Symphony no. 2
Gustav Mahler
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Symphony no. 2
Gustav Mahler
The folly of desire
Brad Mehldau
Symphony no. 5
Gustav Mahler
Complete Beethoven symphonies, vol. III
Ludwig van Beethoven
The 9 symphonies
Ludwig van Beethoven
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Art songs of the Jewish diaspora
Ian Pomerantz
Symphonies : nos. 8 Unfinished & 9 Great
Franz Schubert
Concerto for clarinet
Carl Nielsen (f. 1865)
Carmina burana
Carl Orff
d. 12. feb. 2021
Guido Krawinkel
d. 12. feb. 2021
"Mit seiner 1909 vollendeten 9. Sinfonie nimmt Gustav Mahler Abschied von dieser Welt, so jedenfalls der Eindruck, der beim Hören dieser Aufnahme entsteht. Das mehrfache Aufbäumen im ersten Satz etwa, die mitunter surreal anmutenden Passagen in der extrovertierten Burleske oder das langsame Entschwinden aus der Welt, dass das nach und nach im Nichts verebbende Finale versinnbildlichen könnte ... All das wird von Adam Fischer und den Düsseldorfer Symphonikern mustergültig vorexerziert ... So entsteht ein vielschichtiges Bild dieses Werkes, das den Hörer gleichermassen fasziniert wie ergreift. Als Konzertmitschnitt haftet dieser Aufnahme zudem der Zauber des Augenblicks an".
d. 25. aug. 2014
John Christiansen
d. 25. aug. 2014
"Orkestret følger Schönwandt stærkt og tæt i musikens væsentligste indhold, og Schønwandt bygger indholdet og beskrivelsen af den indre kamp mesterligt op i et gribende forløb".
d. 3. okt. 2022
Oliver Bernhardt
d. 3. okt. 2022
"Von den ersten Takten der sich allmählich entwickelnden melodischen Keimzelle an erzeugt Rattle eine atemberaubende Spannung und Intensität ... Traditionell Rückblickendes, radikal Modernes, schonungslos aufgezeigte seelische Abgründe, überirdisch entrückte, gesangvolle Schönheit - diese Interpretation hat auf alle symphonisch letzten und essentiellen Fragen, die hier von Mahler musikalisch verhandelt werden, eine Antwort ... Mit besonders schwärmerischen Adjektiven wie "magisch" sollte man zurückhaltend umgehen - dieses Konzert verdient dieses Prädikat. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass sich das BRSO und Rattle in seiner neuen Amtszeit häufig Mahler zuwenden".
d. 4. juni 2015
Kate Molleson
d. 4. juni 2015
"Mahler's long farewell ... is given heartbreaking intensity and tenderness by the Budapest Festival Orchestra, always an ensemble of great character and conviction ... And what a fine Mahlerian [Fischer] is: this account is superb for the orchestra's deep, old-world sound, for a generosity of expression that clinches the work's turmoil but draws radiantly life-affirming conclusions".
2018 April
Marc Bridle
2018 April
"It is impeccably played, one can't quibble with the orthodox tempos ... though there is nothing particularly distinctive about Harding's conducting or the Swedish Radio's playing which mark these out as exceptional or otherwise ... This isn't a Mahler Ninth that explores much deeper than it needs to, or perhaps it is how the conductor currently views the work".
d. 15. nov. 2020
David A. McConnell
d. 15. nov. 2020
"If I am less moved by this performance than the other recordings mentioned, it is because I remain unconvinced by Fischer's more objective interpretation. Other listeners, of course, may feel differently. This will not be a primary recommendation for the Mahler Ninth, but it certainly offers a thoughtful and musical alternative view of this brilliant and profound music".
