Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

The planets

Anmeldelser (25)

d. 17. maj 2023



Oliver Bernhardt

d. 17. maj 2023

"Was man aus der gesamten Suite alles machen kann, zeigt dieser Live-Mitschnitt der interstellaren Expedition ... Die Streicher dürfen ihren warm timbrierten Klangteppich auf dem 'Jupiter", dem bekanntesten aller musikalisch geschilderten Himmelskörper ausbreiten. Im weiteren Verlauf hat das BRSO das rhythmisch pointierte und energiegeladen vorwärtsstrebende Beschleunigungs-Momentum auf seiner Seite ... Die chorischen Sphären lotet Harding klanglich sensibel aus ... Diese Planeten haben echte Strahlkraft, diesen galaktisch guten Trip ins All kann man bedenkenlos buchen".

The observer

d. 29. apr. 2023



Fiona Maddocks

d. 29. apr. 2023

"From the menace of Mars, bringer of war, to the serene beauty of Venus, the mix of jollity and nobility in Jupiter, the unworldly sadness of Saturn and the pianissimo dissonance of Neptune, this is a revelatory performance. Horns and woodwind are expressive, strings lithe, the layers of wordless high voices perfectly blended ... The British conductor, heard more abroad than at home, is a force to reckon with. If you thought you knew this most popular work inside out, give the Bavarians' account a listen".

MusicWeb international

2023 June



Lee Denham

2023 June

"To my ears, this relaxed approach is very much the undoing of Harding in this recording, with virtually every one of the movements in the suite noticeably slower than the norm ... To be fair to Harding, it is not all bad. In Venus, he inspires the Bavarian players to produce playing of cool and sensuous beauty and elsewhere in the work they play with accuracy and dedication ... All in all, it is a pity - this is yet another entry into the disappointing editions of British conductors paired with a foreign orchestra in a work that deserves to shine much more brightly than it does here".

MusicWeb international

2023 May



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2023 May

"The first thing to say about Harding's account here is that it is objectively slow ... The first impressions of 'Mars' are deeply disappointing ... This is a dull trudge through battlefield mud, not a gleaming war machine mercilessly sweeping aside frail humanity ... 'Venus' is much more engaging, featuring some predictably lovely solo playing by instrumentalists of the BRSO ... My distinct antipathy to the manner of the opening movement apart, this is not a necessarily a "bad" account - but I can see no compelling reason for favouring it over established favourites".


d. 28. nov. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 28. nov. 2006

"I stedet for at kaste Pluto på møddingen valgte Simon Rattle at bestille yderligere fire asteroider hos lige så mange komponister, og her er så hele hans klingende solsystem. Det er et vellykket projekt. Af de nye stykker forekommer kun Turnages mindre attraktivt med stilistisk modstridende ideer og et lidt billigt science fiction-præg".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. sep. 2006



Søren Kassebeer

d. 19. sep. 2006

"Lyder heldigvis ikke så hollywoodsk, at det gør noget. Simon Rattle vælger en raffineret, ofte impressionistisk, tilgang til verdens mest berømte stykke engelsk orkestermusik og understreger alvoren ved at koble »Planeterne« med en række nyskrevne værker, der er ude i samme himmelske ærinde".


d. 6. nov. 2006



Camilla Marie Dahlgreen

d. 6. nov. 2006

"Holst' orkesterlyd er hypnotiserende. Det er planeternes væsener, Holst skildrer, og deres indflydelse på mennesker ... Stjerner til Sir Simon Rattle og Berlinerfilharmonikerne".

BBC music magazine

2010 December



Daniel Jaffé

2010 December

"Alas, this is Planets as showpiece rather than of drama an character. You will marvel at the pin-point precision of all the playing, most notably in "Mercury" but there is little or no sense of characterisation, let alone affection here".

Fono Forum

2006 Oktober



Wolfgang Schreiber

2006 Oktober

"Mit Lust am Raffinement des Orchesterspiels werden die klangfarblichen Vorzüge, die griffigen Impressionismen und erregten Schwungbewegungen der sieben Planeten - dazu gehört auch Colin Matthews sperrig nachgelieferter "Pluto" - geradezu gläubig, süffig zelebriert".

BBC music magazine

2006 September



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2006 September

"Vurdering: Orchestral choice" - "It's good to see yet another eminent musician re-appraising Holst's Planets and recognizing it for the remarkable and hugely original piece it is ... He goes on to give a magisterial performance, closely attentive to detail, in which the continental influences are highlighted as never before ... Superb recordings complete a more than worthwhile project".

BBC music magazine

2023 July



Charlotte Smith (musikanmelder)

2023 July

"This live recording from February 2022 captures the BRSO's first performance of Holst's astrological epic in over 30 years. It's thrilling stuff, all tightly marshalled by Harding, though at times that control holds back the work 's surging energy. But it's a small criticism".


2011, nr. 20



Jens Cornelius

2011, nr. 20

"Jurowskis indspilning er blevet virkelig alternativ. Vladimir Jurowski har slanket klangfylden, slebet rytmerne skarpe og sat tempoet op, så hans udgave er den hurtigste på plade nogensinde. Orkestret er virkelig fremragende og klarer de ret ekstreme tempoudfordringer ... Underligt nok bliver musikken ikke bedre. Vægtigheden af Holsts gigantiske billedfrise skrumper i samme takt som tonnagen lettes og dirigenten koncentrerer sig om rytmerne og den dynamiske præcision".

International record review

2010 January



Piers Burton-Page

2010 January

"The playing is again needle-sharp in all departments and harp and percussion struck me as particularly impressive. You can sense, I think, the unamity of condutor and orchestra in their long-standing partnership ... If this release would fill a gap for you, don't hesitate".

The gramophone

2006 October



Edward Greenfield

2006 October

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "That 1982 recording cannot compare with the blazing brilliance, warmth and weight of the new one, which fully brings out the glory of the Berlin sound ... The second disc has four works commisioned by Rattle ... Rattle's boldness in offering such unusual couplings is amply justified, even if most purchasers will concentrate on the superb version of a favourite piece".

The gramophone

2011 March



Andrew Achenbach

2011 March

"So, when all's said and done, I'd be reluctant to rank this new version alongside a host of distinguished recordings from the likes of Boult ... Sargent ... Previn".

BBC music magazine

2011 April



Daniel Jaffé

2011 April

"Davis's new performance takes off with "Saturn": this may not match the sense of weariness Boult conveys, but its inexorable progress is highly effective, and the bells for once sound as if they've been hit by something metallic to suitably alarming effect. "Uranus, the Magician" is done with an infectious sense of showmanship, while the miraculous shades and textures of "Neptune" are beautifully caught in the recording".

International record review

2010 November



John Warrack

2010 November

"The recording catches all his ingenuitites with his large orchestra, together with a range of colours that includes clarity for the short double bassoon solo at the end of "Uranus" (effectively done) and in "Saturn" the bass oboe, a beautiful instrument hardly known outside Holst and Delius".

The gramophone

2010 November



Edward Greenfield

2010 November

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The first quality of this performance that strikes one is its liveliness, as revealed in the warmth of the rubato that Jurowski draws from the orchestra ... All told, an excellent version, even if many will regret the short measure of 43 minutes".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. maj 2003


d. 10. maj 2003

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