Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (2)


d. 5. dec. 2012



Sean Murphy

d. 5. dec. 2012

" Looking at this cover art, and seeing song titles like "Battlefield", "Manticore" and "Aquatarkus" (not to be confused with "Aqualung"), some music fans ask for the check, understandably. Here's the thing, though: all the armadillo tank drawings and semi-preposterous titles-and lyrics-are just window dressing for the artistry that occurs once these well medicated, undeniably brilliant musicians throw down. And throw down they do, in ways that make myopic pinheads lament how a man with unparalleled keyboard skill-like Keith Emerson's-might have made so much better use of his talents had he dedicated his life to playing Chopin recitals in sparsely attended concert halls. He made a different kind of music and, in the process, he and his mates made history".


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François Couture

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"... Tarkus makes a very solid album, especially to the ears of prog rock fans - no Greg Lake acoustic ballads, no lengthy jazz interludes. More accomplished than the trio's first album, but not quite as polished as Brain Salad Surgery, Tarkus is nevertheless a must-have".