2023 April
David Phipps (musikanmelder)
2023 April
"The Vänskä-Minnesota Mahler Ninth is a good recording, reproducing nearly everything on the pages of the score very faithfully; but in a Mahler Symphony, that's not enough ... What concerns me, especially, is the thought that new Mahler listeners might acquire this recording and think this is what Mahler is supposed to sound like, that this is all there is to it - in which case, they would be missing out on so much more that is in there, as we discover when listening to performers with a better understanding of the Mahler idiom".
2023 July
Roy Westbrook
2023 July
"This version joins the - admittedly absurdly long - "short list" of fine Mahler Ninth recordings which collectors should hear".
2023 July
David McDade
2023 July
"If, like me, you have harboured doubts about Rattle's Berlin 9 but, unlike me, you have felt the need to keep those doubts to yourself, then this may be a version to hear. Vänskä lacks the calm, almost Buddhist wisdom of Walter in his Columbia Symphony recording or the dogged, flinty endurance of Horenstein but at the end of listening to this recording I had a sense of having experienced this remarkable score in its fullness, not just its drama. That alone makes this worth listening to".
2022 September
Michael Cookson
2022 September
"Recommended: The Ninth Symphony divides opinion ... Ideally, I require broadly diverse feelings, from mollifying tones and colours to contrasting pent-up energy and hostile intent; Rattle does that here, assuredly providing well-judged tempi and dynamics, and a compelling perspective on Mahler's orchestral writing. With playing of high calibre, the BRSO achieves high levels of dramatic intensity and passages of unerring beauty ... This outstanding new account of the Ninth stands shoulder to shoulder with the finest, as an expression of Rattle and the BRSO's shared values and their devotion to Mahler's music".
2022 November
Robert Cummings (musikanmelder)
2022 November
"Recommended: Needless to say, this is a profound and conflicted work, certainly one of Mahler's greatest creations, and Rattle brings out more detail from the score in this live performance than you hear in any other recording I know of ... A superb account, both in the conductor's shaping of the score and the orchestra's outstanding playing ... In fact, I would rank Rattle's performance here with the best of the competition and would add that even the classic recordings of Bernstein, Giulini and Karajan have no significant advantage over Rattle's. In the end Rattle would be my top choice among newer versions and probably the equal of the classic performances on disc".
2017 March
Michael Cookson
2017 March
"Recording of the month: Mariss Jansons here directs a memorable live account of Mahler 9, drawing stunning playing of considerable intensity from his Bavarian orchestra. Immaculately prepared, as usual, I admire Jansons' masterly control of tempo, dynamic and scale. Beautifully recorded too at the Philharmonie, Munich".
d. 21. feb. 2018
Thomas Michelsen
d. 21. feb. 2018
"I hans hænder bliver Mahlers nostalgiske afskedsunivers dystert og desperat. Harding er en perfektionist, der dirigerer kraft ind i musikken. Han går efter et ekstremt nærvær i hver enkelt stemme ... Resultatet er ikke dansende og orgiastisk Mahler som hos Leonard Bernstein, men det er voldsomt, det virker ... Skal denne musik lyde så perfekt? Det er der delte meninger om. Men hør det. Det er intet mindre end spektakulært, hvad Harding opnår".
d. 20. okt. 2009
Henrik Friis (f. 1978)
d. 20. okt. 2009
"Gilberts Mahler -fortolkning er gennemsympatisk og virkelig vellykket ... Fornemmelsen af nøjagtig timing og regelret klarhed er hele tiden til stede ... Alt klinger varmt og nuanceret, og gode producere på BIS bør også have nogle af roserne for det imponerende klangbillede".
d. 19. juli 2014
Søren Schauser
d. 19. juli 2014
"Det er karakteristik i klodeklasse. Og det er bedre end de fleste liveoptagelser på markedet. Lad os endelig høre mere til DR Symfoni-Orkestret med Michael Schønwandt foran".
d. 18. juni 2014
Peter Dürrfeld
d. 18. juni 2014
"Hver af de fire satser mejsler sig endnu en gang ind i sjælen på en ... Lyden er fremragende, og Michael Schønwandt står selv for nogle kortfattede, men særdeles rammende kommentarer i den medfølgende booklet, hvor han ... med dyb taknemmelighed ser tilbage på den oplevelse, det var at arbejde med symfonikerne i de januardage dengang".
