Musik / rock

The best of

Anmeldelser (2)


d. 9. jan. 2018



Evan Sawdey

d. 9. jan. 2018

"While the band add in some new material in the form of their cover of the Beatles' "Golden Slumbers" (which sounds exactly like you'd expect an Elbow cover of the song to sound like), some other new entries like "Kindling (Fickle Flame)" featuring John Grant could easily have left off without anyone's heart being broken. Yet make no mistake: The Best Of is still an excellent collection of singles, no matter which way you paint it. By focusing so much on the mid-tempo cuts that the band clearly has a great affinity for, there is a bit of a sameness that one experiences when listening to all of these songs in sequence, but given the wealth of carefully-considered lyrics and triumphant music to be found here, one can easily forgive such minor quibbles. This remains a worthy collection for fans both casual and hardcore alike".


d. 29. dec. 2018



Kasper Schütt-Jensen

d. 29. dec. 2018

"Elbow (...) blev belønnet med seks af seks mulige stjerner i Jyllands-Posten, da bandet optrådte på Northside i Aarhus i 2011. Ikke kun på grund af Guy Garveys smukke, melankolske vokal, men også på grund af de stærke sange, hvoraf de bedste nu er samlet på den[ne] stærkt anbefalelsesværdige opsamling ... Den kan man passende varme op med inden bandets koncert på (...) Heartland [2019]".