Musik / folk

The albums

Anmeldelser (4)


d. 4. jan. 2018



Robert Ham

d. 4. jan. 2018

"Each of the five LPs released during the band's first and best period is a different shade of brilliant, deceptively showcasing the virtuosic talents of its instrumentalists (...) who gave the perfect framework for vocalist Jacqui McShee to gently break hearts and warm souls ... As all good boxed sets do, this new Cherry Red Records collection graciously expands the original albums within. Tacked on to the end of each disc is a smattering of studio outtakes, alternate versions and live material, much of it unreleased until now ... A set like this is also a great source to get a full understanding of how a band evolves over any length of time. Through their six years together (and their various endeavors outside the fold), Pentangle gained strength and fire in their performances as they got more comfortable with each other's playing. That's clear by the time you hit Solomon's Seal. While things were becoming more fractious among its members and with its former label Transatlantic, the group never lost its focus when making music together".

The quietus

d. 15. okt. 2017



Bob Cluness

d. 15. okt. 2017

"Listening to this boxset, you also begin to realise how much Pentangle were a product of their time, and how during that five-year period they were so creative, atmospheric and driven that you'd be hard-pressed to imagine any of their modern descendants achieving anything on this level, not for a long time to come".


d. 29. sep. 2017



Ed Whitelock

d. 29. sep. 2017

"Which is not to say that there are not gems among the additional tracks, particularly the live recordings from the Royal Hall Concert that didn't make the original Sweet Child release and later live cuts from Aberdeen, including a nearly 20-minute "Pentangling" featuring a solo that solidifies Thompson as a master of the double-bass. The Albums: 1968-1972 should be considered the definitive Pentangle collection for anyone wanting to experience the whole of this group's considerable contributions to the British folk canon".


2017 December


2017 December

"The great British folk-jazz-blues-rockers' six albums 1968-1972 in vinyl replica sleeves with essays by writers including Mick Houghton, Colin Irwin and Lois Wilson".