensional without heaviness ... These musicians have a dynamic understanding of text, and find the right balance between architectural sweep, fidelity to notated details and freedom, imagination and flexibility".


2020 mai



Sylvain Fort

2020 mai

BBC music magazine

2010 July



Hilary Finch

2010 July

"This recital is beautifully shaped ... I'd have liked more of a smile".

BBC music magazine

2012 November



Hilary Finch

2012 November

"Plenty of treats, though, along the way ... For the four Serious Songs themselves, Holl brings a deep sense of empathetic humanity to the live, deeply felt and thoughtfully reasoned inner monologues which he makes of them".

Fono Forum

2016 November



Johannes Schmitz

2016 November

"Die vier lassen schöne und stimmige Gesamtklänge hören. Die Balance zwischen ihnen und den beiden Pianisten ... ist gut. Die etwas hallträchtige Live-Atmosphäre stört nicht. Die einzelnen Qualitäten kommen in kleinen Soloblöcken deutlicher zum Vorschein".

BBC music magazine

2016 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2016 October

"This collective Brahms recital is less than sonically ideal: apart from some audience noise, the sound picture feels crowded ... The individual voices are uneven matched ... Even with Quasthoff's top-class participation, they hardly add up to an ideal vocal quartet".


2016 octobre



Hélène Cao

2016 octobre

Fono Forum

2011 Juli



Christoph Zimmermann

2011 Juli

"Einen speziellen Charme besitzt "Soll sich der Mond nicht heller scheinen". Da wird Christine Schäfer Text und Musik besonders gerecht ... Graham Johnson besticht neuerlich mit seiner filigranen, emfindsamen Begleitung".

BBC music magazine

2011 May



Hilary Finch

2011 May

"Schäfer is ideally cast: she sings them very much as a singing actress would, artful in her apparent artlessness, and meticulous of diction [Ophelia songs] ... Their pungent Eastern European inflections are relished by Johnson and by Schäfer who sings them in engagingly girlish tones, yet without a hint of the coy or arch [Mädchenlieder]".

BBC music magazine

2018 May



Natasha Loges

2018 May

"Johnson is alive to every juicy nuance of the richly detailed accompaniments. And although I was occasionally distracted by Appl's closed vowels, which sometimes robbed the poetry of its immediacy, he brings many beautiful details to his reading".

The gramophone

2024 October



Hugo Shirley

2024 October

"Editor's choice: For his second release in his projected survey of Brahms's complete songs on Linn, Malcolm Martineau is joined by mezzo Sarah Connolly and bass-baritone Hanno Müller-Brachmann ... Martineau's playing is ever alive to details, always impeccably articulated and beautifully voiced, and his two singers bring a real authority to what they sing ... Overall, this is a handsome album and one that bodes well for the rest of this enterprising series".

The gramophone

2019 October



Richard Wigmore

2019 October

"At heart, if not always in practice, a man of the people, Brahms engaged deeply with folk song throughout his life ... Buoyed by Johnson's acutely judged accompaniments, the fresh-toned young soprano Harriet Burns, on her CD debut, spins a pure line and responds sensitively to the 'echt'-Brahmsian moods of loneliness, regret and pathos ... Singer and pianist vividly convey the gradual shift from anxiety to exultations ... In the Deutsche Volkslieder, several sung here as duets, she and tenor Robin Tritschler nicely balance artlessness and telling characterisation".

The gramophone

2012 February



Richard Wigmore

2012 February

"His tone is sweet and gently rounded, his diction crystal-clear, his phrasing always thoughtful ... There is far more to enjoy than to cavil at here, not least in Bode's spontanous freshness in the folksong settings".

The gramophone

2019 August



Hugo Shirley

2019 August

"Her performances can never be doubted for their diligence and honesty, while the voice ... still has plenty of that trademark beauty, especially at the top ... But the soprano's glamorous, cookies-and-cream approach often sits uncomfortably with the more homely aesthetic of these songs with piano ... All in all, this is probably one primarily for Fleming fans".