d. 14. maj 2013
Thomas Michelsen
d. 14. maj 2013
"Dette er musik, der oser af smerte og menneskelig erfaring ... Stræk af virkelig vellykket fortolkning veksler med mere almindelig tomgang. Men man skal nu ikke langt ind i den første af symfoniens langsomme ydersatser, før man oplever den passion, Dudamel og Los Angeles-orkestret kan generere, og i den afsluttende adagio rammer de et tempo, der blotter musikkens følelsesåre".
d. 1. mar. 2013
Jens Povlsen
d. 1. mar. 2013
"Gustavo Dudamel får understreget sit enorme format i Mahlers niende symfoni. Uden antydning af vaklen slipper han livet løs hos Mahler og fører overbevisende og med omhu sine symfonikere gennem kæmpesymfonien".
d. 28. maj 2008
Søren Schauser
d. 28. maj 2008
"Denne hundrede år gamle musik kastes fra fuglekald til endeløse vidder, fra indadvendte suk til musikhistoriens mest ekstatiske takter på få øjeblikke. Sådan noget fanges sjældent på en plade. Men som De nok har gættet: Berlinerfilharmonikerne under Sir Simon Rattles ledelse kommer tæt på ... Resultatet er simpelthen medrivende som få".
d. 25. juni 2019
Thomas Michelsen
d. 25. juni 2019
"Blomstedt og bambergerne spiller Mahlers 9. med en dybde og alvor, der lader fortidens senromantiske skønhed og den nye modernitets splittelse og desperation balancere og sameksistere ... I Blomstedts hænder forvandles musikken til varme og menneskelighed uden at miste sine kradse elementer af tvivl, sorg og kamp. Dæmpet messing snerrer om kap med strygere, der virkelig tager fat, og klokker ringer i det fjerne. Men under den svenske dirigents behandling transcenderer musikken til et nyt niveau, hvor alt synes at hænge sammen".
d. 18. okt. 2004
d. 18. okt. 2004
d. 26. feb. 2010
John Christiansen
d. 26. feb. 2010
"En live optagelse fra 1979 i en meget intens tolkning ... Mit eget valg i Mahlers niende er Karajans live-optagelse med sine berlinere, også på DG ... men Bernsteins gribende koncert er ... absolut værd at tage i betragtning".
d. 21. okt. 2004
d. 21. okt. 2004
d. 27. dec. 2005
John Christiansen
d. 27. dec. 2005
d. 16. maj 2008
Jens Cornelius
d. 16. maj 2008
"I Mahlers skøn-tragiske farvel til verden i den 9. Symfoni klinger orkestret som 100 samarbejdende solister ... I tilfældet Mahler er partituret så enormt, at ikke alle detaljer i en enkelt opførelse kan være lige tilfredsstillende, og det er de heller ikke her. Men det er spændende og personligt, fuldt af drama og spillet af fabelagtige musikere".
d. 24. nov. 2002
d. 24. nov. 2002
d. 16. sep. 2002
d. 16. sep. 2002
d. 24. nov. 2002
d. 24. nov. 2002
2018 June
Bayan Northcott
2018 June
"Daniel Harding ... is here presiding over a measured reading of Mahler's Ninth with a convincing balance between short-term excitements and long-term continuity, that would offer any first-time listener a fair representation of its emotional and structural stature".
2018, nr. 49
Esben Tange (f. 1962)
2018, nr. 49
"Det er en gennemkultiveret og sympatisk version af Gustav Mahlers sidste store fuldendte symfoni, Sveriges Radiosymfoniorkester her præsenterer med deres britiske chefdirigent Daniel Harding ... med en god sans for musikkens proportioner ... I sammenligning med internationale toporkestre som Berliner Filharmonikerne ... står Daniel Harding distancen med denne svale svenske fortolkning ... Ganske livsbekræftende!".
