Film / nonfiktion / dokumentarfilm

The Russian journey


Dokumentar om Glenn Goulds turne i Sovjetunionen i 1957, som den første nordamerikanske musiker, der spillede bag jerntæppet.

Anmeldelser (4)

Bibliotekernes vurdering

d. 13. apr. 2014



Sten Prøvesten Tester

d. 13. apr. 2014

The story of one great event in Gould's life-his 1957 trip to Russia-an event that had a long-lasting effect on the performer and his audiences.

To this day, Glenn Gould remains a classical music icon, one of the best-known and most accomplished pianists of all time. This is not a conventional biography of a musician, but the story of one great event in Gould's life-his 1957 trip to Russia-an event that had a long-lasting effect on the performer and his audiences, and would influence future generations of Russian musicians. Along with new facts and details about Gould's visit, this program features original Moscow and Leningrad recordings of Gould's concerts, including the unreleased recording of Gould's lecture/recital at the Leningrad Conservatory.

The topic of this documentary about Glenn Gould's trip to Russia is definitely a fascinating one, but I was disappointed to discover that there are no uninterrupted segments of Gould's playing. When they do show such footage, it is brief and people talk over it. I know that there are other DVDs that feature his playing, and it is one of these others that I wish I had purchased in the first place.

Glenn Gould on televisionGenius withinThirty Two short films about Glenn Gould : the complete CBS broadcasts, \Glenn Gould - Life & Times\, Genius within : The Inner Life of Glenn Gould, and Thirty Two short films about Glenn GouldGlenn Gould on television : the complete CBS broadcasts, \Glenn Gould - Life & Times\, : The Inner Life of Glenn Gould, and Thirty Two short films about Glenn GouldGlenn Gould on television : the complete CBS broadcasts, \Glenn Gould - Life & Times\, Genius within : The Inner Life of Glenn Gould, and .


2014, nr. 56



Folke Freund

2014, nr. 56

"Denna välgjorda dokumentär av Yosif Feyginberg skildrar ett hittills okänt kapitel i den excentriske kanadensiske pianisten Glenn Goulds liv. Under maj månad 1957 reste han efter mycken diplomatisk aktivitet till Sovjetunionen, ett besök som fick omvälvande konsekvenser för musiklivet i denna diktatur ... För Gould-fans är denna fascinerande tillika gripande dokumentär omistlig".

Fono Forum

2014 April



Clemens Haustein

2014 April

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Die Intensität dieses Ereignisses spürbar zu machen, das schafft Feyginsbergs Film in beeindruckender Weise".

BBC music magazine

2014 February



Julian Haylock

2014 February

"A fascinating exposé on Gould's viti to Russia".

Vurdering (performance): 5/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 4/5.