Musik / rock

Summer of sorcery

Anmeldelser (2)





Mark Deming


"The sheer scale of Summer of Sorcery sometimes gets to be a bit much, between the wordiness of the lyrics and the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink arrangements, but if this a bit much to take in in a single sitting, it's all but impossible not to be impressed by the scope of Little Steven's vision, and the skill with which he and his collaborators bring it to fruition. And he still knows how to write a song that speaks from his heart, regardless of what is on his mind. Imagine Asbury Park, New Jersey encompassing an entire musical planet and you'll have an idea of what Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul are doing on Summer of Sorcery, and if you dig rockin' soul, this should be right up your alley".

American songwriter

d. 1. maj 2019



Hal Horowitz

d. 1. maj 2019

"It's a full-blown, Phil Spector-sized creation, including his 14-piece road band with five horns and three background singers. Swelling strings are added to some tracks to further expand the already widescreen sound. "Somebody open the door/ I'm back to rock some more" kicks off this hour-long music stroll down memory lane. This song cycle of sorts about the joys of coming of age in "the first summer of consciousness" is meant to wrap that lyrical concept around a dozen new compositions all bathed in the glow of '60s music. That's fine but these tunes are often little more than revitalized riffs, melodies and rhythms of already existing songs retrofitted with new words and creative, even complex, rearrangements".