2018 Juni
Christoph Vratz
2018 Juni
"Eine Aufnahme der Neunten ... , die ebenfalls keine Wünsche offenlässt. Harding dirigiert stellenweise herrlich entschlackend, sodass sich ein kammermusikalischer Klang einstellt. Von spätromantischer Fettschicht hat er diesen Mahler jedenfalls erfolgreich befreit".
2021 January
Bayan Northcott
2021 January
"It is a convincing enough reading, variegated with pungent detail in the second movement ländler, real drive ... and some touching playing ... If much of the opening Andante and the heavily scored tuttis of the finale prove more problematic, this is partly because ... [of] the live concert hall ambience of the Düsseldorf Tonhalle".
2021 März
Clemens Haustein
2021 März
"Die Energie fliesst ... in die Pflege der Darstellungform: gereinigte Artikulation, durchdachte Phrasierung, schlanke Tongebung. Mahlers Musik fächert sich auf in all ihrer Differenziertheit, ein ganzer Kosmos um Abschied, Hoffnung, Wut und Resignation tut sich im ersten Satz auf. Fischer lässt dem Hörer immer Raum für eigene Entdeckungen, abseits der blossen überwältigung".
2010, nr. 19
Christine Christiansen
2010, nr. 19
"Drama og intensitet gennemsyrer ... Philharmonia Orchestras indspilning ... Esa-Pekka Salonen skaber et skarpt symfonisk klangbillede. Strygerne smelter sammen til én organisk helhed - både i de brede, sangbare passager og i de høje, hidsige forløb. Blæserne folder sig frit ud. Bragende messingdrøn og buldrende pauker indvarsler konstant dødens komme".
2010 August
David Nice
2010 August
"Salonen surely does nearly everything that most of us require from a cutting-edge interpreter with plenty to say".
2023 July
Malcolm Hayes
2023 July
"Recording of the month: Osmo Vänskä made this recording a few months before the end of his 19-years tenure as the Minnesota Orchestra's music director, and the result is truly exceptional ... The emphasis here is on beautifully judged line and flow, allowing the music's expressive extremes to speak for themselves without any need for exaggeration ... This is one of those special listening experiences where the world afterwards is a different place".
2023 August
Andreas Friesenhagen
2023 August
"Der Mahler-Zyklus von Osmo Vänskä und dem Minnesota Orchestra schreitet munter voran. Und wenn nicht alles täuscht, erspielt sich der Finne ... hiermit den Ruf eines ernstzunehmenden Mahler-Exegeten. Seine Lesart der neunten Sinfonie jedenfalls erfüllt alle Erwartungen: ... Sie wird der Mahler'schen Polyphonie ebenso gerecht wie dem Mahler'schen Weltschmerz, sie besticht durch überaus idiomatisches Orchesterspiel wie durch hohe Bereitschaft zur Identifikation mit dem Kaleidoskop der Gefühle dieser Partitur".
2014 October
David Nice
2014 October
"Everything we've come to expect from previous instalments reaches its apothesis with these works ... Most of Stenz's tempo changes feel perfectly right".
2014 October
Terry Blain
2014 October
"This live recording has its moments, especially in the Adagio. But ensemble can be crumbly, and brass lords it over strings in the recorded balance".
2014, nr. 34
Mikael Garnæs
2014, nr. 34
"Der findes mange fremragende indspilninger af symfonien ... Men det er med fuld ret, at denne koncertoptagelse blander sig i koret. Den normalt omhyggelige og kontrollerede Schønwandt går ud over sin egen komfortzone og finder ekstra ressourcer af inspiration. Mindeværdigt".
