Musik / kor

The writings

Anmeldelser (3)

Presto classical

d. 30. juni 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. juni 2022

"Editor's choice - June 2022: I love the sparseness and simplicity of Lang's settings of five texts from the Old Testament tied to Jewish holidays, and the clarity and balance of Cappella Amsterdam's performance captures the piece's symmetry quite wonderfully. The long sequence of metaphors in for love is strong (from the Song of Songs) is brought to life with quiet wonder, and the call-and-response string of single words in solitary (from the Book of Lamentations) has a bleak beauty that's both haunting and hypnotic".

BBC music magazine

2022 August



Kate Wakeling

2022 August

"Written over the course of 14 years, 'the writings' took flight from David Lang's interest in the contrast between 'the dark and philosophical' Book of Ecclesiastes ... accumulating settings of Old Testament texts, with a particular focus on five books from 'The Writings', the third section of the Hebrew Bible ... Cappella Amsterdam conjure a hypnotic sense of balance and clarity, making excellent sense of every subtle shift in mood ... Lang's music is subtle yet affecting in its unsentimental exploration of the human condition, and is met here with a performance of sensitivity and poise".


2022, nr. 66



Sune Anderberg

2022, nr. 66

"Den amerikanske komponist David Langs problem er også hans styrke, og det er egentlig en udfordring, som hele det postminimalistiske miljø står over for. På den ene side er hans musik elegant i sit utvetydige design. Repetitive strukturer, der bevæger sig, men alligevel står bomstille ... På den anden side er det også en musik ... overfodret med en romantisk følsomhed, der ellers lå minimalismen meget fjernt ... "The Writings" udgøres af en håndfuld værker, der er blevet til siden 2005, og alle tager udgangspunkt i gammeltestamentlige tekster ... Man kan ikke ignorere elegancen i David Langs nålestikharmonier og langsomt stigende intensiteter ... Det bliver imidlertid let en selvbekræftende depression, båret frem af den elegiske monotoni".