The gramophone

2020 November



Richard Wigmore

2020 November

"I suspect that Sophie Rennert's tones, combining an amber glow with the freshness of youth and a freesoaring top, would have come somewhere near [Brahms's] ideal. She phrases broadly and expressively, and points and colours words with unexaggerated sensitivity. Her diction throughout is a model. Rennert balances artlessness and dramatic involvement in the many folk songs and quasi-folk songs, and is a keen storyteller ... A lovely singer, Sophie Rennert is a natural in lieder. Her partnership with Johnson makes a fitting culmination to what has proved a revelatory Brahms series".

The gramophone

2007 May



Richard Wigmore

2007 May

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "In heartbreak or happiness, this distinctive singer is a delight in Brahms ... a Brahms recital of rare distinction".

The gramophone

2022 Awards



David Patrick Stearns

2022 Awards

"The word that repeatedly came to mind while listening to this recording was 'ideal', on every level".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. dec. 2000


d. 4. dec. 2000

The gramophone

2020 May



Hugo Shirley

2020 May

"The mood is predominantly reflective, gently folkish and naive throughout, which proves a good match for Tritschler's youthful, firm tenor and bright, straightforward interpretations. He captures beautifully the artlessness of the early 'Mondnacht' and the urgency of 'In der Fremde' ... He's superb in the folk songs themselves, as well as such irresistible folky numbers as 'Sonntag' ... The hits that pop up, too, are in good hands ... with Johnson's accompaniment a marvel of delicacy ... This is an excellent addition to this series, and one that amply demonstrates what a superb Lieder singer Tritschler is".

International record review

2010 July/August



Lucy Beckett

2010 July/August

"Johnson's arrangement of this recital and his exceptional accompanying skills, together with Kirschschlager's voice and approach, almost always so appropriate to Brahms, make this a highly desirable disc".

The gramophone

2010 August



John Steane

2010 August

"Angelika Kirschschlager sings with purity of tone, evenly produced and unfailingly accurate in intonations but I don't find the timber very distinctive or capable of varied coloration".

The gramophone

2012 November



Richard Wigmore

2012 November

"In his vocal autumn, Robert Holl fields a bass-baritone of slightly grizzled nobility, with impressive sonorous depth ... Given Holl's vocal timbre, it's no surprise that songs of regret, resignation and death-longing predominate even more than they do in most Brahms recitals ... Despite my provisos, there is much to admire in the directness and slightly grizzled nobility of Holl's singing, especially in the Vier ernste Gesänge. But be prepared for a protracted Brahmsian gloomfest".

The gramophone

2016 Awards



Hugo Shirley

2016 Awards

"Both Liebeslieder sets benefit from a real sense of relaxed, spur-of-the-moment music-making, with, one senses, James Levine and Yefim Bronfman sharing the driving seat, keeping the faster numbers urgent and vigorous, and allowing plenty of time in the slower numbers. Their top-quality pianism really lets us hear a wealth of delightful detail. The quartet themselves make an appealingly lively sound ... Quasthoff and especially Kožená are strongest in their solo selections ... A fun, well-filled disc".

The gramophone

2011 June



Richard Wigmore

2011 June

"Her pellucid high soprano has lost little of its purity and ease while encompassing richer, aptly Brahmsian shades. And her response to text, mood and harmonic colour is now still more vivid".

The gramophone

2007 February



Alan Blyth

2007 February

"Once again Dame Janet proves herself the supreme Lieder singer ... To every song here, familiar or unfamiliar, she brings her special ability of making it her own and reaching to its heart ... Lush and Hamburger, especially the latter, are fully cognisant of what to do with Brahms's intricate writing for the piano".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 28. feb. 2000


d. 28. feb. 2000


d. 29. feb. 2000


d. 29. feb. 2000

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