Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 5

Anmeldelser (45)

Audiophile audition

d. 11. maj 2015



Mel Martin

d. 11. maj 2015

"The performances are excellent on both Tchaikovsky pieces. If you don't mind the slower tempo on the 5th, and the laid-back recording, this disc is a worthwhile purchase".

2020 November



Ateş Orga

2020 November

"The style and substance of the Fifth Symphony is ingrained in their DNA. Big dynamic range, hard yet cushioned tuttis, warmly lyrical contrasts, beauty of sound and detail at a premium, structure and theatre hand in hand. Opting for the large-scale overview, letting facets glint the horizon that others underplay or take too easily for granted, is part and parcel of Järvi's mature language these days. Conscious that shaded brushstrokes will often say more than bright stage lighting, he doesn't need to over-act a story to get the message across ... This is interpretation, playing, production and sound engineering on an epic, eloquent scale. Byronic Romanticism ... Heaven only knows what the players must have felt. Elated yet floored. Wiped out yet triumphant. Järvi at his best".

Audiophile audition

d. 3. juli 2011



Lee Pasaerlla

d. 3. juli 2011

"Tchaikovsky's music is disturbingly violent, brilliantly orchestrated. Pletnev and his band turn in a virtuoso performance - if anything, a finer performance than that of the symphony. I would place this Francesca among the best performances I've heard".





Blair Sanderson


"Pletnev's interpretation is lyrical and elastic, so the music sounds fresh and organically conceived, and the orchestra is responsive to the conductor's nuances. But this familiar work falls short of being exciting when it needs to be and seems to be a bit more studied than felt".





Blair Sanderson


"Fortunately, this 2015 hybrid SACD by Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony offers one of the more exciting and terrific sounding live renditions available, so even the most jaded listener can appreciate this symphony with new ears ... The symphony is backed with the Romeo and Juliet Fantasy-Overture, which is equally popular and quite complementary to the symphony in its turbulent moods and extraordinary melodies".

MusicWeb international

2020 December



William Hedley

2020 December

"I've never been able to get on with this work [Francesca da Rimini], finding that the story brought out the worst in Tchaikovsky, whereas the best of him, as in the Fifth Symphony and so many other works, and this despite all the drama and anguish, conveys sentiments which are both grand and noble. But Järvi and his marvellous orchestra play the work for all it is worth, its passion and violence brought out in all its Technicolor ferocity".

The Classic Review

d. 2. dec. 2020



David A. McConnell

d. 2. dec. 2020

"Järvi secures consistently impressive playing from his Tonhalle orchestra, who are at one with their new leader. He has a definite ideal of Tchaikovsky interpretation: it is not simply allowing the music to speak for itself, but it does seem intent on reigning in, or refining, the music's most intense emotional moments. This ideal may please listeners who find the Karajan, Gergiev and Petrenko performances too histrionic. In my view, those conductors communicate more fully the intense emotions of Tchaikovsky's music".

Presto classical

d. 30. nov. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. nov. 2020

"Editor's choices - November 2020: If this first instalment is anything to go by, Järvi's Tchaikovsky cycle with his Swiss orchestra is going to be a real ear-opener: this is one of the most crystalline and beautifully-balanced accounts of the symphony I've come across, with a wealth of woodwind and string detail that often gets obscured by the brass coming to the fore and a real balletic impulse underpinning the outer movements as well as a delightfully airy scherzo. There's blood and thunder aplenty, though, in Francesca da Rimini - so much so that on first hearing I wondered if I was listening to a different orchestra".

Presto classical

d. 29. dec. 2023



Chris O'Reilly

d. 29. dec. 2023

"Recording of the week: Exceptional in every respect with lush strings, warm brass (but still with enough 'edge' when required) and delightful characterised woodwind solos, I'm now reaching for this recording ahead of the famous 1960 Leningrad/Mravinsky one".

MusicWeb international

2023 September



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 September

"Recording of the month: This is the second time this partnership of conductor and orchestra has recorded Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony ... but by all accounts this new release exceeds it in terms of both sound and performance. The excellence of this collaboration ... is something we are beginning to count upon; the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra is now surely one of the very best in the world and several of their recordings over the last decade or so ... have leapt to the head of my preferred lists".


d. 17. feb. 2009



Thomas Michelsen

d. 17. feb. 2009

"Her kommer en ny indspilning, hvis ultradynamiske indfaldsvinkel og hele ungdommelige energi virker direkte berusende. For det første spiller de fantastisk, ungdomsorkestret fra Venezuela, der i en koncertoptagelse fra Caracas virkelig når op på nogle klimakser i den bedste af Tjajkovskijs tre sidste skæbnesymfonier, 5. symfoni. For det andet er dirigenten rent plastisk sprængstof. Gustavo Dudamels ... fortolkning er ladet med overblik, intensitet og risikovilje. Albummet er i bedste forstand live".

