Musik / operafilm

The exterminating angel

Anmeldelser (6)

Presto classical




"'If you see one opera this year, make it The Exterminating Angel,' ran the headline in the New York Times after the US premiere of Thomas Adès' 'stunningly inventive' opera based on Luis Buñuel's surreal and satirical 1962 film El ángel exterminador. Like the British composer's score, Tom Cairns' production is both spectacular and surprising. 'Adès keeps the listener on edge,' wrote Opera magazine, 'because one never knows where his dazzling palette of possibilities will take him next'".

BBC music magazine

2019 May



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2019 May

"In this recording of the production from the Met in New York you being to wonder whether the guests are on stage or in the audience. Ades, who co-wrote the libretto with his director Tom Cairns, is at one with the Spanish-born filmmaker [Luis Buñuel]: his imprisoned guests are rotten to the core, their privileged lives utterly selfish, masking dark desires and shady ambitions ... But a magnificent cast that includes Alice Coote as a crazed dowager, Sophie Bevan and David Portillo ... remind us that it is not the sleep of reason that brings us forth monsters. Under the skin we are all beasts".

Fono Forum

2019 April



Manuel Brug

2019 April

"Der jüngsten Thomas-Adès-Oper ... Der Würgeengel nach dem gleichnamigen Bunuel-Film, uraufgeführt 2016 in Salzburg ... Man las den Film als Parabel auf das faschistische Franco-Spanien ... Adès steht selbst am Pult des grossartig präparierten Met-Orchesters ... und der präzis personenführende Regisseur Tom Cairns ... wissen beide, wie man in die merkwürdige Handlung hineinzoomt. Der stylischen Oper fehlt das Klaustrophobische des Films. Und so sehen und hören wir zu, was dem Gastgeberehepaar, der unaufdringlich präsenten Amanda Echalaz und dem zurückhaltenden Joseph Kaiser, bei seiner Soiree nach einem Opernabend widerfährt".


2019, nr. 53



Per Rask Madsen

2019, nr. 53

"Komponisten Thomas Adès' mor er kunsthistoriker med speciale i surrealisme, og som ung teenager gjorde Bunuels filmklassiker 'Morderenglen' varigt indtryk på sønnen. I 2016 kom så hans opera over samme forlæg om et middagsselskab af gallagæster, der på mystisk vis ikke kan forlade det hus, de befinder sig i. I hænderne på Adès placerer historien sig mellem surrealisme, eventyr og gys".

The gramophone

2019 April



Andrew Mellor

2019 April

"You need to see the opera at least twice to get your head around the many guests who arrives at the dinner party from hell and never leave it ... The most enjoyable moments are those in which this unwieldy tapestry focuses itself on a single point ... And nobody films this stuff as imaginatively as the Met's team led by Gary Halvorsen ... [Adès's] presence suggests that is anyone can come near to taming the beast, it's the man who spawned it".


2019 mars



Emmanuel Dupuy

2019 mars

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".