Musik / rock

The white tornado - the Holloway Road sessions 1963-1966

Anmeldelser (1)





Tim Sendra


"It's not surprising that one of the first collections of music to come out of the restoration of the nearly 2,000 tapes rescued from producer Joe Meek's archive would be from his first big star, Heinz. The former bassist of the Tornados was prepped and pushed for stardom, and both the effort behind this and the results are to be found in exhaustive detail on [this] five-CD collection ... Heinz may not be the greatest vocalist, but he puts the songs over with winning charm, and the backing band - who often included a very young Richie Blackmore - weren't afraid to rock a little ... Their musical partnership created some real sparks, and (... ) anyone willing to take a deep - very deep - dive into the goings-on at Holloway Road as presented on this set will discover some real magic".