Berlingske tidende

d. 20. feb. 2009



Søren Schauser

d. 20. feb. 2009

"Han kan noget langt, langt, langt ud over det sædvanlige. Når han står med stokken dramatisk hævet over hovedet, virker han som én stor tryllestav - parat til at sætte ild på nærmeste klassiker. På sin seneste cd er det Tjajkovskijs femte symfoni, der får varmen at føle. Og sikke den brænder igennem! De unge landsmænd i orkestret tænder op under hver eneste tone og følger Gustavo i tykt og tyndt".


d. 28. juli 2009



John Christiansen

d. 28. juli 2009

"Her er Tjaikovskijs [femte] symfoni i en bemærkelsesværdig gengivelse. Nelsons er vokset op i Sovjetunionen, men det er ikke den rusisske tradition, som han lader vælde frem. Det er heller ikke en voldsom Tjaikovskij ... men en bemærkelsesværdig dæmpet gengivelse i det ydre, en Tjaikovskij med så megen mere organisk liv og mening".


d. 17. feb. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 17. feb. 2009

"Gustavo Dudamels Tjaikovskij strutter af drama og begejstring ... Ungdomsorkestrets musikere er hentet ind fra gaden direkte til oplæring i et instrument, og det er et musikalsk mirakel, hvad de har udviklet sig til. Dertil spiller de under Dudamel med en begejstring, som nærmest vælter tilhørerne omkuld. De unge tror på Tjaikovskij, som får ny vitalitet".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. mar. 2009


d. 4. mar. 2009

"Tit bliver Tjajkovskij for svulstig og pompøs til denne anmelders smag, men her spilles med en udadvendt rytmisk energi og en lysende glød, der får varmedisen til at flimre for øjnene. Der er således ingen tendentiøse finkulturelle fornemmelser, og alt påklistret føleri er væk til fordel for den rene glæde ved det at udtrykke sig i musik".


2015 septembre



Rémy Louis

2015 septembre

BBC music magazine

2015 October



David Nice

2015 October

"Long gone are the days when the big record companies would put out stock repertoire on a monthly basis ... Now it's left to the orchestras themselves, and that has to be a good thing when the great masterpieces get a fresh look. Sadly this isn't such a disc ... Much of the fire has gone out of Michael Tilson Thomas's Tchaikovsky since he recorded the First Symphony 45 years ago".


2009, nr. 15



Esben Tange (f. 1962)

2009, nr. 15

"Tjajkovskijs 5. symfoni fremstår svulmende og spændstig, men samtidig fredtfattig uden overdreven sentimentalitet. Tjajkovskijs skæbnetyngede univers tages på ordet uden unødvendige svinkeærinder, og det er befriende og forløsende på en egen ligefrem måde ... Det mere end 100 mand store orkester lader til at være enormt stort, og det opleves som fokuseret energi, kraftfuld orkesterklang og et helt særligt musikalsk drive ... Resultatet er under alle omstændigheder livsbekræftende og en virkelig musikalsk bedrift".

BBC music magazine

2021 January



Julian Haylock

2021 January

"Clearly this is going to be no ordinary reading, and it is Järvi's careful gradations of the Symphony's sonic terracing and refusal to let the orchestra have its collective head at the slightest provocation that leaves the most lasting impression here ... In the incandescent near-hysteria of Francesca da Rimini, Järvi's clear-sightedness and avoidance of heavy rhetoric proves and ear-tweaking antidote to supercharged classics from the likes of Evgeny Svetlanov, Gustavo Dudamel and Leopold Stokowski".


2021, nr. 61



Mikael Garnæs

2021, nr. 61

"Hvad der især lyser ud af disse Tjajkovskij-optagelser er fornemmelsen af et velfungerende orkesterkollektiv, hvor alle bidrager med noget personligt. Dirigent Paavo Järvi satser ikke på en strømlinet orkestermaskine, hvor de enkelte musikere er tandhjul, men et tillidsfuldt samarbejde, som får intensiteten til at stige og klangen til at blomstre. Hovedværket på skiven er en skarp og inspireret udgave af 5. symfoni .... organisk tænkte og fint formet ... Orkesterfantasien over et tema fra Dante, "Francesca da Rimini", er en anden god oplevelse ... I Järvis udgave syder og koger det på vejen ned i Helvede ... Tak for en ordentlig rusker i følelserne i en kold tid".

Fono Forum

2009 Oktober



Helmut Peters

2009 Oktober

"Jede Phrase ist au verschiedenen Ebenen durchstrukturiert, ja es ist eine Art Stickerei im Kleinen, die Nelsons hier am Beispiel eines Reissers der Konzertbühne vornimmt. Und er tut es zu Recht und zu Gunsten eines durchaus abgespielten Werkes".

