Musik / klassiske symfonier

The Thomas Jensen legacy, volume 3

Anmeldelser (36)

Klassik heute

d. 27. okt. 2020



Verena Düren

d. 27. okt. 2020

"Klassik Heute Empfehlung: Mit der vorliegenden Aufnahme beenden das Schwedische Kammerorchester und Thomas Dausgaard nicht nur ihren Brahms-Zyklus, sondern auch ihre Zusammenarbeit (in dieser Form) ... Die Interpretation des Schwedischen Kammerorchesters ist ein krönender Abschluss: Energiegeladen, absolut präzise in allen Momenten, voller lebendiger Dynamik und Artikulation und in zügigem Tempo. Ein gelungener Abschluss also nicht nur des Brahms-Zyklus', sondern auch einer langjährigen und sehr erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit".

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"After some strangely wayward recordings of Beethoven's Ninth and Tchaikovsky Fourth, Manfred Honeck is back on form in this new release of Brahms' Fourth Symphony, demonstrating once again that it's still possible to turn in characterful, personal interpretations of standard repertoire without the need to flirt with perversity. After a first movement outstanding for its exquisitely gentle (but still fluent) opening and an aptly ferocious coda, the remainder of the symphony is noteworthy for its unusual fleetness-no "autumnal" Brahms here! ... Through it all, the Pittsburgh Symphony plays the music as beautifully as it can be done ... A winner all around".

Classics today

d. 10. okt. 2008



David Hurwitz

d. 10. okt. 2008

"Marek Janowski concludes his superb Brahms cycle with this unquestionably great performance of the Fourth Symphony. Everything about it is memorable, stylish, and characterful ... Superbly realistic engineering in all formats provides the icing on the cake. Taken as a whole, this Brahms cycle belongs with the very finest".

Classics today

d. 9. undefined 2007



David Hurwitz

d. 9. undefined 2007

"At the end of the day, Alsop's Brahms cycle has given us one truly outstanding performance (the Third), and three very good companions, and that's certainly nothing to sneer at. Overall, a good job".

MusicWeb international

2020 October



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2020 October

"With this release Thomas Dausgaard and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Örebro conclude their Brahms symphony cycle for BIS ... I must be honest and say that the Hungarian Dances are not Desert Island Brahms as far as I'm concerned. That admission behind me, I must say that Thomas Dausgaard seems to me to have done a thoroughly convincing job with his orchestrations overall, both here and in those which have appeared earlier ... There are other, more mellow ways of approaching Brahms' final symphony but I like and admire very much the bite and drama that Thomas Dausgaard and the SCO bring to the outer movements while the contrasting inner movements are also brought off very well. Superbly played, this is a fine conclusion to their Brahms symphony cycle".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



Jonathan Woolf

2022 January

"I've reviewed the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto 78rpm set when it appeared in a Danacord twofer devoted to Endre Wolf's Tono recordings. I enjoyed it very much ... Wolf's Tchaikovsky (1949) is fast, though bowed with such security that it doesn't seem unduly rushed ... The Fourth Symphony [Brahms] comes from a live broadcast ... By the time that Jensen came to direct it he was clearly able to stamp his own authority. It's a well-paced, cogent reading ... throughout an engaging and authoritative reading ... Danacord's documentation is always more than acceptable, and ... like all the Jensen Legacy releases, this is priced two-for-one but you'd need to be a Jensen collector to find this indispensable".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2022 January

"From the way Honeck asks his orchestra to lean into the very first note, beseechingly and growing out of a whispered sigh, you know that this is a deeply thought out performance. Grand, stately, very "masculine" this recording is nonetheless lyrically flowing with its sights firmly set on the final movement - the apotheosis of its genre ... The clarity of this recording is miraculous: every strand of instrumentation is pellucid".

MusicWeb international

2022 February



Philip R. Buttall

2022 February

"Brahms's Fourth Symphony has had a special place in my heart for more years than I care to remember ... But, thanks to Maestro Honeck's incredibly insightful reading, and the unwavering musical and technical support from all involved in the production of this exquisite new CD, I am embarked on a second love-affair with the work ... If hardly a match for the Brahms Symphony, in terms of musical credentials or intrinsic quality, in every other respect Honeck and his Pittsburgh players ensure that MacMillan's Larghetto for Orchestra is at least a commendable and appropriate running-partner here, under the circumstances".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Robert Cummings (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"Recommended: Normally, I hesitate to strongly recommend a disc with less than an hour's worth of music, but this excellent Brahms Fourth and the high artistic quality of the new MacMillan work make this SACD a standout fully deserving of a strong recommendation".


d. 18. aug. 2020



Thomas Michelsen

d. 18. aug. 2020

"Brahms' 4. og sidste symfoni er en af de bedste, der overhovedet er komponeret i det samlede klassiske repertoire. Og nu er den ude i en ny indspilning med den danske dirigent Thomas Dausgaard og Det Svenske Kammerorkester ... og deres tag på Brahms' fjerde er stærkt. Overraskelserne er måske ikke så store. Her spilles klart og nænsomt. Ikke langsomt. Men heller ikke ruskende hurtigt, og kender man symfonien i forvejen, føles den ikke forandret. Snarere frisket op. Men uden den hang til sensation, som nogle har ment, prægede Dausgaards måde at dirigere klassikerne på".


d. 9. okt. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 9. okt. 2007


d. 11. juli 2007



John Christiansen

d. 11. juli 2007

BBC music magazine

2010 December



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2010 December

"Everything seems in focus: not just the tempo, but also the rhythmic drive and urgency seem absolutely right ... Excellent recordings, as ever".