2023, nr. 68
Jeppe Rönnow
2023, nr. 68
"Det er i høj grad et personligt værk - Mahlers niende symfoni ... et farvel-værk fra komponistens hånd, der muligvis vidste, han skulle dø kort tid efter , at han skrev det ... Hvis musikken skal lykkes, skal tolkningen derfor være ret personlig. Hvordan skal afsked opfattes? ... Vi får en lid forpjusket og strittende karakter at høre gennem niende symfonis små 80 minutter under Rattles hånd ... Men i de uddøende minutter viser Rattle dog den helt rette forståelse for Mahlers afsked, og et begavet karaktertræk åbenbarer sig hos dirigenten ... Usentimentalt men med indsigt og nærvær".
2022 December
Bayan Northcott
2022 December
"This new release of Mahler's profoundest symphony is a live recording with all the detailed eloquence and intensity one might expect from Simon Rattle in concert. Yet it also suggests a maturing in his approach, an interpretive longersightedness, in which Mahler's huge movements are unfolded as wholes rather than as sequences of apocalyptic moments".
2007 April
2007 April
"Mahlers Neunte hat man bisher als Manifest des grossen Abschieds gedeutet. Nichts davon in Daniel Barenboims leidenschaftlich aufgeheizter, grell ausgeleuchteter, scharf überzeichneter Lesart, die sie in einer in Auflösung befindlichen Polyphonie drohend vor uns auftürmt".
2011 November
Bayan Northcott
2011 November
"Good in parts then - which some might say is true of the work itself".
2011, nr. 23
Christine Christiansen
2011, nr. 23
"Der er fuldfed klang, enorme dynamiske udsving og klar, præcis artikulation i samtlige af symfoniens fire satser. Valery Gergiev er tilhænger af de helt store armbevægelser ... En helhedsvurdering af symfonien resulterer i tre stjerner. Trods momentvise glimt af inderlig skønhed og afgrundsdyb smerte er det gennemgående klangbillede for bastant og for voldsomt".
2013, nr. 29
Mikael Garnæs
2013, nr. 29
"Dudamel satser på det skønhedssøgende: hans Mahler peger mere tilbage på romantikken end fremad mod Sjostakovitj. Han giver en særdeles bred og ekspansiv fortolkning af symfonien, med meget smukt orkesterspil fra de topdisciplinerede Los Angeles Filharmonikere ... Mahler kan tolkes på mange måder ... og Dudamel har sin egen, lyriske og sanselige tilgang, som bestemt er interessant at høre".
2013 June
David Nice
2013 June
"It wins a special place among many fine Mahler Symphony No. 9 recordings with its unflinching clarity and general spciousness ... That may have something to do with the unflappable professional demeanour of the LA Phil; these top American players rarely get in a lather".
2015 August
David Nice
2015 August
"You can always expect insights from Iván Fischer's energised Budapest Festival Orchestra, and he has his own distinctive view on this most traumatic and ultimately transcendent of symphonies ... For those who can't have too much of this masterpiece, Fischer is essential for further enlightenment".
2015 juin
Thierry Soveaux
2015 juin
2017 April
Clemens Haustein
2017 April
"Mahlers Neunte wird hier wundervoll nuancenreich dageboten. Prall gefüllt mit Emotion spielt das BR-Orchester under Mariss Jansons".
2017 June
Bayan Northcott
2017 June
"What is special is the care he [Jansons], the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the engineers have taken with the quieter music: those haunting, shadowy transitions in the Andante; those remote, blanched contrapuntal episodes in the finale. And the final fade-out must surely be among the most fine-spun on record".
2008, nr. 9
Bo Holten
2008, nr. 9
"Så fuld af strittende modhager, at det er en lyst ... Der bliver gået til sagen her i alle hjørner, og hvilket orkesterspil ... Man mærker, at Rattle har levet med denne musik i mange år, og hans musiceren er blevet varmere med årene, mere ekspressiv".
2019 September
Bayan Northcott
2019 September
"This is a distinguished and moving performance. Herbert Blomstedt may be in his 92nd year, but his pacing of the vast ebb and flow ... show no sign of slackening. In particular, he is minutely attentive to Mahler's teeming dynamic markings ... If this is to be Blomstedt's final take on this heart-rending work, it is a worthy one".
