Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphony no. 7

Anmeldelser (3)

MusicWeb international

2020 December



Hubert Culot

2020 December

"All the works recorded here are fairly recent ones in Silvestrov's output ... The most striking stylistic feature is a nostalgic glance at the music's past which often results in elusive, understated musical shapes which may at times be experienced as pastiche - which they actually rarely are ... This generous release offers a fine survey of Silvestrov's mostly recent output and sheds some interesting light on his deeply idiosyncratic music-making along with a most welcome performance of the marvellous "Ode to a Nightingale" which, as far as I am concerned, crowns this highly commendable release recorded in the composer's presence by musicians long associated with his music and thus lending it an undeniable seal of authenticity".

Fono Forum

2020 Dezember



Martin Demmler

2020 Dezember

"An der Musik von Valentin Silvestrov scheiden sich die Geister. Für die einen ist es blanker Kitsch, für andere Ausdruck einer berückenden Innerlichkeit ... Doch so einfach, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint, sind die Werke Silvestrows nicht ... Alles, was er komponiert, klingt elegisch, melancholisch, mahnt an die Vergänglichkeit. Sein grosses Thema ist der Verlust ... Das staatliche Sinfonieorchester Litauens, seit langem mit der Musik Silvestrovs vertraut, ist der ideale Klangkörper für diese Musik".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



Christian Hoskins

2020 Awards

"Anyone wanting to explore the mature output of the Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov could hardly do better than hear this new Naxos release, featuring a series of works written across a span of 30 years, the majority of them not previously recorded ... A demonstration-class recording and detailed notes by Lyndon-Gee complete a very appealing release".