BBC music magazine

2020 October



Bayan Northcott

2020 October

"Thomas Dausgaard takes full advantage of the responsiveness of his players to sustain a fine balance between expressive detail and overall momentum in his account of Brahms's Fourth ... The overall trajectory of the four complementary movements is never lost".

Fono Forum

2007 Januar



G. Sch.

2007 Januar

"Naganos Interpretation der Vierten mag unspektakulär anheben, doch steigert sie sich zu unerhörter Eindringlichkeit - weniger durch äusserliche Emphase als vielmehr durch ein gelöst wirkendes, geradezu kammermusikalisch belebtes Musizieren in allen Gruppen des fabelhaften Deutschen Symphonie-Orchesters".

BBC music magazine

2021 Christmas



Erik Levi

2021 Christmas

"In this outstanding performance of Brahms's Fourth Symphony, Manfred Honeck draws a wonderfully rich, almost Central European string sound from the Pittsburgh Symphony, matched by equally mellifluous and wonderfully blended colours from the woodwind and horns ... The serenity and beauty of James MacMillan's Larghetto ... provides necessary balm after the turbo-charged dynamism of this Brahms 4".

Fono Forum

2016 Februar



Ole Plüger

2016 Februar

"Ivan Fischer versucth mit dem Budapest Festival Orchestra dieses Werk nochmal anders zu betrachten".


2015 decembre



Rémy Louis

2015 decembre

BBC music magazine

2015 Christmas



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2015 Christmas

"Vurdering: BBC Music orchestral choice" - "It may seem odd to praise Brahms Four for being like chamber music, but I don't think I've ever heard a recording of this symphony comes so close to the spirit of rich but intimate masterpieces like the Piano Quintet or the Clarinet Quintet ... There's some beautiful dialogue between instrumental voices ... you can tell this is an orchestra whose players listen to each other intimately ... The three Hungarian Dances are a pleasant but hardly necessary add-on - the Symphony would have been recommendable in itself".

BBC music magazine

2007 October



Calum MacDonald

2007 October

"This concluding release in Marin Alsop's Brahms symphonies cycle for Naxos has all the virtues of its predecessors. It's a rhythmically taut, finely structured reading with plenty of dynamism and thrust, but giving full rein to the work's deep elegiac aspects and darker shadings".

International record review

2010 November



Carl Rosman

2010 November

"Gardiner's series is a vital new contribution to the Brahms discography, not supplanting but supplementing previous interpretations in lending a new dimension to Brahms's orchestral sound on record".

The gramophone

2010 November



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2010 November

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "There have been finer individual Fourths than this from the likes of Toscanini, Klemperer, Reiner, Karajan ... Yet there has never previously been a recoording which so vividly magics the work out of its own private hinterland for our dedication and awe".


2020, nr. 98



Axel Lindhe

2020, nr. 98

"Med den här inspelningen med Brahms fjärde symfoni fullbordas hans och orkesterns Brahms-cykel med samtliga symfonier. Som så ofta när Dausgaard står på pulten får man intrycket at han verkligen lyckas att ge sitt yttersta, och i finalsatsen med den berömda passacaglian sperlar orkestern med en makalös energi".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



Andrew Farach-Colton

2020 Awards

"Now, with this release of the Fourth, Dausgaard's Brahms symphony cycle is complete, and I'd say he's more than proved his point. Indeed the transparency he and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra achieve is one of his set's primary virtues ... The flip side, of course, is that a small string section sounds small, even in the big moments. Dausgaard manages this fairly well, often using a subtle broadening of tempo to compensate for the lack of weight ... Still, I think Dausgaard's account is so finely shaded and thrilling in its own way - his pacing and feeling for drama are thorughly compelling - that it really demands to be heard".

The gramophone

2007 January



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2007 January

"Unfortunately, the recording, apt enough to Brahms, proves to be too claustrophobic for Schoenberg, stifling the dynamic refinement which is one of the work's motive forces and a source of delight in its own right. I also found some lack of imaginative input from the solo players ... The Brahms, though, is magnificent".


d. 31. mar. 1999


d. 31. mar. 1999

The gramophone

2021 November



David Gutman

2021 November

"The main work transmits an impression of interpretative renewal. Though capable of cushioned 'European' warmth, the Pittsburgh Symphony has a cleaner, brighter edge than traditionally associated with big-band Brahms ... What of the makeweight? ... Honeck clearly believes the resulting '"Larghetto for Orchestra' [MacMillan] to be something more than Holy Minimalist kitsch. He has toured the piece and there's no mistaking the rapt eloquence of the strings, nor the forceful New World delivery of the few brazen intrusions ... All in all a provocative listen, beautifully packaged".

The gramophone

2009 March



Edward Seckerson

2009 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The refulgence of the playing is a constant source of pleasure and any conductor who is as mindful of Brahm's inginuity, invention and sheer vision as Janowski demands to be heard".


d. 4. maj 1999


d. 4. maj 1999

The gramophone

2015 November



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2015 November

"Fischer's reading is on the slow side ... Fischer's performance, however, often lack impetus. Some of this is down to overfussy detailing but there are times ... where he is inclined to dawdle. Judges to the clock, Fischer's pacing bears certain similarities to Karajan's 1978 Berlin performance ... and Kleiber's Vienna Philharmonic account. Sadly it has none of their tragic force".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 2 (2008)

"Lidt vel kølig og udramatisk. Godt orkesterspil, naturligvis - det er LPO, der sidder ved pultene - men lidt mere glød var ønskeligt. Til gengæld er der masser af liv i de 7 ungarske danse, hvor temperamentet får lov til at gløde".


d. 27. feb. 2000


d. 27. feb. 2000


d. 9. feb. 1999


d. 9. feb. 1999

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