2019 septembre
Christophe Huss
2019 septembre
2019 Oktober
Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)
2019 Oktober
"Die Repertoirewahl ist ungewöhnlich, ist doch Blomstedt in der Vergangenheit als Mahler-Dirigent eher wenig hervorgetreten. Dennoch vermag diese Neunte auf allen Ebenen zu überzeugen ... Blomstedts Interpretation, wie bei ihm zu erwarten war, punktet mit souveräner Behandlung der Struktur und, vor allem, des orchestralen Geflechts. Deutlichkeit war immer eine der obersten Maximen Mahlers, die von Blomstedt mustergültig beherzigt wird".
2018, nr. 81
Axel Lindhe
2018, nr. 81
"Harding framhäver både svärta, bitterljuvhet och tillförsikt i sin inspelning. Den sökande inledningen är full av atmosfär, och Radiosymfonikerna spelar genomgående med en innerlig och fyllig stråkklang som imponerar ... Harding släpper inte greppet för en sekund - och när han så småningom når fram til klimaxen klinger orkestern magnifikt ... Avslutningen är verkligen hjärtknipande, och spelas här med en sällsam hängivenhet och ömsinthet. Som en sillsamt pyrande eld som sakta, sakta dör bort".
2018 May
Peter Quantrill
2018 May
"It's the kind of account that leaves the parodic and expressionist elements of Mahler's vocabulary to speak for themselves ... Some readers ... will find the present performance and its recording no less attentive but considerably less extreme [then the at times otherworldly performances of the Ninth with Harding] ... This is especially true of a nobly sung final Adagio distinguished by sweetly modulated strings".
2009 November
Peter Quantrill
2009 November
"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "On a technical level this must, I think, be the finest recording the work has received ... It is as exhausting and purifying an experience as any 80 minutes spent in your listening room has the right ro be".
d. 18. juli 2000
d. 18. juli 2000
2010 September
Edward Seckerson
2010 September
"A relaxed Mahler Ninth Symphony that fails to stir the emotions".
2023 August
Edward Seckerson
2023 August
"Vänskä's Mahler Ninth arrives in wake of Rattle's recent Bavarian Radio recording ... Rattle gives us more of the humanity, of Mahler the man, than Vänskä's more objective reading does. Which is not to say that Vänskä lacks passion - not a bit of it - just that he is perhaps more focused on all that is innovative and radical about the score ... There is also a sense of real panic in the climaxes ... Thrilling. The Minnesota Orchestra's virtuosity is self evident and the BIS engineering is superb ... Vänskä would not be my personal choice for a Ninth ... but I can think of a number of Mahler sceptics who will be drawn to his Boulez-like objectivity".
2014 October
Peter Quantrill
2014 October
"Readers may discern a common thread of text-centred objectivity which marks Stenz as a modern Mahler interpreter ... But Stenz lacks both wind soloists with the individual personality of the Gewandhaus members and the determination to do something with them".
2014 October
Michael Jameson
2014 October
"This unstintingly persuasive new account of Mahler's Ninth Symphony, coupled here with the Adagio of the Tenth, brings Markus Stenz's cycle with the Cologne Gürzenich Orchestra to a poignant close".
2014 September
Peter Quantrill
2014 September
"It's a performance that resists the tendencies of discontinuity that others find throughout his music, not through the imposition of a seamless legato but with neat tempo relationships that sometimes belie the composer's ever more heated verbal instructions".
d. 13. feb. 2000
d. 13. feb. 2000
1999 6
1999 6
2023 janvier
Christophe Huss
2023 janvier
2022 December
Edward Seckerson
2022 December
"Editor's choice: There's a spontaneity and immediacy about this Mahler Ninth that feels like it's not for repetition ... The depth of expression from the Bavarian strings is a welcome embrace amid the encroaching darkness of the last movement ... The Rattle renaissance continues - or has it just begun?".