Fono Forum

2023 Dezember



Götz Thieme

2023 Dezember

BBC music magazine

2023 October



Erik Levi

2023 October

"Recording of the month: As you'd expect, the Pittsburgh Symphony responds with phenomenal virtuosity to all the twists and turns in Honeck's interpretation [Tchaikovsky] ... There's plenty of energy and imagination in Schulhoff's 'Five Pieces for String Quartet', an unexspected coupling performed here in a resourceful full orchestral arrangement".

Fono Forum

2024 Februar



Tom Reinhold

2024 Februar

Fono Forum

2010 November



Christoph Vratz

2010 November

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Jansons und seine BR-Musiker, die Grossartiges mit diesem Werk anstellen. Selbst nach mehrmaligen Hören bleibt dieser Gesamteindruck erhalten".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2010 February

"Vurdering: BBC orchestral choice" - "Jansons pays a lot of attention to structure, and only puts on the brakes or accelerates where Tchaikovsky indicates - which is unusual ... The difficult-to-realise Francesca comes off well too".

Fono Forum

2012 Juni



Michael Kube

2012 Juni

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Nachdem das Orchester in den letzten Jahren auf hohem Niveau nochmals hörbar weiterentwickelt hat, verfügt es nun über einen in sich abgerundeten, durchaus charateristischen Ton, der den Begriff Klangkörper neu erfahrbar macht".

BBC music magazine

2011 Christmas



Erik Levi

2011 Christmas

"The Pittsburg Symphony responds with inflamed virtuosity to all Honeck's demands and it's little wonder that the audience goes wild at the end. There are however some snags to the recording. Pittsburg's Heinz Hall has a rather cavernous acoustic with some inner details being lost ... anyone wanting to hear a completely compelling account of this well-worn work will not be disappointed".

The gramophone

2015 August



Andrew Achenbach

2015 August

"The Fifth Symphony proves uncommonly thoughtful, urbane and dignified. Not only is the orchestral response scrupulously prepared and free of meretricious flashiness, the performance displays an enviable sweep and long-term control that pay handsome dividends ... Both sound and balance throughout are beyond reproach".

The gramophone

2009 April



Edward Seckerson

2009 April

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Energy and excitement as Dudamel's young players take on Tchaikovsky".

The gramophone

2020 November



Mark Pullinger

2020 November

"For the most part, this is a dry-eyed, disciplined account ... By largely playing the score straight, it helps Tchaikovsky's ritenutos to really tell. Järvi keeps the third-movement Valse on the move, too. But it's the finale where the drama catches alight ... It's not a Fifth that's as histrionic as either of Valery Gergiev's recordings ... but it certainly hits the emotional spot and marks an auspicious start to Järvi's Tonhalle Tchaikovsky cycle".

The gramophone

2023 September



Mark Pullinger

2023 September

"Recording of the month - Editor's choice: This is one of the best new Tchaikovsky Fifths I've heard for ages ... Even if this Fifth came with no coupling, I'd still recommend it ... The booklet is fabulous ... A class act".


d. 4. maj 1999


d. 4. maj 1999


d. 1. mar. 2004


d. 1. mar. 2004

The gramophone

2011 January



Andrew Achenbach

2011 January

"Janson's many fans will naturally want ot hear this BR-Klassik pairing but in truth neither of his versions of the main work supplants from my own affections a veritable phalanx of infinitely more involving interpretations from the likes of Koussevitzky, Mravinsky, Monteux ... and Abbado".


d. 1. aug. 1999


d. 1. aug. 1999

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 13. sep. 1999


d. 13. sep. 1999


d. 4. maj 1999


d. 4. maj 1999

The gramophone

2012 June



Andrew Achenbach

2012 June

"Technically, this is an enormously impressive display: the Cologne orchestra responds with formidable discipline and sumptuous body of tone, while the eagle-eyed Kitaenko directs proceedings with an iron grip. It's all too slick and forceful, however, and I find myself craving far greater vulnerability, compassion and tenderness".

International record review

2012 January



David Gutman

2012 January

"An extreme dynamic range goes hand in hand with micro-managed infelctions of all kinds ... While there have been many more poised and consistent interpretations it is easy to see why there should be a buzz about this very positive music-making".

The gramophone

2011 December



Edward Seckerson

2011 December

"You can feel the force of Honeck's personality from the moody and atmospheric opening bars ... What especially impressed me here was the really quiet and euphonious brass-playing ... They make as much of an impression throughout the performance as Honeck's bigboned fortissimos".


d. 6. aug. 2000


d. 6. aug. 2000

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