Musik / klassisk musik 1950 ->

The Spanish lady

Anmeldelser (2)

Fono Forum

2019 November



Andreas Friesenhagen

2019 November

"Ihre Schwächen fallen aber kaum auf, denn Yates, der das Programm auch dirigiert, investiert so viel Leidenschaft und Überzeugungskraft in diese Musik, dass es eine Freude ist: Ein brillanter, facettenreicher Elgar, wie man ihn sich besser kaum wünschen könnte".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



Daniel Jaffé

2019 September

"Though none of this is top-drawer Elgar, there is plenty of rare and even 'new' music here to interest those who might welcome hints of what else the composer might have achieved. Of principal interest is the symphonic suite Martin Yates has constructed from surviving sketches for Elgar's sole, unrealised opera The Spanish Lady ... The Royal Scottish National Orchestra strings are notably sparing in their vibrato - skimmed milk rather than full cream - denying a potent source of Elgarian expression".