2007 June
Andrew Farach-Colton
2007 June
"In this cleanly recorded live performance from Berlin, death's unnerving presence is keenly felt. Barenboim's propulsive tempi generate a feeling of breathless terror ... On the whole, an absorbing, often gripping interpretation".
2011 October
Robert Matthew-Walker
2011 October
"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "It is quite outstanding in every aspect, a very fine conclusion to a most worthwhile integral series of performances and recordings".
d. 13. feb. 2000
d. 13. feb. 2000
d. 20. okt. 1999
d. 20. okt. 1999
2013 May
David Gutman
2013 May
"Dudamel live in 2012 coaxes polished, full-throated playing in every department, brass strong and sure, strings positively luscious, woodwind responsive to every italicising demand ... Many will appreciate Dudamel's boisterous engagement notwithstanding a tendency to pass over the longer line and with it Mahler's sense of foreboding ... A Mahler package for the 21st century? Perhaps. But I did miss Abbado's subtler fluency".
2013 May
Robert Matthew-Walker
2013 May
"Dudamel's tempos are excellently judged as a basis and the orchestral playing at times approaches the superlative level ... Time and again, throughout Dudamel's performance, one is impressed by the sheer musicianship and commitment of the playing".
Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)
Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)
2015 June
David Gutman
2015 June
"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Fischer gives us the edginess of Bernstein without his tendency to wallow ... It's the small things that so often strike sparks - exposed timpani properly tuned, problematic textures rendered with airy chamber-like luminosity ... [This issue] is in a very special class, a sonic dazzler, quite apart from its bold musical qualities. A potential Award-winner!".
2017 May
David Gutman
2017 May
"I can't think of a Ninth with less neurasthenic edge and a more inviting legato character. The playing [is] of predictable finesse ... Its restrained expressivity and cultured sound provide easeful balm for difficult times".
2008 March
David Gutman
2008 March
"What hits home afresh is the sheer audicity of Mahler's sound-world".
2008 March
Andrew Farach-Colton
2008 March
"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "It's in the final Adagio, however, that Rattle and his orchestra make the most powerful impact. The strings sound gorgeous, of course, yet there's grit as well as radiance in their tone".
d. 9. sep. 2002
d. 9. sep. 2002
2002 8
2002 8
d. 19. sep. 1999
d. 19. sep. 1999
2019, nr. 91
Jörgen Lundmark
2019, nr. 91
"Som så ofta tidigare i sina sena inspelningar ger Herbert Blomstedt (här 90 år) prov på en förbluffande vital tolkning av detta komplexa verk. Inte på något vis förlorar han heller kontrollen över helheten eller överdriver uttrycket (vilket är lätt hänt i denna häxkittel av känslor). Det är ett förvånansvärt sansat och rytmiskt stringent framförande som guidar lyssnaren med säker hand genom musikens toppar och dalar ... Bamberger Symphoniker spelar utmärkt, inte minst i de många solistiska blåsaravsnitten. Att stråkarna inte riktigt har samma klass som hos till exempel Berliner Philharmoniker eller Wiener Philharmoniker är något som knappast förvånar. Det handlar framför allt om den extra glöd och fylliga välklang som de allra bästa stråksektionerna förmår".
2019 September
Edward Seckerson
2019 September
"So this is a reading of Mahler's last completed symphony ... which for all its defiance and resilience takes a mellower view of its long day's journey into night. It is less febrile, less neurotic than those readings from Bernstein or Tennstedt or even Abbado ... Blomstedt offers a more intimate, less 'cosmic' letting-go ... and Mahler without the neurosis isn't the full story".
d. 16. aug. 2003
d. 16. aug. 2003
2011 March
Edward Seckerson
2011 March
"Vurdering: E - Editor's choice" - "Instinct and intellect combine perfectly in Jukka-Pekka Saraste's perceptive reading".